Pat King's cousin's surgery

Well, my cousin in Seattle finally was cleared for surgery, and had it today. Just got out of recovery a few minutes ago, and was promptly discharged – because that is how our new medical care works now. Anyway, despite having a "significant" blood loss during the surgery, they think her prognosis is good. The "tumor" they excised, was filled with clear fluid – pathology won't come back for another week – so they don't think it's a real tumor, like they first suspected. So, hopefully no cancer.
Anyway, she called me on her way to the pharmacy – to get some pain pills – and asked me to thank all of you for your prayers. She knows God heard and that is why everything went well. So thank you.
I told her I'd keep praying for her until after the path report comes back. So I will. Anyway, thank you all again.
Blessings on your day.

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