FW: CFNA (Christian Friends of New Americans)-- Golf and Dinner with Friends! Register now!

Now's the time to sponsor and/or register for another awesome event at www.cfna-stl.org/golf  Do invite your nongolfing friends to the hospitality hour and dinner.  Hear exciting stories and updates.  Learn more ways to participate in sharing the gospel in word and deed with refugees at this fun event!  


      Tuesday, OCTOBER 9, 2018


Link up with your friends at Norwood Hills Country Club.


10:30 am—Registration 

11:00 am—Lunch 

12:00 pm—18-hole Scramble; Shotgun start

  5:00 pm—Hospitality Hour; Silent Auction

  5:30 pm—Dinner at the Clubhouse; Inspirational speakers


Your participation supports CFNA's ministry to refugees

In the St. Louis area.