Children's Message and Youth Testimonies about the National Youth Gathering
Daily Email: Tuesday, September 13, 2016
4 Hear this, you who trample on the needy
and bring the poor of the land to an end,
5 saying, "When will the new moon be over,
that we may sell grain?
And the Sabbath,
that we may offer wheat for sale,
that we may make the ephah small and the shekel great
and deal deceitfully with false balances,
6 that we may buy the poor for silver
and the needy for a pair of sandals
and sell the chaff of the wheat?"
7 The Lord has sworn by the pride of Jacob:
"Surely I will never forget any of their deeds.
This passage shines a big spotlight on those who are just trying to make a quick buck and those who are only about themselves and making money for themselves. It is deplorable to God. He can't stand it. It disgusts him.
Woe to the person who is only about the money. He will come to a grave end if he does not repent. Very simply put, for those of you who still don't get it, don't make your life all about money. It ain't worth it.
Make your life about caring for people and loving people. Make your life about caring for the poor and those who are less fortunate than you. Use your wealth and your abilities to bring Jesus to the world and the world to Jesus.
There is no gospel, no good news in this passage for the dishonest manager and those who deal falsely. It is all bad news.
Yet, the purpose for this message from God is so that those who are doing these things see their sinfulness and repent. That is what the law does. It causes us to see our sinfulness so that we have no other choice but to turn from our sin and turn to Christ.
If you are a sinner, and all of you reading this today are, repent! Turn from your sin and live forever with Jesus!
Prayer: Lord, if I have been dishonest in my dealing with people show me my sin and make me repent so that I may live in peace with a clear heart and conscience. Amen.
Tues- Quilting 9-2; Trustees 7
Wed- Choir 7pm
Thurs- October Newsletter deadline Karate 6; Medicare for Caregivers 6:30; Pregnancy resource Center meeting at First State Community Bank 7pm; No Lutheranism 101
Fri- 6-12 grade Lock In 10pm; Bible Study at Hendershots 7pm
Sat- Men's breakfast 8am; Lock In ends at 9am; Worship 5pm
Sun- Worship 8:30; Sunday school 9:45; Chapel 11
Acolyte- 8:30- Cierra Figura 11- Cameron Faerber
Ushers- Alan Hofeldt, Tim Linke, Rich Talbert, Don Turnure
Altar- Set up- Linda Callies; Clean Up- Pam Linke
Elders- Sat- Randy Fischer; 8:30- Don Turnure; 11- Charlie Figura
Greeters- 8:30- Allan And Barb Dreyer; 11- Doug and Ruth Walters
Lay Readers- Sat- Sandra Perricone; 8:30- Jennifer Figura; 11- Stephanie Owenby
Piano- Sat- Molly Hendershot
Organist- Rachel Fisher
Projectionists: Sat- Perricone; 8:30- Yoder
4. Bring your own snacks and $5 for pizza and breakfast.
We'll be having breakfast with the youth who come to the lock in, and we'll continue our video study called "Regrets, Reality, Restoration"