St. John's Group Email babysitters can be provided for next Wednesday

We have a very important congregational meeting next Wednesday and it is very important that we get as many folks there as possible, epsecially young families.  Since the meeting will be going from 6:30-9:30 that evening I am working on providing babysitters for anyone who needs one.  They will come to your home.  It would be a regular babysitting thing that hopefully you as parents would be able to pay for, or if the babysiter wishes you can donate the money to the youth group. 
Once again, the more folks we have there for this meeting, the better.  It will be very informational and a learning experience that you can use in your whole life. 
We have quite a few experienced babysitters in our church, so let me know if you need one and I will hook you up!
Peace be with you all!

St. John's Group Email Update on Robyn McNew's brother Ken Meyer

Update on Kenny:


His body can't seem to regulate itself. Hospital is pretty much constantly trying to control his temperature, blood sugar, etc, etc. Yesterday he opened his eyes, but we realized later it was just reflex response. Yesterday, the doctor told us that he was unoptimistic because most people who fully recover would have had a better response by that time. Then again all the nurses and Doctors in ICU have seen miracles. Yesterday, his auto responses improved all day long, but early this morning the fever, shivering, etc. started again and continued all day and evening. A while ago his temp went up to 103 degrees, but was back down to 101.8 within an hour. We just continue to pray and wait and dread the possibility of him never regaining consciousness.





St. John's Group Email National Day of Prayer Food Donation List is COMPLETE!!!

Bob & Sue Ruhl just let me know that they would donate 1 dozen donuts and now the list is complete!  Thanks Bob & Sue!   Terry McKenzie donated the 2nd to last dozen donuts last evening.  Thanks Terry!
Thank you ALL again so much for helping to make our National Day of Prayer Breakfast a success. 
Again, it will be Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 6:30 AM in our church sanctuary overflow area.  The prayer time will follow in the sanctuary.  There will also be time for more fellowship after the service, if you want to stay and visit for awhile.
It has been a great time of fellowship and prayer with our Warrenton neighbors.  Please try to join all of us, you will be glad you did!
I will get in touch with all of the folks that have "pledged" food for that day before the event.  Thank you all.
God's peace on your day and tell someone today about Jesus and why he means so much to you! 
Sandy Robine
Molly Hendershot
Patty Sweet
Your Board of Evangelism & Outreach