19 Open to me the gates of righteousness,
that I may enter through them
and give thanks to the Lord.
20 This is the gate of the Lord;
the righteous shall enter through it.
21 I thank you that you have answered me
and have become my salvation.
22 The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone.[a]
23 This is the Lord's doing;
it is marvelous in our eyes.
24 This is the day that the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
25 Save us, we pray, O Lord!
O Lord, we pray, give us success!
26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
We bless you from the house of the Lord.
27 The Lord is God,
and he has made his light to shine upon us.
Bind the festal sacrifice with cords,
up to the horns of the altar!
28 You are my God, and I will give thanks to you;
you are my God; I will extol you.
29 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
for his steadfast love endures forever!
If there is such a Psalm as a quotable Psalm, this is it. How many of the phrases in this psalm have you heard before? The last verse is the verse my family would pray every night at the end of our evening meal. I don't know how many times I've quoted verse 24.
The verse I want to focus on this morning is verse 25, because it is the verse that is repeated over and over again by the people as Jesus enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. What a joyous occasion it was! Jesus entered as one who was to be the Savior of the world and he left the city doing just that.
In between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday there were some pretty rough days. He got very angry at the money changers in the sanctuary of the temple on Tuesday, arrested on Thursday, and beaten and nailed to a cross on Friday. Yet, he came "in the name of the Lord", and he definitely did what the Lord had sent him to do.
As you move closer and closer to Holy Week and all that it entails, realize that every day is the day that the Lord has made, and every day we can "give thanks to the Lord for he is good and his steadfast love endures forever. But know for certain that the man who rode on a colt into Jerusalem is the same man who rose from the dead the next Sunday, and he is the same man who lives and reigns over heaven and earth today! He loves you! He died on the cross for you. He guides and directs your life today! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest! Praise the Lord!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, bless us as we move toward Jerusalem this week. Help us to remember that you are the same man who died on a cross, rose from the dead and lives and reigns forever and ever, so that we may have true peace. Amen.
Mon- Confirmation 5-6; National Youth Gathering Meeting 6pm
Tues- Primary election day; Council Meeting 7pm
Wed- Church Directory photos begin; Ladies Aid noon; Supper 5:30; Worship 6:30; Choir 7:15
Thurs- photos; Newsletter Dealine (If you want something in the monthly newsletter get it in today!)
Fri- directory photos; Bible study at Hendershots 7pm
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun- Worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school 9:45
Acolyte- Wed- ????? (I need someone to take Kalene's place as she is unable to be there.) 8:30- Lydia Miller 11- George Pezold
Ushers- Wed- Dave Winter, Gary Scott, Lary Schulze, Scott Schulze; Sun- Allan Dreyer, Lew Feldkamp, Kent Jacobsmeyer, Paul Klover
Altar- Wed- Terry McKenzie; Sun Set up- Ruth Walters; Clean up- Pam Linke
Elders- Sat- Randy Fischer; 8:30- Don Turnure; 11- Charlie Figura
Greeters- 8:30- Jim and Vickie McRae; 11- Joan Sexton
Lay Readers- Sat- Marcia Sevier; 8:30- Steve McDowell; 11 - Sandy Robine
Pianist- Sat- Tim Sherman
Organist- Wed and Sun- Rachel Fisher
Projectionists: Sat- Pam Bueltmann 8:30- McKenzie; 11- Hailey Blechle
YESTERDAY'S BIBLE QUIZ: Who saved the Israelite spies in Jericho? What was her occupation? Who is her most famous descendant? Rahab was a prostitute, and Jesus was her most famous descendant. (Good job Don Nolte!)
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