Bike route

If you want to see the bike route I and many others will be taking go to
Have a great day!

Men's breakfast tomorrow morning (Sat) at 8am!!

Come for some pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage and bacon.......   Stay for some learnin' about" How We Got the Bible."
It is always a good time good food, and a good chance to grow in god's Word and get to know some other real Christian men like yourself!
Tomorrow, Saturday, Feb 1, 8am!!!
We are usually done by 9:30 at the latest unless you wanna stick around and do some work. 
Many of you have already let me know you are coming!  If you haven't, please do so ASAP!!

Creation vs. Evolution Debate Tuesday, 2/4 at 6pm at Warrenton Christian Church

I really want you to take a couple hours out of your Tuesday night to go to Warrenton Christian Church and watch the debate between Ken Ham, the founder and director of the Creation Museum, and Bill Nye "The Science Guy" from TV and children's programs. 
It is this coming Tuesday beginning at 6pm!  Make plans to attend!

Pastor is biking 3/4 of the way across Kansas June 10-13

Good morning everyone,
A blessed Friday to all of you. 
As some of you may know I have been supporting CCCS (Children's Christian Concern Society) for many years.   About a year ago they decided to change their name.  The new name for the organization is Lead a Child.  Their website is   Check it out when you have time.
One of the big fundraisers they do every year is the BAK (Bike Across Kansas).  They raise pledges ahead of time and all of the money they raise goes to provide Lutheran schools and Christian education in about 30 third world countries. 
This year I AM GOING TO JOIN THEM FOR PART OF IT.   I will start in Elinwood, KS and go to Hiawatha, KS.  A trek of about 279 miles.   You can check out the route and where we will be each day on the website. 
I am telling you this so that you may support this great cause.  I can't think of any organization that better serves our purpose as Christians of making disciples of all nations.  
Make checks payable to Lead a Child and either send them directly to Lead a Child, or you can give them to me and I will make sure they get to the right place.. 
Have a blessed day!