Abreviated Daily News: VBS EXCITING NEWS

Last night was a total suprise from God!  We had double the amount of kids we normally have for VBS  around 120 all together!!  How exciting is that? 
It did provide some challenges with food, crafts, scheduling, and staffing, but these are certainly wonderful challenges to have!
We could use some help the rest of the week to deal with all of the extra kids.  Extra helpers in the kitchen, with crafts, and with just herding kids from one station to another would be helpful.  Just show up around 4:30 to help!!!
Also monetary donations to offset the food costs and the cost of the water truck coming today at 1pm would also be appreciated. 
Lastly, if anyone has a kiddie pool that they could donate by 12:30 TODAY, that would be awesome!!  Please just bring it to the pavillion at church. 
God has sure been good to us and we want to "make the most of every opportunity"!!! 
See you all tonight!!!