Fwd: March newsletter

Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S®4 Active™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Denise Schlesselman <denise.schlesselman@lcmsintl.org>
Date: 04/01/2016 2:10 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Callies <lindacallies@centurylink.net>, Fuchs <txpartnersmfuchs@aol.com>, Adams <badams001@centurytel.com>, Allwardts <rallwardt@sbcglobal.net>, Angie <akeizor@yahoo.com>, Anne Scheiwe <sparty_fan@hotmail.com>, Baldwin <bkbaldwin@hotmail.com>, Baranzini <BaranziniAssociatesLLC@cox.net>, Barbara Schlichting <barbara579@centurytel.net>, Bauers SJ <bauersj47@yahoo.com>, Becky Zelt <flatrockoffice@eawifi.com>, Bill Bickel <billbickel1020@gmail.com>, Blackard <ndgrumpy@hotmail.com>, Boegers <lois.boeger@gmail.com>, Boria Jeanette <glory657@yahoo.com>, Boxdorfer <dboxdor706@aol.com>, Brandes <sherry137@centurytel.net>, Brandts <brandt.john@sbcglobal.net>, Brewsters <email@brewster.ws>, Brittons <davidpaulbritton@gmail.com>, Bruce Wall <bwall@campluther.org>, Carrell <jcarrell1@sbcglobal.net>, Chapel of the Cross <office@chapelofthecrosslutheran.org>, Christ Lutheran Church <cstortz@clnorfolk.org>, Christians <revdmc2@juno.com>, Cindy Goebel <cgoebel01@gmail.com>, Coomers <mcoomer341@yahoo.com>, Cooper Steven <stevenlcooper@mindspring.com>, Dieckmann <dieckmannsharon@gmail.com>, Don Nolte <B4eon@aol.com>, Dreyer <abdreyer81@gmail.com>, Elliotts <krista.s.elliott@gmail.com>, Enge Jennifer <jenge@amelith.org>, Erickson Ralph <smarsfarm@yahoo.com>, Feldkamp <bfeldkamp@vlhs.com>, Feldkamps <difeldkamp@yahoo.com>, Ferber <rlferber@mac.com>, Ferbers <rjferber@mac.com>, Fiala <rf@rfiala.org>, Fruend <fruendj@umsl.edu>, FruendER <efruend14@msn.com>, Gaines <gain62@centurylink.net>, Gerdes <Dgerdes@messiahnetwork.org>, Gibbs <reneegibbs@sbcglobal.net>, Goelz <jlighthaus@aol.com>, Gregorys <sjgregory@charter.net>, Hachtels <johnhachtel@centurytel.net>, Hendershot <hendershotmolly@gmail.com>, Henry Sarah <jashenry323@yahoo.com>, Herbolsheimer <pherbolsheimer@att.net>, Herbolsheimer <sjaherbol@mac.com>, Hines Mary <mmsthines@frontier.com>, Kahler Dawn <kahlerm@aol.com>, Kang Joann <joann1208@gmail.com>, Kip&Ivy <kipandivy@tsms.org>, Klaustermeier <revklaus@hotmail.com>, Kraenzlein <judy@kraenzlein.com>, Krieger <barbgeokrieger@yahoo.com>, Kuerschner <dave.kuerschner@lcef.org>, Lehenbauers <PSa23v6@aol.com>, Liebichs <revliebich@naples.net>, Linn Bruce <blinn357@hotmail.com>, Marsh <dandjmarsh@hotmail.com>, Martys <larrymarty21@gmail.com>, Mays <mikejamiemay@gmail.com>, McGlothin Wilma <Wilma.Mcglothlin@redcross.org>, McKenzie <mckenzieterry@yahoo.com>, Meddaughs <shesquilting@chartermi.net>, Meyers Lisa <lmeyers@vlhs.com>, Montgomery <amontgomery79@hotmail.com>, Muellers <joyful_202@hotmail.com>, Mugler Sonja <sonjamugler@charter.net>, Nichols <kobi_44@yahoo.com>, Opels <edcor@charter.net>, Orandos <bennerbutt@yahoo.com>, Panhorsts <a_panhorst@yahoo.com>, Pfabe <jerry.pfabe@cune.edu>, Phillips <jphillips1080@yahoo.com>, Rathje <jrathje62@gmail.com>, Rode <mrode@princeofpeaceanaheim.org>, Rosenbooms <lsboom2@gmail.com>, Rummel <karenrummel@delta.edu>, Scheiwe <wascheiwe@charter.net>, Schendel Lis & John <ljschend@charter.net>, Schleicher <dimples970@aol.com>, Schroeder Diane <literacy05@gmail.com>, The Luebkes <lucilleluebke@yahoo.com>, The Rahns <jmrahn58@yahoo.com>, The Robines <snsrobine@centurytel.net>, Voss Gail <gailvoss@swbell.net>, Wachter <kwachter@hcross.com>, Waters <watersk1979@yahoo.com>, Wendy Scheiwe <wscheiwe@yahoo.com>, Wiecks <wflautist42@yahoo.com>, Wilkens <libbywilken@yahoo.com>, Witek Cheryl <cwitek2@live.com>, Zill <szill@vlhs.com>
Cc: Bauer <nkbauer2003@yahoo.com>, Bratkowski <ebratkowski@ucityschools.org>, Bruick <scott.bruick@stjohnseward.org>, Buechner <jenny.buechner.7@facebook.com>, Burgess <ckoehn@trinitylcms.org>, Busacker <wbusacker@immanuelloveland.org>, Crowder <crowderphoto@mac.com>, Decker <deck40ed@yahoo.com>, Guenther <dguenther@vlhs.com>, Hilgendorf <gemar64@yahoo.com>, Knapp <revknapp@gmail.com>, Koenig <koenigdmfh@gmail.com>, Loesel <candl@thebigpond.com>, Roekle <troekle@juno.com>, Schreur <seschreu@hotmail.com>, Siebold <jeannes@centurylink.net>, Snyder <fredthirdman@aol.com>, Staude <cstaude@sbcglobal.net>, Tessin <obiwonquigon@yahoo.com>, tnarbyort@comcast.net, "Uffelmann Dr." <Janell.Uffelman@cune.edu>, Whybrew <zionrev@comcast.net>, Wings <mycarbon@hotmail.com>
Subject: March newsletter

 I hope you're all having a wonderful first day of April. Hopefully nobody has played any mean jokes on you. Thank you for your continued support. Here is my newsletter.

Fwd: The Voice of Missouri E-Newsletter

Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S®4 Active™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Missouri District LCMS <movoice@mo.lcms.org>
Date: 04/01/2016 8:57 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: revklaus@hotmail.com
Subject: The Voice of Missouri E-Newsletter

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Missouri District Adds New Staff

The Missouri District is blessed to have two new team members join our staff on today. Alan Freeman and Michelle Christ.  Read more . . .


Highlights from Historic Trinity, St. Louis' Easter Activities

First Communion on Palm Sunday at Historic Trinity, St. Louis, brought to the altar young confirmands along with their parents and mentors who took part in the confirmation class preparation leading to this occasion. Vacancy pastor Rev. Steve Albers and DCE Andrea Roettger distribute the elements to the youth communing for the first time.  Click here to view the photo gallery of  more of Trinity's Easter Activities . . .


Students Collect 5,000 t-shirts for Uganda

When the Student Council at Lutheran High School, St. Charles planned a t-shirt drive to collect t-shirts for people in Uganda, Principal Jon Bernhardt challenged the student body to collect 10 shirts for every one brought in by the teachers.  Read more . . .


Please join us as we pioneer with your participation at the First Synod Prison Ministry Conference for District Coordinators, Representatives or anyone involved in Prison Ministry for each of our Districts of the LCMS. Office of National Mission Specialized Pastoral Ministry and the Southern Illinois District Prison Ministry Task Force are hosting this Conference at Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, Illinois, on April 29 - 30, 2016.

Registration Forms can be accessed online through the Southern Illinois District-LCMS website. Go to ( www.sidlcms.org) and click on Forms/Registration. Space is limited. For any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Rev. Jim Rivett at (618) 694-4825, email: jimrivett65@yahoo.com or Rev. Dr. Jeffery Nehrt at (618) 292-4392, email: redeemer@newwavecomm.net.   Read more . . .


Announcements/Other News

Missouri Delegates to the 2016 Synod Convention
*You must register online before Monday, April 11, 2016. Click here to register!

Upcoming Missouri District Event in conjunction with Ambassadors of Reconciliation
We are pleased to announce that the Missouri District will be hosting a new training course from Ambassadors of Reconciliation on April 16 at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Wentzville. Click HERE for more information and to register.

Elder's Training Conference

Join us down at the Lake for the 2016 Elders Retreat at Heit's Point, May 13-14, 2016.
The retreat with the theme "Pastors & Elders as Partners" is designed to strengthen the bond between pastors and elders through Bible study, presentations and discussions. The retreat will also focus heavily on "Healthy Servants." Pastors and elders will leave with practical applications for their work together.

Weekend Facilitators are:



President Lee Hagan    Rev. Gene Wyssmann,

                                                        Missouri District Assistant
                                                        to the President Family Life & Youth,
                                                        Congregational Health

You can register by calling 660-668-2363 or CLICK HERE to download the flyer/registration form.

Missouri District Lutheran Jr High Retreat
The Missouri District Spring Jr. High Retreat is this coming weekend, April 1-3 with the theme, "Delivered," focused on the Lord's Prayer. Psalm 50:15 (ESV) "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me." Our presenter is Rev. Jeffrey Meinz, who grew up in Farmington, Mo. Registration is now open, and more information can be found  HERE.

LASE's Designer Bag Auction to Help Children with Special Education Needs

The St. Louis-based Lutheran Association for Special Education (LASE) will host one of its most popular annual fundraisers, "Let's Get Purse-onal," Friday, April 8, from 7 to 9 p.m., at The Edge of Webster, 359 Marshall Ave., in Webster Groves. Click here for more information.

Village Lutheran Church of Ladue, MO will mark its 70th anniversary on Sunday, April 10, 10:45 with a service involving the former pastors of the congregation. A reception will follow in which the pastors will offer words of remembrance. All are invited to join Village in celebrating 70 years of Christ's blessings. Click here for more information.

Lutheran Day at Busch Stadium is April 17!

Join us at 1:15 p.m. on April 17 for Lutheran Day at Busch Stadium! See the St. Louis Cardinals take on the Cincinnati Reds while sitting with the Lutheran community and supporting Lutheran North and Lutheran South. Tickets are $30 each, with a face value of $58. The first 30,000 fans 16 and older receive an adult replica Yadier Molina home white jersey. All kids, ages 15 and younger, will receive a free ticket voucher valid for select 2016 home games. Purchase your tickets

Lutheran Singles Ministry Retreat
April 8-10, 2016
Saint Paul Lutheran High School in Concordia, MO Hosted by: Saint Paul Lutheran High School & Lutheran Singles Ministry Planning Committee
Click HERE for brochure/registration form.

Engaging Millennials, Encouraging Leadership
Presented by Send Me St. Louis amd Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis

Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Time: 9 am-11:30 am
Location: Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens
8749 Watson Rd.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Register Today at: www.SendMeStLouis.org

CLICK HERE for informational flyer.

2016 Heartland DCE Conference
DCEs and other parish professionals who are interested in enhancing the intentionality and effectiveness of Christian education in the church are invited to attend the 2016 Heartland DCE Conference at Concordia University, Nebraska from May 19-21. Keynote speakers include Dr. Thom Rainer, Thom and Joani Schultz and Dr. Phil Schwadel. Registration is $100. Go to www.cune.edu/heartlandDCE for more information.

2016 LWML Missouri District Convention

Dates: June 3-5, 2016
Location: Osage Center, Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Theme: God's Love Spans the Centuries, based on Matthew 28:20b
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
CLICK HERE for more information.

Registration is now open for Crusader Summer Academy at Lutheran North, and Lancer Summer Camps at Lutheran South! Kids can participate in camps related to sports, enrichment, and education, led by Lutheran teachers and coaches who are trained in first aid and CPR. Call 314-389-3100 or click here for more information on Crusader Summer Academy (available June 6-24) or call 314-631-1400 or click here for more information on Lancer Summer Camps (available May 31-July 1)!

Concordia Plan Services (CPS) is proud to announce it is expanding its executive management team to include a newly-created role for a Vice President of Products and Services. The position will provide leadership for CPS' existing physical and financial well being product teams, partner closely with our Employer Resources division and lead efforts to shape a new line of resources for all of our ministries. This position reports to our CEO. Click here for more information.

District and Church Events
          ( Go and Be Reconciled: What Does This Mean?, Elder's Training Conference and  National Youth   Gathering 
Installations and Ordinations
Personnel Changes and Calling Congregations
LCMS Missouri District News             
              (Send Me St. Louis Announces Winter/Spring Training Schedule)
