Fwd: January newsletter

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-------- Original message --------
From: Denise Schlesselman <denise.schlesselman@lcmsintl.org>
Date: 2016/02/01 5:45 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Callies <lindacallies@centurylink.net>, Fuchs <txpartnersmfuchs@aol.com>, Adams <badams001@centurytel.com>, Allwardts <rallwardt@sbcglobal.net>, Angie <akeizor@yahoo.com>, Anne Scheiwe <sparty_fan@hotmail.com>, Baldwin <bkbaldwin@hotmail.com>, Baranzini <BaranziniAssociatesLLC@cox.net>, Barbara Schlichting <barbara579@centurytel.net>, Bauers SJ <bauersj47@yahoo.com>, Becky Zelt <flatrockoffice@eawifi.com>, Bill Bickel <billbickel1020@gmail.com>, Blackard <ndgrumpy@hotmail.com>, Boegers <lois.boeger@gmail.com>, Boria Jeanette <glory657@yahoo.com>, Boxdorfer <dboxdor706@aol.com>, Brandes <sherry137@centurytel.net>, Brandts <brandt.john@sbcglobal.net>, Brewsters <email@brewster.ws>, Brittons <davidpaulbritton@gmail.com>, Bruce Wall <bwall@campluther.org>, Carrell <jcarrell1@sbcglobal.net>, Chapel of the Cross <office@chapelofthecrosslutheran.org>, Christ Lutheran Church <cstortz@clnorfolk.org>, Christians <revdmc2@juno.com>, Cindy Goebel <cgoebel01@gmail.com>, Coomers <mcoomer341@yahoo.com>, Cooper Steven <stevenlcooper@mindspring.com>, Dieckmann <dieckmannsharon@gmail.com>, Don Nolte <B4eon@aol.com>, Dreyer <abdreyer81@gmail.com>, Elliotts <krista.s.elliott@gmail.com>, Enge Jennifer <jenge@amelith.org>, Erickson Ralph <smarsfarm@yahoo.com>, Feldkamp <bfeldkamp@vlhs.com>, Feldkamps <difeldkamp@yahoo.com>, Ferber <rlferber@mac.com>, Ferbers <rjferber@mac.com>, Fiala <rf@rfiala.org>, Fruend <fruendj@umsl.edu>, FruendER <efruend14@msn.com>, Gaines <gain62@centurylink.net>, Gerdes <Dgerdes@messiahnetwork.org>, Gibbs <reneegibbs@sbcglobal.net>, Goelz <jlighthaus@aol.com>, Gregorys <sjgregory@charter.net>, Hachtels <johnhachtel@centurytel.net>, Hendershot <hendershotmolly@gmail.com>, Henry Sarah <jashenry323@yahoo.com>, Herbolsheimer <pherbolsheimer@att.net>, Herbolsheimer <sjaherbol@mac.com>, Hines Mary <mmsthines@frontier.com>, Kahler Dawn <kahlerm@aol.com>, Kang Joann <joann1208@gmail.com>, Kip&Ivy <kipandivy@tsms.org>, Klaustermeier <revklaus@hotmail.com>, Kraenzlein <judy@kraenzlein.com>, Krieger <barbgeokrieger@yahoo.com>, Kuerschner <dave.kuerschner@lcef.org>, Lehenbauers <PSa23v6@aol.com>, Liebichs <revliebich@naples.net>, Linn Bruce <blinn357@hotmail.com>, Marsh <dandjmarsh@hotmail.com>, Martys <larrymarty21@gmail.com>, Mays <mikejamiemay@gmail.com>, McGlothin Wilma <Wilma.Mcglothlin@redcross.org>, McKenzie <mckenzieterry@yahoo.com>, Meddaughs <shesquilting@chartermi.net>, Meyers Lisa <lmeyers@vlhs.com>, Montgomery <amontgomery79@hotmail.com>, Muellers <joyful_202@hotmail.com>, Mugler Sonja <sonjamugler@charter.net>, Nichols <kobi_44@yahoo.com>, Opels <edcor@charter.net>, Orandos <bennerbutt@yahoo.com>, Panhorsts <a_panhorst@yahoo.com>, Pfabe <jerry.pfabe@cune.edu>, Phillips <jphillips1080@yahoo.com>, Rathje <jrathje62@gmail.com>, Rode <mrode@princeofpeaceanaheim.org>, Rosenbooms <lsboom2@gmail.com>, Rummel <karenrummel@delta.edu>, Scheiwe <wascheiwe@charter.net>, Schendel Lis & John <ljschend@charter.net>, Schleicher <dimples970@aol.com>, Schroeder Diane <literacy05@gmail.com>, The Luebkes <lucilleluebke@yahoo.com>, The Rahns <jmrahn58@yahoo.com>, The Robines <snsrobine@centurytel.net>, Voss Gail <gailvoss@swbell.net>, Wachter <kwachter@hcross.com>, Waters <watersk1979@yahoo.com>, Wendy Scheiwe <wscheiwe@yahoo.com>, Wiecks <wflautist42@yahoo.com>, Wilkens <libbywilken@yahoo.com>, Witek Cheryl <cwitek2@live.com>, Zill <szill@vlhs.com>
Cc: Bauer <nkbauer2003@yahoo.com>, Bratkowski <ebratkowski@ucityschools.org>, Bruick <scott.bruick@stjohnseward.org>, Buechner <jenny.buechner.7@facebook.com>, Burgess <ckoehn@trinitylcms.org>, Busacker <wbusacker@immanuelloveland.org>, Crowder <crowderphoto@mac.com>, Decker <deck40ed@yahoo.com>, Guenther <dguenther@vlhs.com>, Hilgendorf <gemar64@yahoo.com>, Knapp <revknapp@gmail.com>, Koenig <koenigdmfh@gmail.com>, Loesel <candl@thebigpond.com>, Roekle <troekle@juno.com>, Schreur <seschreu@hotmail.com>, Siebold <jeannes@centurylink.net>, Snyder <fredthirdman@aol.com>, Staude <cstaude@sbcglobal.net>, Tessin <obiwonquigon@yahoo.com>, tnarbyort@comcast.net, "Uffelmann Dr." <Janell.Uffelman@cune.edu>, Whybrew <zionrev@comcast.net>, Wings <mycarbon@hotmail.com>
Subject: January newsletter

I hope you are all doing well. The weather here in the Czech Republic is not very wintry.   Please enjoy my newsletter. Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. It makes it possible for me to be here. 

Sermon from yesterday 1/31/16

 Watch it and share it with someone who needs to hear about Christ's love!

Family Night Canceled for Tonight

Due to illness among many off our regular Family Night Attendees, and yours truly, we are going to cancel Family Night for tonight.  It will resume after Lent in April.  

Have a blessed day!

The Voice of Missouri Weekly E-Newsletter

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The Missouri District is very excited about our new additional efforts to communicate with you. In addition to our current website, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn communications, we are expanding to include the following:
  • Weekly Voice of Missouri e-newsletter (The Voice of Missouri will no longer be a quarterly, printed and mailed newspaper)
  • Monthly extended printable version of the Voice of Missouri e-newsletter
  • Monthly District Newsnotes (important Missouri District wide related news/announcements and events) that will be sent to church offices to be placed in the church's newsletters/bulletins and/or website.
This is the fourth edition of the new weekly Voice of Missouri e-newsletter. It will be e-mailed weekly on a Friday. We hope you enjoy it!

Retired School Administrators Recognized

At the Missouri District Mid-year Administrators' Conference on Friday, January 22 four administrators were recognized as they are retiring at the end of the 2015-16 school year. Read more...
New Americans Who Love to Sing
By Judith Meyer, Timothy Lutheran Church and Christian Friends of New American's

                                                  Betty Mulat. 1st row, 2nd from right Diana Wulu. 2nd row, 2nd from right

Betty Mulat, born in the Sudan, and Diana Wulu, who was born in Liberia, are both juniors at Lutheran High School South, St. Louis. They have been singing in school choirs since they both attended Word of Life Lutheran School, and now are members of the elite Lancer Singers of Lutheran South. Both are CFNA scholarship students.  Read more . . .

Transfiguration Is The Focus of Feb. 7 Bach at the Sem Concert
Program features three cantatas

The upcoming Bach at the Sem concert at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis has as its theme the person of Christ, true God and true Man, with whom Christians journey in the coming season of Lent.
The third concert of the 23rd season will begin at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 7, in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the campus of Concordia Seminary with a selection of works by J.S. Bach performed by the American Kantorei under Music Director Dr. Maurice Boyer.  Read more . . .  

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League of the Missouri District's 24th Biennial Convention will be held June 3-5 in Cape Girardeau, Mo.  The theme for this convention is "God's Love Spans the Centuries". Click here for additional information and to register to attend.
Announcements/Other News

The LCMS Foundation is taking applications for two paid internship opportunities for college students (Business Intern and Legal Intern). The LCMS Foundation sees these internships as a way to expose people to the work of the LCMS at the national level and to increase awareness of the LCMS Foundation and their work in charitable gift planning and congregational endowment/investment management. At the same time, with the Lord's blessing and guidance, they also hope to use these experiences to help raise up the next generation of leaders in the church. Please click on the below job titles for details on the positions and how to apply.

Business Intern
Legal Intern

Bringing Faith to life in living color through live painting performances is the original goal of Mike Lewis, The Jesus Painter, whose organization will be sharing his gifts and talents at a live performance at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Washington on Friday, March 18th at 7 PM. Read more . . .

District and Church Events
          ( Peer Ministry Training for High School Students, Missouri District Junior High Spring Retreat, National Youth Gathering and
           RSTM: Engaging Your Community Event)

Installations and Ordinations
Personnel Changes and Calling Congregations
LCMS Missouri District News             
              (Send Me St. Louis Announces Winter/Spring Training Schedule)





Daily Email: Monday, February 1, 2016

DEVOTION: Psalm 99

The Lord reigns,
    let the nations tremble;
he sits enthroned between the cherubim,
    let the earth shake.
Great is the Lord in Zion;
    he is exalted over all the nations.
Let them praise your great and awesome name
    he is holy.

The King is mighty, he loves justice
    you have established equity;
in Jacob you have done
    what is just and right.
Exalt the Lord our God
    and worship at his footstool;
    he is holy.

Moses and Aaron were among his priests,
    Samuel was among those who called on his name;
they called on the Lord
    and he answered them.
He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud;
    they kept his statutes and the decrees he gave them.

Lord our God,
    you answered them;
you were to Israel a forgiving God,
    though you punished their misdeeds.[a]
Exalt the Lord our God
    and worship at his holy mountain,

    for the Lord our God is holy.  

Did you catch verse 8, especially the part that says, "you were to Israel a forgiving God, though you punished their misdeeds."  God is just and he isn't going to let the misdeeds of his creation go unchecked.  Imagine if you never scolded your child after you told him not to run out into the parking lot.  He'd keep doing it and eventually get hit by a car.  

If the Lord doesn't discipline us as we need, we will continue in our sin and eventually lose our faith because of it, causing us to lose our eternal life in paradise.  He doesn't want that for us.  he wants us to be with him forever.  

Make no mistake,, he doesn't enjoy it when his children suffer.  He doesn't take joy in giving us the consequences we deserve.  He would rather that we stay away from sin all together.  Yet, he knows that we still will.  That is why he is a "forgiving God".  He forgave us for the sake of His Son, Jesus, because he knew we would never be free from sin on our own.  Because Jesus took on our punishment willingly and perfectly, and because He suffered the penalty of hell and died for us, the Lord God, our good Father, canceled our debt.  

He is our good, good Father. and we are loved and forgiven by Him!  There is no better relationship than that!  Trust in that relationship today!

Prayer: Lord, bless us to know that you are our good Father who, at times, must discipline us because you love us that much.  We ask you to discipline us ass we need so that we may not be disqualified for the eternal prize.  Amen. 

Mon- Confirmation 5-6:15; Family Night 6:15-7:30
Tues-  Quilting 9-2; "Christianity the First Three Centuries" video series 11:30-12:15
Wed- Choir 7pm

Sat-  worship 5pm
Sun- Worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school 9:45; SCRIP ORDERS DUE


Acolyte-  8:30- Zack Hoelscher; 11- Hannah Johnson

Ushers-  Don Hance, Rich Boeger, Doug Walters, Don Tate

Altar- Set up- Lucille Luebke; Clean up- Terry McKenzie

Elders- Sat- Jason Cluver; 8:30- Roy Bohning; 11- Randy Sweet

Greeters- 8:30- Don and Donna Sherman; 11- Randy and Patty Sweet

Lay readers- Sat- Sandra Perricone; 8:30-  Roy Bohning; 11 -  Randy Sweet

Sat. Pianist- Kathy Barrow

Sun 11am pianist- Molly Hendershot

Organist-  Rachel Fisher

Projectionists:  Sat- Tony and Sandra Perricone 8:30-  Sarah Cluver; 11- Hannah Johnson

YESTERDAY'S  BIBLE QUIZ:   How did Moses (God through Moses) make the bitter water sweet?

The Lord showed him a piece of wood and Moses threw it in the water and the water became sweet.  (Thanks Don Nolte!!)

TODAY'S QUIZ: From whom did Moses get most of the materials for the tabernacle?
If you haven't got your order in yet, please do so Sunday, and make sure you include a check or cash with your order!!  Whatever percentage you see next to the store from which you order a gift card is the amount of money we receive.  

If you buy $200 worth of gift cards we could get anywhere between $5 and $20 in free money!!  What a great way to support your family/church!!  
We had close to 60 new members present (about 2/3 of those on the list.), plus several of our elders, our board of stewardship, and our board of outreach!  

Please introduce yourself to people you don't know when you see them at church. They are part of your family as you are both brothers and sisters in Christ!

I just wish I felt better so I could've enjoyed it more (especially the food).  Thanks for putting up with me in my weakened condition everyone!
Tickets are $25 a piece.  All proceeds go to help our youth afford their trip down to New Orleans for the National Youth Gathering as well as do many other service projects and youth events.
Sign the sheet in the narthex if you are interested in a two day trip to Branson on April 16 and 17.  Cost will be around #300 per person.  The itinerary for Saturday upon arrival in Branson is to head to the College of the Ozarks (a.k.a. Hard Work U) for a tour led by a college student.  . From there we will go to do a self guided tour of the Keeter Museum.  Saturday evening we will go to the Sight and Sound Theater for "Moses".  This is the first year for "Moses" in Branson.  Watch the February newsletter for more details.  There will be a surprise for Sunday.  We are running out of time, so please, if you know your friends want to go, sign up quickly as deposits need to be made and tickets purchased.  Remember, the more people we get to go the cheaper it is for all.
It is hanging on the bulletin board in the narthex.  Sign up if you wish to place flowers on the altar!  If it is for a special occasion (in memory of loved one, birthday, anniversary, etc.) please indicate that as well.  Cost is $25 payable to St. John's. 
If you know of someone who isn't currently receiving my daily emails but would like to, please reply to this email with their email address and I will add them to the list.  THANK YOU!
You can also do individual size cups.
(Remember this is for the poor and needy children of our community and county that often receive two breakfast and lunch at school, and have very little or no food at home.)
 For RUTH WALTERS as she recovers from knee replacement surgery.

For PASTOR KLAUSTERMEIER as he tries to recover from bronchitis (and who knows what else.)
For PASTOR MCCRACKEN, from Trinity in Troy, who is on a two month leave to heal from cancer treatments.
For PASTOR PIPER, from St. Paul, New Melle, as he recovers from a heart attack he had while running a 5K in Florida.
For THOSE DEALING WITH FLOODING PROBLEMS in the days and weeks ahead, that the Lord would provide for their needs, and use us, if need be, to help. 
For DENISE SCHLESSELMANN as she is in need of more funding to continue her mission work in the Czech Republic.

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