DEVOTION: ... The heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil. Ecclesiastes 8:11b
You've heard the question: if a tree falls in the woods and there is no one there to hear the sound, does it still make a noise?
Yup. It does.
How do I know? I put a tape recorder in the woods.
Here's a new question. If a man robs a bank but forgets to take the money with him, has he still committed a crime?
Yup. He has. I know because the law says anyone who "attempts to take any property, money, or thing of value in the care or custody of a bank has broken the law."
Just for the record, you should know this last question is not hypothetical. Recently, a man entered a Michigan Avenue bank in Chicago and told the clerk he was carrying a bomb. He handed a bag to the teller and demanded she fill it up. She started to do as asked, but the robber turned around and left before she could give back the bag.
Now here's where the story becomes pertinent for us.
There are times when all of us think about committing a sin. We think about it, but we don't put that particular sin into action. So, even though the sin hasn't been actively committed, is it still a sin?
Yup. It is. Like Ecclesiastes says, "the heart of the children of men is fully set to do evil."
That sinful nature, that corrupt heart, is part of all of us, which is why we need a Savior.
We need a Savior whose heart was pure and innocent, a Savior whose will was always aligned with that of the Heavenly Father, a Savior who could resist every temptation.
We have that Savior in the Person of Jesus. He has done all that we could not do. And, in so doing, He has managed to forgive our sins, change our eternal home and, by the Holy Spirit's power, create in us clean hearts.
And that, dear friends, is cause for our hearts to give thanks.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, my heart thinks of sin, relishes sin, and occasionally shows its sin in action. For all I have done wrong, I offer a plea for forgiveness. For all the Savior has done right, I offer a song of praise. In Jesus' Name, I give thanks for my salvation. Amen. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TODAY'S QUIZ: Name one thing that Proverbs says about having money or wealth. (Provide the chapter and verse.)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CATECHISM: 2nd article: I beleive in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. he descended into hell. the third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence he will come to judge the living and the deadQuestion: What does this mean?Answer: I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Fathe from eternity, and also true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord, who has redeemed me a lost and condemned person, purchased and won me from all sin, from death, and from the power of the devil; not with gold or silver but with His holy precious blood and His innocent suffering and death, that I may be Hisown and live under Him in His kingdom and serve Him in everlasting rightteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity. THis is most certainly true. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CALENDAR: Wed- Meeting for those going on the Indiana mission trip 7pmThurs- nothingFri- assemble newsletter 9amSat- worship 5pmSun- worship 9; Sunday school and Bible class 10:15; worship 11am__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
NEWS: SUNDAY WORSHIP TIME FOR THE EARLY SERVICE WILL CHANGE ON JULY 1 to 8:30am!!!The voters approved the continuation of the 11am service and to move the early service time to 8:30 beginning July 1, to provide more time in between services for Bible class and Sunday school.
Let's continue to praise the Lord wherever we are! God is good ALL THE TIME, and all the time GOD IS GOOD!
_______________________________________________________________________________________________MONEY GIFT SURVEYA survey has been placed in your mailboxes to ask your opinion as to how to spend the remainder of a trust we received a few months ago for $140,000. Please fill them out and place them in the box provided by this Sunday, May 27, so that we can take care of this matter in a timely and God pleasing manner!
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________NEW MEMBER LUNCHEON WILL BE ON SUNDAY, JUNE 10 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE LATE SERVICE.All of our new members are invited as guests!!!
All of our other, long term members, are asked to join us and to bring a dish to share!!!
This will be a wonderful time to get to know each other and to join together in fun and fellowship!
Please sign up on the sign up sheet on the counter in the narthex.
WIDOW'S GROUP TO START JUNE 10!!!Did you know that there are close to 30 widows in our congregation? Wouldn't it be great if they all got together to enjoy one another's company, to support each other, and to pray for each other? Evelyn Sherman is starting a widow's SOCIAL TIME at her house beginning June 10 at 1:30pm. Please call her at 456-4734 if you want to join this group at their first time together. This is for widows only!! Her address 1504 Angela Ct. in Warrenton.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL WILL BE JULY 16-20!!! 5:30-8pm each night!!! Our theme is going to be "Jump In with Jesus" We will review and learn about some of the many Bible stories that take place in and around water.
Mark your calendars today to attend and to help out if you are able! This is a great fellowship and growing time for all who get involved!!!
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CAMP, FLOAT, OR FEAST TRIP ON JUNE 22-24Our fellowship group is planning a float trip for June 22-24!!! Mark your calendars now! You can just come for the Saturday evening meal or to camp, or you can just come for the float trip on Sunday morning. Or you can do ALL THREE! It is all up to you! If you have any questions at all, please call Teresa Scott at 636-359-0274 or email her at!!
__________________________________________________________________________________________________THE CHURCH DIRECTORY WILL BE UPDATED THIS SUMMERIf you have a new address or phone number please, please, please call Marilyn and let her know. Or just reply to this email and I will get her the corrected info!! Thank you!!
______________________________________________________________________________________________________MISSION AND SERVICE TRIP TO SOUTHERN INDIANA AND NORTHERN KENTUCKY JULY 8-14There is still room for just about anyone to go!!! You need to be 14 years old or be accompanied by a parent.
Please call Pastor at 359-1061 if you want to go! It is going to be a great time.
Accomodations will be a Best Western while we are there.
We are going to be working hard to clean up and repair many people's homes throughout the week!! NO SLACKERS OR LAZY PEOPLE NEED APPLY! There will be plenty for everyone to do regardless of skill level or ability! I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO SIGN UP TODAY!!!!
ALPHA CLASS EVERY TUESDAY AT 6:30 PM!!!All are welcome to join us every Tuesday to learn more about our own faith, to learn about the world around us, and to grow in the Spirit and in fellowship with each other.
STEWARDSHIP SPOLIGHT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY IS LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF AND HUMAN CARE Lutheran World Relief is often the first to arrive when disaster strikes in this country and around the world. If you care to donate to this cause make your checks payable to St John's and clearly makr the designated envelope for Lutheran World Relief. As always these donations should be over and above your normal tithes and offerings.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PRAYERS:For the FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF MARGIE GLASTETTER, Marcella Linke's mother, as she passed from death ot life last Thursday evening.
For PAM BROWN who fractured her back on Saturday, she is recovering at Progress West and should be able to go home this week.
For KARIN KLAUSTERMEIER'S DAD, BOB LAMPEN, who has finished his radiation treatments and is now awaiting chemo treatments that will begin on May 30.
For CAROLINE BUELTMANN who is recovering at her daughter's home from some heart troubles and is doing much better.
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is undergoing more treatments for cancer.
For DOLORES DEBLAZE as she deals with chemo treatments for stage four lung cancer.
For JEANETTE KOEHLER who is recovering well at the Cedars.
For JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, who is improving well and is gaining strength as he deals with his cancer.