St. John's Group Email prayer request from Toni Mauch

I just got a msg from Kia that she is on her way to the ER.  She is having chest pains and difficulty breathing.  Please pray for her.   
Toni  Mauch
Branch Office Administrator
Edward Jones
611 Salt Lick Road
St Peters, MO  63376
(636) 978-9665
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St. John's Group Email Monday, September 26, 2011

Jesus said) "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

Dakota Meyer.

I hope you remember his name.

When his buddies were pinned down in Afghanistan, he asked for permission to go in and get them. He was told it was too dangerous. He asked a second time, a third and a fourth. Each time he was told it was too dangerous.

After the fourth ask, Meyer went in anyway. He says, "That's what brothers do for each other." Firing at the enemy from a Humvee, Meyer and his driver were the targets for fire from AK-47s, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and mortars. When they came across some Afghan fighters, they loaded them up and got them to safety.

Although he and his comrade had done all -- and more -- than anyone could expect, they went back in. Meyer said, "I didn't think I was going to die. I knew I was going to die." Well, he didn't die the second time they entered the kill zone -- nor the third, or the fourth or the fifth. By the time they managed to get to the four Americans who had been pinned down, they had been killed. Even so, Meyer risked his life bringing out their bodies.

For his valor, Dakota Meyer has been given the Medal of Honor. One of the guests at the White House ceremony said he is "the epitome of the word, 'hero.' God bless him. I could not think of a finer thing for one human being to do for another than what he did."

I almost agree.

I say almost because I can think of something finer. While the Bible says, "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends," Jesus gave up His life for those who despised Him, had plotted against Him, had betrayed Him and orchestrated His death.

But there's more. Jesus died carrying the sins of every man, woman and child who ever lived. Indeed, He died carrying our sins.

And while I am glad that Dakota Meyer was wrong -- and he lived -- for Jesus there was no such hope. The prophets had spoken of His death, and His own Father had said His innocent Son would pay the ransom price for our salvation.

Greater love has no one than this, which is why I also pray that you remember the Name, Jesus.

THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, that I, a sinner, would be the recipient of Jesus' love is a great and wonderful mystery. For His sacrifice on Calvary's cross and His third day resurrection from the borrowed tomb, I shall always be grateful. May my life reflect that gratitude. This I pray in my Savior's Name. Amen.

YESTERDAY'S QUIZ:  What happened to Daniel after he defied the decree that people could only pray to the king. He was thrown in the lion's den  (Dianne Hance is the winner!  Some of you answered sooner but answered with the other story about the fiery furnace.)
TODAY'S QUIZ:  Who as Zerubbabel?
Question: Does God require us to observe the Sabbath and other holy days of the Old Testament?
Mon- confirmation 5-6pm; very important special voter's meeting 7pm
Tues- quilters 9-2; Bible study 11:30-12:15
Wed- bell choir 6:30; choir 7:30
Thurs- nothing
Fri- Youth leave at 5pm to go to the Rock in StL
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun- Bible study 8am; worship 9am; Bible study 10:30
Pastors Wyssmann and Weseman will be here to give the congregation the results of the findings of the CARE process and their recommendations and we will vote on whether or not to go ahead with the recommendations.  Please come and show your support. 
YOUTH SERVE AT THE ROCK- THIS WEEKEND   Sept 30 and October 1- Firstfruits weekend at the ROCK.  Pastor Randy Wilken invites groups to come down to St. Louis on the first weekend of each month to serve, worship, and fellowship with other Christians from around the area.  We are signed up to go down there Friday, Sept 30 and Sat, Oct 1!  It is an unforgetable and wonderful experience. 

1- mckenzie

2- Panhorst



9- Winn



16- Heitgerd


22- mckenzie

23- Schaumberg


29- mckenzie




5- mckenzie



12- Mauch






23- (Thanksgiving Eve) mckenzie

24- (Thanksgiving Day)


26- Mauch


PRAYERS: (If I have missed anyone please let me know.)
For MARIANNE LINKE who is very sick in the ICU at St Joe's in Lake St. Louis. 
For JIM RAHN'S FATHER who is having surgery this week.
For PATTY SWEET'S BROTHER who is starting a grueling regimen of chemo and radiation to fight his cancer. 
For LIL WINTER who is home and recovering well!  She will have to have another minor procedure in a few weeks.    
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who has begun chemotherapy treatments.
For CAROL KOHRS as she is dealing with severe back and neck pain.
For DAVE KOHRS as he is dealing with cancer in his abdomen. 
For JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, who continues to be up and down because of chemotherapy treatments.   
OUR CHURCH as we continue the CARE PROCESS.  

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St. John's Group Email update on Marianne Linke

Marianne is dong a little better although she is not out of the woods yet.  Please keep praying.