DEVOTION: Jeremiah 20:7-13 English Standard Version (ESV)
7 O Lord, you have deceived me,
and I was deceived;
you are stronger than I,
and you have prevailed.
I have become a laughingstock all the day;
everyone mocks me.
8 For whenever I speak, I cry out,
I shout, "Violence and destruction!"
For the word of the Lord has become for me
a reproach and derision all day long.
9 If I say, "I will not mention him,
or speak any more in his name,"
there is in my heart as it were a burning fire
shut up in my bones,
and I am weary with holding it in,
and I cannot.
10 For I hear many whispering.
Terror is on every side!
"Denounce him! Let us denounce him!"
say all my close friends,
watching for my fall.
"Perhaps he will be deceived;
then we can overcome him
and take our revenge on him."
11 But the Lord is with me as a dread warrior;
therefore my persecutors will stumble;
they will not overcome me.
They will be greatly shamed,
for they will not succeed.
Their eternal dishonor
will never be forgotten.
12 O Lord of hosts, who tests the righteous,
who sees the heart and the mind,[a]
let me see your vengeance upon them,
for to you have I committed my cause.
13 Sing to the Lord;
praise the Lord!
For he has delivered the life of the needy
from the hand of evildoers.
Whoa, this seems harsh, doesn't it? It is unless we know the back story. Jeremiah was being persecuted for speaking God's Word. He was not treated kindly at all. The people, especially the people in the church, the priest and scribes, didn't listen. Read the first part of chapter 20 to get an idea of what was going on. The chief officer in the house of the Lord beat him up and put him in chains.
We live in a time when the Word of the Lord is not heeded by much of society. People don't want to hear it. They scoff at it. They treat those who speak it and those who believe in it with disdain and ridicule. Many mock Christianity and the Word of God and even call it evil.
I love the words of Jeremiah here when he says, "I say, 'I will not mention him, or speak any more of his name,' there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot." As much as we would like to keep from speaking the truth, because it goes against the world, we cannot stop. It will keep burning within us and cause us great grief until we do.
In the end, when all is said and done, and this world is burned away, all that will be left is God's Word. If you cling to it you will do well. If you put your trust in it and not in what the world says, you will have peace in the end. There may not be peace in the world today, but there will be peace in your heart right now, and in the world to come there will be complete peace.
So hold on tight to God's Word! Firmly plant your feet in it! Study it so you will become more sure of it. Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest it so that the peace of Christ will dwell in you richly and more might come to know the love of Jesus Christ through you…. even if they don't wanna hear it.
Let us pray: Lord God, help me to stick to Your Word and proclaim it boldly and confidently, even when people don't want to hear it. Amen.
Tues- Quilting 9-2; Council 7
Wed- 7-12 grade youth Bible study 6:30-7:30
Thurs- Karate 6:15-7:45; Lutheranism 101
Fri- Assemble Newsletter 9am
Sun- Worship 8:30; Sunday school 9:45; Worship 11am; Youth and pastor leave for Lutheran Island Camp 12:30
________________________________________________________________WORSHIP WORKERS FOR THIS WEEK:
Acolyte- 8:30- Lydia Miller; 11- Luke Rausch
Ushers- Rich Boeger, Don Hance, Don Tate, Doug Walters
Altar- Set up- Alan Hofeldt; Clean Up- Anna Hoenig
Elders- Sat- Randy Fischer; 8:30- John Hachtel 11- Dave Winter
Greeters- 8:30- Tom and Pam Linke ; 11- Steve and Sandy Robine
Lay Readers- Sat- Judy Koprowski; 8:30- Derek Ebert; 11- ????
Sat Pianist- Barb Dreyer
Projectionists: Sat- Toni Mauch, 8:30- Terry McKenzie; 11- Gus Klaustermeier
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ : What does the name "Beth Aven" mean?
House of wickedness
House of idols-- Don
So today I'll be serious, because I'm tired. Anyway according to the "experts, Beth-aven basically can be translated as"house of nothingness; i.e., "of idols". It is believed – by some – to be named after a place in the mountains of Benjamin, east of Bethel ( Joshua 7:2 ; 18:12 ; 1 Samuel 13:5 ). In Hosea 4:15 ; 5:8 ; 10:5 it stands for "Bethel" (q.v.), and it is so called because it was no longer the "house of God," but "the house of idols," referring to the calves there worshipped.
If you'd like a more in-depth answer, you can read this article by a Jewish site I found. They always have interesting answers: -- Pat
TODAY'S QUIZ: What was Amos's occupation before he became a prophet?
Please pray for us, that we may make an impact for Jesus in many different ways, and that, more importantly, Jesus may make an impact on pastor and the youth that will be going!
Right now we have seven people signed up! Will you join them? Reply to sing up or sign your name to the sign up sheet on the table in the narthex.
Throughout the month of June we will be highlighting our Stephen Ministry program.
Stephen Ministry is a caring ministry that is carried out by lay people. It has been a part of St. John's in various forms and levels since 2003. Many people have gone through the training and cared for others with their training. These people are called "care givers". Many more have benefitted from the help these people have provided. These people are called "care receivers". This is a tremendously beneficial ministry to both care giver and care receivers as both grow in faith and as many of them become friends if they weren't already.
It is also a great benefit to our congregation for many different reasons! Care givers learn how to be better Christian moms, dads, husbands, wives, friends, and church members. The congregation grows as our community finds out how caring and loving we are as a congregation through this ministry. It is a wonderful thing!
We are in need of some new Stephen ministers. It is a commitment, but the commitment is definitely worth it! You will be blessed beyond measure if you go through the training and become a Stephen Minister. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE NEED MEN TO BE STEPEHEN MINISTERS JUST AS MUCH AS WOMEN!!
Last Sunday at our 8:30 worship, Chrissy Groeber and Marcia Sevier were installed as our new Stephen Leaders!! They will be starting a new Stephen Ministry training as soon as everyone who is interested signs up and a start date and time can be established.
Please prayerfully consider this and then come to church this coming weekend and sign up or reply to this email and I will sign you up!
Student must be 3 for younger class or 4 for older class by August 1.
$45 nonrefundable registration fee required.
Registration packets can be picked up at Little Lambs during school hours and in the church office during non-school hours.
Any nonperishable food items, diapers, toiletries, etc.!!
Perishable food items can be taken directly to Agape at 713 Powell St. in Warrenton. Call 456-4645 to find out when they're open or for more info.
For the BOEGER AND TOEDEBUSCH FAMILIES, as Lois's mom Evelyn went to heaven this past week and her body was laid to rest this past Saturday.
For CAL TAMELER, as he is dealing with severe pain in his legs due to poor circulation and blockage.
For MARIANNE LINKE, as she continues to recover from heart surgery.
For SUE RUHL, as she continues to recover from a broken hip at Parklane rehab in Wentzville.
For PAT MANNESS as she is recovering from hand and wrist surgery at home.