The Figuras have taken some dates. Thanks Figuras!!
April 2-
April 3- Mckenzie
April 6-
April 9-
April 10-
Woolf April 13-
April 16-Conner Figura
April 17-
April 21 (
Maundy Thursday)- Mckenzie
April 22- (Good Friday)-
April 24 (
Easter)- 6am
April 30- Mckenzie
May 1-Figura
May 7-
May 8-
May 15-
Woolf May 21-
May 22- Mckenzie
May 28-Figura
May 29- Schlesselmann
June 4- Mckenzie
June 5- Panhorst
June 11-
June 12- Mckenzie
June 18-
June 19-
Woolf June 25-
June 26- Panhorst
July 2- Mckenzie
July 3-
July 9-
July 10- Figura
July 17-
Woolf July 23-
July 24- Panhorst
July 30-
July 31- Mckenzie
I know at church a few weeks ago y'all said that you would like to help out with the projector. Below is the schedule through July and I would really like to get it filled out. Please fill out the days you could work and who would be on for those days.
Peace on your day!