Sunday, August 17, 2014
9:45 a.m.
1. Call to order: Terry Russell
2. Opening devotion: Pastor Klaustermeier
3. Minutes of the May 18, 2014 Regular Meeting
4. Staff Reports
A. Pastor’s report:
Official Acts since the May 18, 2014 meeting:
*Membership changes:
• Received by Affirmation of Faith:
• Dane & Jodi Baldwin 5/25/2014
• Received by Adult Confirmation:
• Mary Stemler 6/22/2014
Received by Transfer:
John & Erica McGowan & Patrick & Riley
from Zion Lutheran, Alexander, Arkansas 5/16/2014
• Baptisms:
• Infants: None
• Children:
• Katelyn & Isabelle Morris 8/10/2014
– Ben Frick Died 6/8/2014 Funeral 6/12/2014
– Margaret Kohrs Died 6/12/2014 Funeral 6/19/2014
Wilma Smith Died 8/6/2014 Funeral 8/12/2014
Current membership (reflecting above changes):
C. B. Music Director: Barb Dreyer
C. C. Church Office Administrator: Marilyn Foster
D. DCE Intern: Kelsey Overbeck
5. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees:
A. Financial Secretary’s report: Richard Boeger (Report attached)
B. Treasurer’s report: Donna Lindsey (Reports attached)
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C. Board of Elders’ report: John Hachtel, Chairman
D. Board of Trustees’ report: Brett Nordwald, Chairman
E. Board of Christian Education report: Christine Winn, Chairperson
F. Board of Christian Outreach report:
G. Board of Christian Stewardship report: Alan Hofledt, Chairman
H. Committee Reports:
Little Lambs Committee Report: Barb Hargrove, President
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans chapter report: Rich Boeger
Good Shepherd report: Don Luebke
Building & Finance Committee report: Kent Jacobsmeyer
I. Other reports?
Stephen Ministry - Joanne Hachtel
6. Unfinished business:
A. Any Unfinished Business?
7. New business:
A. Nominations for President and Vice President of the Missouri District
B. Volunteers to help with the Church picnic on Sunday, September 7 at Mim Dunn's house
C. Any other New Business?
8. Next Regular Meeting: Sunday, November 16, 2014 - 9:45 a.m.
9. Adjourn
10. Closing Prayer: Pastor Klaustermeier