FW: The Voice of Missouri E-Newsletter

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Alan Freeman Accepts Call to Serve as New Lutheran Schools Executive
The Missouri District is pleased to announce that Alan Freeman, of Kingsville, Md., has accepted the call to serve as Assistant to the President for Lutheran Schools. He currently serves as Headmaster of Concordia Preparatory School (formerly known as Baltimore Lutheran School). He succeeds Dennis Gehrke, who served in the position since 2006. Dennis and his wife, Dorothy, will be relocating to the Milwaukee area. Alan will begin his service in the district office on March 29.  Read more . . .

Small Church Choirs — Sing His Praises!
Contributed by Bill Gasau, Holy Cross Lutheran Churh, Emma, Mo., and Donna Owens, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Higginsville, Mo. to the "Reaching Rural America for Christ Newsletter — February 2016"
Both are music educators with many years of experience in music education and church choirs.
The main purpose of the church choir is to sing praises to our great God and help spread the message of His eternal love for all. The music in any given service should reinforce the message of the day. The choir can perform anthems, lead congregational singing or be used to teach new hymns or liturgies.  Read more...
Lutheran Federal Credit Union

The Lutheran Federal Credit Union was started to serve the members, congregations, and entities of the LCMS communities. Click here for more information. 

Announcements/Other News

Upcoming Missouri District Event in conjunction with Ambassadors of Reconciliation
We are pleased to announce that the Missouri District will be hosting a new training course from Ambassadors of Reconciliation on April 16 at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Wentzville. Watch for more details in next week's Voice. Online registration will open on February 19. A link will be available on our web site and in next week's edition of this newsletter.

Lutheran Singles Ministry Retreat
April 8-10, 2016
Saint Paul Lutheran High School in Concordia, MO Hosted by: Saint Paul Lutheran High School & Lutheran Singles Ministry Planning Committee
Click HERE for brochure/registration form.

Members and staff at Abiding Savior were excited to unveil a new prayer room, an answer to prayers for an alternative to our multi-purpose worship and family life center.

2016 Heartland DCE Conference
DCEs and other parish professionals who are interested in enhancing the intentionality and effectiveness of Christian education in the church are invited to attend the 2016 Heartland DCE Conference at Concordia University, Nebraska from May 19-21. Keynote speakers include Dr. Thom Rainer, Thom and Joani Schultz and Dr. Phil Schwadel. Registration is $100. Go to www.cune.edu/heartlandDCE for more information.

District and Church Events
          ( Peer Ministry Training for High School Students, Missouri District Junior High Spring Retreat,              National Youth Gathering and  RSTM: Engaging Your Community Event)

Installations and Ordinations
Personnel Changes and Calling Congregations
LCMS Missouri District News             
              (Send Me St. Louis Announces Winter/Spring Training Schedule)
