prayer request updates

1.  Wanda Turnure surgery came out of surgery well.  She will stay overnight in the hospital, but should be home tomorrow.
2. Joyce Schien is moving to the DePaul Rehab hospital tomorrow.  She is eating on her own, and will begin work on standing and walking soon.
3. New: Please pray for Bill McKenzie as he has a blood clot on his brain and is undergoing other tests.  He is at the VA hospital.

Monday, August 13, 2012

DEVOTION: Ephesians 4:14-15 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.  Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Him who is the Head, that is, Christ. 
Do you like to hurt peple's feelings?  No one does.  I don't like to make people feel bad.  I really don't like to be disagreeable.  I just want to get along.  I just want everyone to like me and to want to be around me. 
A lot of this is the problem with our society and with Christians specifically.  We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.  We don't want to make people feel bad or disagree with them.  We don't want to hurt our friendships.  So instead, we just go along to get along.   We don't say anything for fear of offending someone. 

God calls us to something different.  he wants us to speak the TRUTH in love.  Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, "What is truth?"  To which Jesus answered at another time and another place, "I am the way, and the TRUTH, and the life no one comes to the Father except through me." 
If we are to do God's will then we can't be tossed back and forth by every wave of teaching.  We cannot remain spiritual infants in our thinking.  We need to remain in the pure and clear teaching of the truth.  We need to grow up into Him who is the HEAD of the church, that is Christ Jesus! 
Put off all that is foolishness and all that relative thinking that changes from day to day and hour to hour and put on Christ who is the truth! 
Prayer:  Lord God, help me to speak thr truth in love to all who need it, to my family, to my friends, to my pastor, to my teachers, to my coworkers, to everyone, so that they will know the truth and the truth will set them free.  Amen.
MONDAY'S QUIZ:    Who was Molech?  Molech the god of the Ammonites  The detestable practice of sacrificing childres to Molech was common in Phoenicia and other surrounding countries.  Lev 18:21.  (Thanks to Dianne Hance and Doug herzog for the answer!)
TODAY'S QUIZ:  Who were the Chaldeans?
Question: What do the Scriptures teach about Christ's life, suffering, and death?
Answer: They teach that He
a, endured poverty, contempt, and persecution in His earthly life;
b. suffered great agony of body and soul under Pontius Pilate;
c. died on the cross in excrutiating agony.
Mon- Whispering Pines worship 10am; Little Lambs Open House 4-7pm; 1st day of school for Wright City
Tues- Board of Stewardship meeting 10am; Bible Study 11:30-12:15; Little Lambs Open House 10-12 and 1-3
Wed- Ladies Aid Luncheon Noon; Circuit Pastor's meeting 9-3; Newsletter deadline
Thurs- 1st day of school for Warrenton
Fri-  1st day of school for Little Lambs; Bible study at Hendershot's 7pm
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30; VOTER'S MEETING 9:45-11; worship 11am 
We had a wonderful time at the golf outing thanks to Alan Hofeldt, who headed it all up, and to the many who volunteered their time and effort to make it a wonderful time!  At last count there was around $900 raised for Little Lambs!!
We had a great time with Southern Heritage on Saturday night even though it was a very small crowd.  The music was spectacular. 
A lot of kids got their backpacks blessed for their future journey to school this week!  Hey kids, God's got yoru back!  A big thanks to Sandy Robine for putting the tags together and for providing dinner for the Southern heritage group this weekend!
All ladies of the church, young and old, are invited!!  Please call 456-2888 TODAY to let us know you're coming!!
Call Donna Sherman at 456-4224 to let her know you are planning on coming and if you can drive.  Bring $5 for skates and any extra money you want to bring for snacks.  The group will leave together from church at 1:15.  BRING FRIENDS!!!! 
What a great opportunity to support a mission right here!  If you don't want to do the golf outing, but you still want to help Little Lambs just put a check in the offering plate that is specifically designated to Little Lambs.  They start school on August 16.  
For WANDA TURNURE as she is having surgery today. 
For JOYCE SCHIEN as she recovers from blood clots on her brain.  She is able to talk although her speech is a bit slurred and she has a feeding tube in becuase she isn't able to swallow, Her left side is a bit damaged, but she can move her legs. She is recovering but she has a long road ahead.
For BONNIE FRENZIA as she recovers from back surgery.
For JIM RAHN as he recovers from hernia surgery.
For DOLORES DEBLAZE as she continues to deal with her cancer, but is taking a break from treatments.
FOr BOB LAMPEN, Karin Klaustermeier's dad, as his treatment is doing some good, and as he is starting a new treatment for his liver cancer.
For JEANETTE KOEHLER as she reocvers from vascular surgery to relieve pain and help with circulation in her foot and as she works hard to get back home.
For GENE SIEBOLD as he awaits the results of his cancer treatments as they are completed. 
For ALL OF OUR FARMERS AND ALL WHO DEPEND ON THE LAND AND ON RAIN, that God would provide for their needs even during this drought.