FW: update on a prayer request
Hi Pastor,
I just wanted to update all who have been praying for Mark's Godfather Steve.
His surgery went well and he is starting to recover nicely if…in his wife's words "would just learn he needs slow down so he can recover".
They removed another suspicious nodule last week and today the results are that it is benign.
Thank God and thank you to everyone who has prayed for this wonderful man!
Lynn Russell / Director, Business Office
Lindenwood University / 209 South Kingshighway • St. Charles, MO 63301
636.949.4599 (o) / 636.949.4545 (f) / LinkedIn / Facebook / Twitter / lindenwood.edu
Pam Bueltmann needs a ride to the doctor on Monday
Pam Bueltmann needs a ride to her knee doctor in Chesterfield for a 1pm appointment. If you can take her email here at plsb1515@gmail.com. Thanks
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