Martin Funeral Home's Holiday Remembrance Service next Monday, Dec. 3 at 7pm


DAILY DEVOTION AND CHURCH NEWS: Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018

DEVOTION: 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 English Standard Version (ESV)

For what thanksgiving can we return to God for you, for all the joy that we feel for your sake before our God, 10 as we pray most earnestly night and day that we may see you face to face and supply what is lacking in your faith?

11 Now may our God and Father himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you, 12 and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you, 13 so that he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints.






Wed- Oak Pointe Worship 10; Disciple Makers 6:30; Choir 7

Thurs- Karate 6:15-7:45

Sun- Adult Bible Class 8:15; Worship 9:30; Disciple Makers 10:45



Organist- Ned Quest


Acolyte- Addie Hoelscher


Ushers- Alan Hofeldt, Tim Linke, Gary Hoelscher, Ben Hoelscher


Altar- Set up- Cheri' Hofeldt; Clean Up- Pam Linke


Communion assistant- Al Benton


Greeters- Jim and Vickie McRae


Projectionist- Perricones


Lay Reader- Marcia Sevier



YESTERDAY'S QUIZ:  Who are Priscilla and Aquila? This couple became prominent co-workers with Paul.  They were from northern Asia Minor, but came to Corinth from Rome. The Jews were commanded to leave Rome by Claudius.  They were tentmakers.  Acts 18:1-3  (Thanks for your thorough answer Don Nolte!)

TODAY'S QUIZ:   Where is Thessalonica?



Worship FROM 11/28/18!  ENJOY!





Bring THREE DOZEN cookies to pack and to share with each other, and then go to Deerfield's together afterwards!!  Sign up on the sheet in the narthex or call the church office.




All the ladies of the congregation are invited!  Instead of white elephant gifts this year, they will be collecting money donations for a charity.  Sign up  on the sheet on the counter in the narthex or call the church office!



They are $6 a box.  They're on the glass cabinet in the fellowship hall.  Please put the money for them in the box on the cabinet, or in a  marked envelope on the office desk.



Any plastic lid will do!  They need 300lbs total! There are boxes in the narthex and in Little Lambs.



There are hundreds of kids in need in Warrenton.  Many of them go to homes without food, especially on weekends.  The food that is collected from us gets put into kids backpacks discreetly on Fridays and sent home with them on Fridays.  This month's collection is individually wrapped snacks and packets of oatmeal. 



Get your gift cards for Christmas presents and raise money for your church at the same time!  Order forms are on the counter in the narthex or in the church office!  Fill them out and leave a check for the total!



On December 5 and 12 will be regular potluck dinners with fried chicken as the main course, followed by worship at 6:30 in the sanctuary.  You will receive a postcard when you are supposed to bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share!


On Dec. 19th we are going to have a Christmas party in our downstairs fellowship area.  Everyone is asked to bring an appetizer or dessert to share.  We will have a Christmas hymn and carol sing, games, cookie decorating, and a Christmas photo booth for you and your family to get a nice (or goofy) picture taken. 


Please make plans now to join us for this wonderful preparation of our Lord's birthday!!



  1. New bylaws to the constitution were approved.

Over the past few decades our church members have been finding it more and more difficult to volunteer their time to serve on boards and committees. We have spent too much time and energy on a system and structure that is out of date and has become more of a hindrance and burden than a help.

                Taking all this and many other factors into consideration, a governance structure task force was appointed, and over the past year they have been studying and working to come up with a new governance structure that will be more beneficial and useful for our congregation in our 21st century setting. 

                We have consolidated our five boards into one church council.  The council consists of a president (Steve McDowell), a vice president (Tom Linke), a secretary (Sandra Perricone), a treasurer (Rich Boeger), a financial secretary (Steve Robine), a head trustee (Brett Nordwald), and a head elder (Jason Cluver). 

                These seven people will act as leaders and decision makers on the congregation's behalf for the coming year and are able to be reelected for the years following should they choose to continue.  They will not do all of the work for the congregation, but will help to lead the congregation in the way it should go, and will be the advocates for the mission and ministries of St. John's. 

                This new structure will allow for more freedom for all of you to do what God has gifted you to do!  I am looking forward to many members coming up with new, innovative, and inspired  ways of bringing the Gospel to the lost and helping those in need. 

                 If there's a new ministry you want to start, you will get all the help and support you need from the leadership of St. John's. If you think we should help out the homeless in our community more, you will be given everything and everyone you need to do it.  If you want a mom's day out, you got it.  Get to work! If you want a financial seminar course, find one that you like, run it by pastor, and get to it!  If you want a bigger and better youth group, you'll have everything the church has to offer at your disposal!  The council will stand behind you 100% and will help you every step of the way.  They won't do it for you, but they will give you everything you need.

                This will also free a lot of people up to volunteer for projects and events instead of boards and committees.  Instead of a few people doing a lot of work, there will be a lot of people each doing a little work.  It will enhance our fellowship, our outreach, and our mission of bringing the lost to Christ!

                There will still be need for many ongoing things like projectionists, ushers, communion assistants, altar set up or clean up. Please call the office or talk to pastor to volunteer.  These are all simple ways to keep the mission moving forward! Sign-up sheets to help with these areas of worship ministry will be on the table in the narthex until all the spots are filled. 

                The Lord willing, our trained Stephen Ministers will take on a more active role in the spiritual care of the congregation.  They will be God's ears and arms for those who are hurting and those who need encouragement.  If you'd like to be a Stephen Minister, please talk to pastor or to Marcia Sevier for more information. 



  1. New service times of 9am and 10:45 on Sunday and 6:30 on Monday were approved to begin on January 6

At our May voter's meeting it was decided that we would consolidate our three worship services into one.  Our thinking was that it would provide a more "worshipful" atmosphere, put less strain on volunteers, and make security less of an issue.  Unfortunately, attendance went down 20-30 people per Sunday.  That isn't something that our size church can take. 

                At the same time, what we had been doing wasn't working either, as it was clearly seen that attendance had been decreasing steadily over the last fifteen years.  Something different had to be done. 

                After five months of discussion, a proposal was approved by the voter's assembly that will hopefully remedy the situation. It is my prayer that you will take advantage of this expanded schedule and make a commitment to the Lord and to his church to be an active participant. 

                PARENTS! Do you want your children to grow up in the knowledge and love of the Lord?  If so, you must surely realize how important regular worship and Learning off the Scriptures is.  Confirmation doesn't begin in seventh or eighth grade.  It begins the minute a person is baptized!  Growing up in worship and learning the Scriptures is crucial to the spiritual lives of our children!  They need to be in church as often as possible, and they need to see that their parents are taking an active role in their own faith as well! 

Below is the new worship and Sunday school schedule starting January 6, 2019!


Sunday 8-8:45- Adult Bible Class


                9-10:15- Regular liturgical worship with Communion


                10:15-10:45- Fellowship (Coffee and donuts) for everyone; and Sunday school for kids                                    who went to the first service


                10:45- 11:45- Adult Bible Studies for those who went to the first service


                10:45- Chapel Service (Worship and Sunday school combined)

                Description of the Chapel Service—It will be similar to the Chapel service we had at 11am, but instead of having an O.T., Epistle, and Gospel reading, we will have a Bible story that we will go through each week and there will be more teaching and interaction during the sermon.  It will be more like a lesson than a sermon.  The music will mostly be videos but we will also ask pianists and other musicians to play from time to time.

                About halfway through the service, after I am done teaching the Bible story, the youngest of our kids will go with some teachers to do an activity (craft, game, etc.), and the rest of us will stay and learn some more from the lesson and have the Lord's Supper. 


There will also be worship on Mondays at 6:30pm—The same Chapel service that was on Sunday at 10:45 will be repeated.  The intention of this evening worship is to give another worship opportunity to those who either work or are out of town on weekends. 


  1. Budget was approved



  1. Dr. David Maier and Dr. Larry Rast were nominated to run for President and VP of Synod


  1. A renewal of our commitment to support the mission work of Pastor Micah Glenn in North County was approved.



For TOM DUNN, Mim Dunn's son, who is having ankle surgery today.


For GEORGE HOELSCHER, as he begins his trial cancer treatment at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis.  


For HOWARD LINKE, brother of Bob Linke, who remains hospitalized with complications from a triple bypass. .




For CONNER FIGURA going through tech training for the Air Force. .


For DAVID TATE stationed in Japan, and ALEX WALTERS, stationed in Tennessee.  That God would bless their service to our country and keep them safe as they all await possible deployment.


For CALEB FIGURA AND VINCE MASTERS who are both serving our country in the National Guard and take time out of their