July Stewardship opportunity

 July stewardship opportunity is the Concordia Seminary Food Bank to assist student families while attending school.
At the present time, we are only recommending money donations (rather than food items) so that the Food Bank may purchase perishables and other items most in need.

Thank you.

Alan Hofeldt
Board of Stewardship

BAND: Avenue of the Saints to be here this Sunday

Cory Tobias (drummer) and Bill Rowe (guitarist and singer) will be here to lead us in worship this Sunday at our 11am service.  I really want to make this an uplifting service with as many people there as possible.  Please come and hear them and join in worship!  INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!! 
We'll see you there!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

DEVOTION: (from Lutheran Hour Ministries)
Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men." And immediately they left their nets and followed Him. Mark 1:16-18

When Jesus passed by Simon, Andrew, and the other fishermen of Galilee, He called them and they went.

When Jesus passed by Matthew's tax collector's table, the Savior called the publican and he went.

These men found themselves blessed because they listened and responded to the Savior's summons. In the years which were before them, there must have been many times they gave thanks to the Lord that they had walked with and listened to the Savior.

Of course, we need to realize not all voices of authority can be trusted.

For example, take the case of Patricia Maione. Recently, Maione found herself in the sand trap of Whitinsville Golf Club in Northbridge, Massachusetts. Now that would be just fine if she had been playing golf. She wasn't. She was driving her car.

Maione says her GPS told her to make a left turn. She listened, made the left turn, drove through a cornfield and onto the golf course.

You see, it does make a difference what voice you select as your authority. Maione says she was wrong to trust her GPS. The police say she was wrong to think she could drink and drive. She was arrested for driving with a suspended license and fourth offense drunken driving.

Yes, it makes a difference to whom you listen. Some voices may be respected; some voices may carry wisdom and truth. But no voice can be trusted as thoroughly and completely as that of our Heavenly Father.

When He promises to send His Son to be the world's Savior, that promise is kept. And when that Son says He will be crucified and on the third day rise again, you can trust He has done all that is necessary to save your soul.

One-hundred percent confidence, one-hundred percent of the time -- that's the way we can listen to the Lord.

THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, the world is filled with those who say much but are sure of little. Grant me the wisdom to separate falsehood from truth when I listen to them. Most of all, guide me to pay attention to You, who alone have -- and are -- the truth. In Jesus' Name I ask it. Amen.
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ:    Why did Israel and Syria join forces against Judah in 2 Kings 15?  Because they wouldn't fight with them against Assyria, they tried to force them into it.  (Thanks Dianne!)
TODAY'S QUIZ: Name two of the nations that Isaiah prophesied judgment against.
Question:  Why was it necessary for Jesus to be true God?
Answer: Christ had to be true God in order that
a. His fulfilling of the Law, suffering, and death might be sufficient ransom for all people;
b. He might be able to overcome death and the devil for us. 
Tues- no Bible class today; Jonesburg nursing home worship 10:30; ALPHA 6:30
Wed- Independence Day
Thurs- Alzheimer's Support group 1pm
Fri- nothing
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun- worship 9; Sunday school and Bible class 10:15; worship 11am  AVENUE OF THE SAINTS here to lead worship!!
PROJECTOR SCHEDULE  (Please help to fill the dates!!)
July 7- Pamb
July 8- 8:30-    Julie Schaumberg                     11- Rebecca Winn
July 14- Mckenzie
July 15- 8:30-  Julie Schaumberg                     11-
July 21- Pamb
July 22- 8:30-  Don and Ann Panhorst                     11-
July 28- Pamb 
July 29- 8:30- Don and Ann Panhorst                      11-
Aug 4-
Aug 5- 8:30- Denise Schlesselmann                       11- Mckenzie
Aug 11-  Mckenzie
Aug 12- 8:30- Don and Ann Panhorst                      11-
Aug 18-
Aug 19- 8:30-  Julie Schaumberg                     11-
Aug 25-
Aug 26- 8:30-                       11- Mckenzie
Sept 1-
Sept 2- 8:30-                        11-
Sept 8-
Sept 9- 8:30-  Denise                      11-
Sept 15-
Sept 16- 8:30-                       11-
Sept 22-
Sept 23- 8:30-                       11-
Sept 29- Mckenzie
Sept 30- 8:30-                       11-
Oct 6-
Oct 7- 8:30- Denise                          11-
Oct 13-
Oct 14- 8:30-                         11-
Oct 20-
Oct 21- 8:30-                          11- Mckenzie
Oct 27- Mckenzie
Oct 28- 8:30-                          11-
Nov. 3-
Nov. 4-  8:30- Denise                          11-
Nov. 10-
Nov. 11- 8:30-                         11-
Nov. 17- Mckenzie
Nov. 18- 8:30-                         11-
Nov. 24- Mckenzie 
Nov. 25- 8:30-                         11-
Dec. 1-
Dec. 2- 8:30- Denise                          11-
Dec. 5- (Midweek Advent 1) Mckenzie
Dec. 8-
Dec. 9- 8:30-                            11-
Dec. 12- (Midweek Advent 2) Mckenzie
Dec. 15-
Dec. 16- 8:30-                          11-
Dec. 19- (Midweek Advent 3)  mckenzie
Dec. 22-
Dec. 23- 8:30-  Mckenzie                        11-
Dec. 24 (Christmas Eve)  7pm    Mckenzie                        11pm
Dec. 25 (Christmas day) 9am
Cory Tobias (one of the funeral directors at Martin funeral home) and his bandmate Bill Rowe will be here to lead worship for us at our 11am service on Sunday July 8.  They play a lot of the music you would hear on 99.1 Joy FM and are very good at it.  Come and listen and join in their inspirational music ministry and hear the good news!
Scott Heitgerd, Lani Heitgerd, Alex Heitgerd, Mark Groeber, Chris Groeber, Gary Hoelscher, Ben Holescher, Conner Figura, Shawn Jaeger, Torre Linke, Taryn Linke, Taryn's friend Alexandra Savala, and Pastor are goign to help rebuild the town of henryville, Indiana which was devastated by a tornado in March.  Please pray for us as we share the Gospel and as we help to rebuild people's lives. 
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL WILL BE JULY 16-20!!!  5:30-8pm each night!!!  Our theme is going to be "Jump In with Jesus"
(Call or email Karin Klaustermeier, Christy Winn, or Naomi Johnson to volunteer to help out or to sign up your kids.)
We will review and learn about some of the many Bible stories that take place in and around water. 
Mark your calendars today to attend and to help out if you are able!  This is a great fellowship and growing time for all who get involved!!!
If you have a new address or phone number please, please, please call Marilyn and let her know.  Or just reply to this email and I will get her the corrected info!!  Thank you!!
All are welcome to join us every Tuesday to learn more about our own faith, to learn about the world around us, and to grow in the Spirit and in fellowship with each other.
STEWARDSHIP SPOLIGHT FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE IS Warrenton Community Home Repair Ministry. 
This organization helps needy families or individuals make their dwellings safer or more livable.  This gives us the opportunity to use our time, talents, and treasure.  For those unable to participate with time or talents, donations are accepted for project materials.  Continue to watch this email and your bulletin for opportunities to serve in this way when projects become available.  If you care to donat eto this worthwhile ministry you may use a designated envelope celarly marked for this ministry. 
FOR KEN WAGNER  (who already has a broken neck) as he will be undergoing surgery soon to repair a broken hip.
For DOLORES DEBLAZE who is goiing to see the doctor today to get the results of a CAT scan and to find out about further courses of treatment for her cancer. 
For GENE SIEBOLD as he has begun cheomotherapy treatments for esophogeal cancer.
For BOB LAMPEN, Karin Klaustermeier's dad, as he is struggling with his chemotherapy.
For CAROLINE BUELTMANN who is now at Jonesburg Nursing Home recovering from heart troubles.  
For JEANETTE KOEHLER who is continuing her therapy at Troy Nursing Home.