Chris's cousin's daughter, Claire Dennis, passed away this morning. Please pray for her parents and the rest of her family including Chris and Becky Elcan.
Jonas is Don Nolte's grandson. We've been praying for him for several years now as he has been dealing with very severe cancer troubles. Please pray for him today!
From Don Nolte,
I was at the hospital with him from Tuesday to Thursday, They thought he would not make it through the night on Tuesday but God fooled them again. One lung was half full of fluid. They drained it but it was not fully functioning. They installed a tube as it was beginning to fill again but the tube became clogged with fleshy matter so they had to install a larger tube.Tne next step is to remove the lower lobe of that lung on Monday. Each time he has come out better than they expected. He lost a lot of protein from the drainage so they had give him a blood transfusion and injections to increase the loss.
Kristin is going to do an update and I will pass that along to you when I get it.
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Mission Statement
The mission of St. John's Lutheran Church is to preach the Word of God in its purity and to teach this Word to all people. We do so through the means God has given us, the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.
What We Believe
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod accepts the Scriptures as the inspired and inerrant Word of God, and subscribes unconditionally to all the symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as a true and unadulterated statement and exposition of the Word of God.
We accept the Confessions because they are drawn from the Word of God and on that account regard their doctrinal content as a true and binding exposition of Holy Scripture and as authoritative for all pastors, congregations and other rostered church workers of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.