List of games needed

We have many of the games needed for our weekly Bible Lessons, however, we would like more copies of some and we are still in search of a few.  
The following is a list of wanted games:  Checkers
Chutes and Ladders
Hungry, Hungry Hippos 
Candy Land
Connect Four 

We will be able to return the games to you after the weekly lesson and no later than Labor Day Sunday.  Please check the games to see they have the pieces needed to play and mark the boxes with your name.  The games may be left in KelseyOverbeck's office.

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Summer Sunday school needs some games

Starting Sunday, June 5th Sunday school will start our summer lessons.  Each week we will play a different game which will be coordinated with our Bible lesson.  

June 5th is a very BIG day!  It is also the Gross Out Challenge!  

Plan to be at both events we need you and your gross food items. The winner of the challenge and the amount of funds raised will be announced Memorial Day Weekend at all 3 services.

Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S®4 Active™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

Update on Lil Winter prayer request

 Lil has moved to Delmar Gardens in OFallon and will probably be there a week to ten days to recover from her fall and hurt knee.  Thanks for praying for her y'all!