Daily Email: Tuesday, April 18, 2017

DEVOTION:  Acts 5:29-42  English Standard Version (ESV)

29 But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men. 30 The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you killed by hanging him on a tree. 31 God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. 32 And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him."

33 When they heard this, they were enraged and wanted to kill them.34 But a Pharisee in the council named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law held in honor by all the people, stood up and gave orders to put the men outside for a little while. 35 And he said to them, "Men of Israel, take care what you are about to do with these men. 36 For before these days Theudas rose up, claiming to be somebody, and a number of men, about four hundred, joined him. He was killed, and all who followed him were dispersed and came to nothing. 37 After him Judas the Galilean rose up in the days of the census and drew away some of the people after him. He too perished, and all who followed him were scattered. 38 So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; 39 but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!" So they took his advice,40 and when they had called in the apostles, they beat them and charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.41 Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name. 42 And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus.


It is one thing if there are two or three people who are able to combine their stories and are able to make up a lie.  It is another for over 500 people to see the exact same thing and have the same experience.  It is even still another for a whole bunch of people to be imprisoned, tortured and killed for something that they know is a lie. 

Gamaliel was a very wise man.  He said that if this whole Jesus thing is untrue and fake, it will soon go away.  On the other hand, if it is from God, if it is real and Jesus did rise from the dead, you will not be able to stand against it.  You will find yourself striving against God himself. 


Unfortunately, people continue to try.  They continue to strive against God.  And I'm not just talking about those who oppose Christianity.  I'm also talking about those who strive against the Word of God on all manner of earthly matters from sexuality issues to how the earth came into being to….. you name it.

Here's the challenge for you today.  Is there an area of your life…. Your finances, your relationships, your worship attendance, in which you are striving against God?  Stop it!  It is doing you know good.  Your rebellion is only driving you further and further away from Him. 

Instead, in all that you do, commit your ways to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will make your paths straight!  He will give you a firm foundation.  Best of all, He will give you His peace!!


Prayer: Lord, do what you have to do to make me surrender to you.  Amen.



Tues- Quilting 9-2; Council 7

Wed- Ladies sewing dresses for Africa 9:30-noon; Choir 7

Thurs- Newsletter deadline, Pregnancy Options Center Banquet 7pm

Fri- Confirmation Questioning and reception 7pm

Sat- LWML ZONE RALLY 9am; Worship 5pm

Sun- Worship 8:30; Sunday school 9:45; Special Confirmation worship 11 w/ Holy Communion

______________________________________________________________________WORSHIP WORKERS FOR THIS WEEK:  
Acolyte- 8:30- Nova Luebke; 11- Dulci Rahn


Ushers- 8:30- Dave Callies, Marv. Hendershot, Don Luebke, Don Nolte

11- Charlie Figura, Jason Figura, Brett Nordwald, Erv Yoder


Altar- Set up- Cheri' Hofeldt; Clean Up- Cheryl Bettlach


Elders- Sat- Jim Rahn; 8:30- Randy Sweet, 10- Charlie Figura
Greeters-  8:30- Erv Yoder; 11- Al and Karen Benton

Lay Readers- Sat- Jim Rahn; 6:30- Jacob Nagel ; 11- Lisa Lacy


Organist- Rachel Fisher


Sat Pianist- Kathy Barrow

Projectionists: 8:30- Erv Yoder; 11- ?????? ( The confirmation kids are usually the ones scheduled for this service, so I NEED A VOLUNTEER!)


What was the special duty of the Levites and the reason they weren't given their own parcel of land?


They were to be priests and church workers and were earn their living from this.  They were given a bit of land and a place to live within each of the tribes.  They made their living serving the rest of the family of Israel in this way



Who were the 12 military commanders of Israel who were on duty each month over 24,000 men (each took one month at a time)?




If you donated a lily to our Easter worship, and didn't take it home yesterday, you can still come and get it anytime this week.  Please do so.  We'll keep them till the end of the week and then they'll go in the trash.



If you like breakfast for breakfast, lunch, or dinner; come by church and pick up some tasty leftovers for your family!!  It's all in the fridge!



Friday- Questioning and Reception 7pm

Sunday- Reading of essays and Rite of Confirmation 11am


Please come to join us in celebrating the faith of these youth!



Starting salary $25,000 plus benefits including health insurance. 


Resumes are now being accepted.  You can email them to pastor or bring them in to pastor at his office.  Interviews will take place once all resumes are received.  The name of the person that the interview committee chooses will be brought to the voter's assembly for approval on Sunday, May 21. 


Please email resumes to me or bring them in to my office. 


Below is the Job Description


Please note that a lot of the work requires proficiency in several different computer programs.  Programs such as Excel, Word, Powerpoint, and several financial record keeping programs are used on a regular basis.


FULL TIME Church Office Administrator/Secretary Job Description

Purpose:  To serve the church by providing administrative and secretarial services to the Pastor and various committees and board.

  1. Receive and screen incoming calls, taking clear messages and returning calls, if asked, of the Pastor. Many times it just requires a "compassionate listener" for members calling that just want to talk.  Many use the church office as a place to get information on other members who are ill or moved or for telephone numbers.
  2. Maintain an accurate and up to date calendar of church activities and meetings.

a.      Co-ordinate all activities between church basement rentals (collecting fees with Trustee guidelines) meetings, activities, keep cleaning service informed if cleaning time interferes.

b.      Co-ordinate between Pre-school activities and church activities

  1. Prepare weekly bulletins, monthly newsletters, various agendas for church council, elders, voters meetings etc, and make necessary copies.
  2. Maintain communication with shut-in members. Mail weekly bulletins, "HomeTouch" devotion and activity sheets weekly. Mail monthly newsletters.
  3. Pick up, sort and open mail, direct to appropriate persons in congregation, draft responses as required. Insure outgoing mail is mailed daily.

a.      Newsletters and other bulk mail is taken to post office and packaged according to postal regulations.

b.      Make sure money is kept on deposit at the post office to cover mailings and returned mail.

  1. Maintain up to date and organized files and records as required.

a.      Such as membership information – mail personal letters to new members

b.      Mail letters to Memorial donors

c.       General bookkeeping for the congregation ie: co-ordinate with Financial Secretary each week to insure funds placed in proper accounts, make sure all bills are accurate and paid promptly, payroll for employees (church staff, Little Lambs) pay federal & state taxes & file tax forms, keep up to date with Concordia Plan Services on changes. File the employees Concordia Plan Retirement Fund.

d.      Financial reports for congregation

e.      Maintain records of Little Lambs expenses, paid by congregation, for monthly bill

f.        Make out W-2 & 1099 forms and file by January 31.

  1. Keep in touch with the Trustees regarding items needing immediate attention.
  2. Keep Pastor informed of members with health issues so that contact can be made.
  3. Maintain current birthday and anniversary list for the Elders. Advise elders of new members, attendance issues, and other things necessary regarding the members in each Elder's group.
  4. Co-ordinate and order Altar flowers, making sure flowers are paid from the members.
  5. Enter attendance records weekly.
  6. Secure volunteer help when needed, bulletins, newsletters & other projects. Keep list of those that want to volunteer.
  7. Prepare monthly schedules for Greeters, Lay Readers, Acolytes, and yearly usher schedule.
  8. Weekly Power Point for church news before service begins.
  9. Work with Pastor and other church committees and boards as necessary in developing new ideas or special projects and in carrying out the ministry of the church.
  10. Keep informed on openings in Preschool to inform parents that call wanting information on Little Lambs – take enrollment forms and fees, especially during summer months.
  11. Keep office equipment in working order – order all office supplies – Altar Guild supplies – order items for boards Sunday School & Little Lambs when needed.
  12. Attend Council and Voters meetings.
  13. ShopwScrip ordering
  14. Maintain confidentiality of all formal and informal communications you may read, have or may overhear unless specifically permitted to share with others.
  15. Manage and update church website and all social media on a weekly basis
  16. Prepare Powerpoint for worship when volunteer is unavailable. 
  17. Church membership is not required, but if he or she is a member, he or she must be faithful in worship attendance and in stewardship of time, talents, and treasures.
  18. He or she should attend Stephen Ministry training as soon as it is offered. 
  19. Cooperate with pastor and others to do other nonspecific duties as needed
  20. Have the same attitude as Christ- that is-take on the form of a servant in the performance of your duties at St. John's.


LOSING TO GAIN UPDATE  I am at a stabilization point and am holding at 9lbs lost.  I am going to ramp it up a bit this week.


Between Monday, April 3 and Friday, September 1,  I plan on losing as much weight as possible and as is healthy for me to lose.  My goal, the Lord willing, is 100lbs. which averages out to about 2/3 of a pound a day.   


I would like all of you to consider sponsoring me with a pledge of money per pound.  It can be $100, $10, $1, .50, or whatever  per pound.  The amount is up to you.


You will also have your choice of three different causes to donate to. 


Lead a Child--  An organization that raises money for Lutheran churches and schools in third world countries so that kids can go to school, get a quality education, and learn about Jesus.  (Go to www.leadachild.org to learn more)


Warren County Literacy Inc.---  Helping children achieve and grow in literacy in Warren County.  Our main emphasis is the bookcase project in which bookcases and books are donated to between 60-80 children from the Youth In Need and Headstart programs in Warren County.  We also have several "Little Free Libraries"  around the county.    (Check it out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Warren-County-Literacy-Inc-1763714847229903/?ref=bookmarks or http://www.warrencountybookcaseproject.org/


Warren County Pregnancy Option Center---  This will be a place where expectant mothers and fathers can go and get counseling, coaching and referrals to medical services they need so that they can keep their child or give it up for adoption.   Our first annual banquet is Thursday, April 20 at 7pm at Holy Rosary, and I still need two people to fill the table.  More info will be coming soon about a Facebook page and websites. 



Please reply to this email if you'd like to pledge, and I will record it for you! 


I started out at 336lbs on Monday, and I am down to 332 as of yesterday afternoon.  Please pray for me and for this endeavor!  Keep me accountable! 



Due to confirmation questioning being the same evening and the LWML Zone Rally the next day, the Hendershots are going to cancel their monthly Bible study and fellowship.  It will resume on Friday, May 19!



 Student must be 3 for younger class  or 4 for older class by August 1.

$45 nonrefundable registration fee required.

Registration packets can be picked up at Little Lambs during school hours and in the church office during non-school hours. 



Soup and Ramen Noodles.  Place them in the receptacle marked "Backpack Blessings" in the narthex.



Any nonperishable food items, diapers, toiletries, etc.!!


Perishable food items can be taken directly to Agape at 713 Powell St. in Warrenton.  Call 456-4645 to find out when they're open or for more info.



Go to www.kroger.com/communityawards and register your card today!!


For KATHY FISCHER, having surgery to remove some skin cancer from near her eye today.


For CAROL BRAZEE having sinus surgery next week, Tuesday.


For KEN FOSTER having back surgery next week, Thursday.


For HOLLY FAERBER, who was hospitalized this past weekend with an undiagnosed pain in her abdomen.  She is having an MRI done today. 


For PAT KING, as she is recovering from knee replacement surgery at home.


For MARILYN FOSTER as she prepares for her retirement.


For both RANDY AND PATTY SWEET'S MOTHERS,  Virginia, Patty's mom, has just been diagnosed with lung cancer.  Rose, Randy's mom, had a bad seizure two months ago, and although she is walking and talking fine, the seizure caused some dementia. 


For DANIELLE MEINE KRAMER, whose leukemia is back after a brief respite from it.  She had it for several years while in high school.  (She grew up riding Karin's school bus to school.)


For Mim Dunn's nephew DAVID HAHN who is dealing with severe throat cancer.


For LOIS BOEGER'S MOM, EVELYN TOEDEBUSCH,  who has been on hospice care for the last few months and slows down a little more every day, but is doing well.