Warren County Bookcase Project

For the third year in a row, Warren County Literacy Inc. is giving away oak bookcases to underprivileged kids in Warren County.  This year there are 85 kids from the Headstart program and other resources who are in need of these bookcases and books.  They are handmade bookcases by Rich Lageman (a retired principal and teacher from Wright City) with help from  students from Wright City. 
There is a real problem of illiteracy and under literacy in our community.  This program is an excellent way to combat this and help kids to be proud of their ability to read and their books. 
Allan Dreyer, Marlys Mertens, and Pastor Klaustermeier are on this board and are willing to answer any questions you may have.
Would you please consider giving to this very worthy cause?  Each bookcase costs $55.
Checks made out the same as In the past: Warren County Bookcase Project
 Send to: Warren County Bookcase Project
               c/o First State Community Bank
               1022 N. Hwy 47
               Warrenton, MO