prayer request

Please pray for John Coulborn, a former member of St. John's who lives in Ft. Worth TX.  he has a very serious infection in his knee that had recently been replaced.

Monday, April 30, 2012

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

So, what do you think? Are you ready for another Bible?

Ready or not, Thomas Nelson Publishing is going to give us one.

In truth this Bible is new; it is different, and it is special, which is not to say it is better. Indeed, this new Bible doesn't claim to be more accurate, it just says it is easier to understand. That's because rather than translating a Greek word with an English word, the new Bible tries to capture the nuances of the language.

Rather than saying, "Jesus Christ," this new Bible says, "Jesus, the Anointed One." Forget calling Jesus' post-Pentecost disciples, "apostles"; this new Bible renames them "emissaries."

Yes, the world is getting a new Bible, but the ultimate question is will it be a good Bible? That's the question that needs to be asked of every translation of Scripture. Is it good? Is it accurate? Is it spot-on reliable?

Not all translations are spot-on reliable.

That's because every translator sees the Bible in a different way. He uses his filters, his perspectives, and his points of view when he tries to take the original languages of Scripture and convert them into a language you can read. A good translation of the Bible usually happens when we see a great deal of God -- and very little of the translator.

So, who do we see in this new Bible: God or the translator?

Let's take a look: the first verse of John's Gospel, says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (English Standard Version). The same verse in the new Bible says, "Before time itself was measured, the Voice was speaking. The Voice was and is God."


I can't speak for you, but I see a lot of translator and not a lot of God. Now I would not condemn this new translation. The Holy Spirit has managed to accomplish His purpose by using good translations and bad translations. He can do the same here.

That being said, I would urge you to use a translation where the Lord shines clearly and without a translator's filter.

THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, You have spoken to us through prophets and apostles. May we be given a Scripture that shares those words, which points to our Savior in a simple, understandable and accurate way. This I ask in the Savior's Name. Amen.

YESTERDAY'S QUIZ:   What is an "acrostic" poem?  It is a Psalm that has each line starting with the letters of the hebrew alphabet.  Psalm 37 is an example of an acrostic Psalm. 
Today's Quiz: What does the word "psalm" mean?
Question: What is the Christian's proper response to theories of evolution regarding the beginning of the world?
Answer:  By faith Christians believe what the Word of god teaches about creation.  Evolutionary theories are not scientifically verifiable.
Mon- nothing
Tues- Quilters 9-2; Bible study 11:30-12:15; Alpha 6:30-8
Wed- nothing
Thurs- National Day of Prayer Breakfast 6:30am; Prayer service 7am
Fri- Ladies Aid preparing for Saturday's luncheon all day; Also preparations for the tailgate and rummage sale
Sat- Tailgate and rummage sale 7am-1pm; Ladies Aid luncheon, craft, and bake sale 7am-1pm; worship 5pm
Sun-  early Bible study 8am; worship 9am; Sunday school 10:15; worship 11am

ALPHA CLASS CONTINUES THIS WEEK!  TUESDAY 6:30pm!!!  Bring a dish to share for the potluck!!

Everyone is always welcome even if you haven't been to a class yet!  _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

National Day of Prayer


St. John's Lutheran Church

950 South Hwy. 47

Warrenton, MO 63383

Thursday – May 3, 2012

Continental Breakfast:    6:30 AM – 7:00 AM

(overflow area of the church sanctuary)

Devotion and Prayers:    7:00 AM – 7:30 AM

Pastor Jeremy Klaustermeier

Organist:  Mr. Gene Hilgendorf

(The church will be left open until 12:00 PM

for those wishing to come by and pray)


RSVP would be appreciated 456-2888,  but not necessary



Come and enjoy a wonderful lunch and buy some very tasty baked goods to take home!

Get your mom or grandma something very nice and homemade for Mother's Day!!


along with that there will also be a


This is held in conjunction with the Ladies Aid Craft and Bake Sale and Luncheon
Two ways you can help. 
1. You can donate GENTLY used items to Little Lambs who will sell them under the pavilion that day.  You can buy a parking spot or two or three for $10 a piece and sell your own things
Donations are going to the purchase of a "hands on" science lab and curriculum for Little Lambs.
Drop of dates are April 30-May 4.
In the preschool room there is a box that you can put food in to feed extremely low income children in Warren County.  Many of these kids get fed every day at school for breakfast and lunch, but what about the weekend?  What the food listed below does for many of these children is gets them through the weekend when food is especially scarce. 
If you want more information about this program or you want to donate money to this causeyou can call Erin Waters at 359-9219 or email her at
Here is the list of food you can bring
cereal (single serve sizes)
oatmeal (instant packets)
hot chocolate mix
juice boxes
peanut butter
jelly (squeezable bottles)
spaghettios or beefaroni
mac and cheese
green beans
granola bars
fruit snacks
pudding cup
raisin boxes
applesauce cups
fruit cups
cereal bards
individually wrapped crackers or cookies

Lutheran World Relief is often the first to arrive when disaster strikes in this country and around the world.  If you care to donate to this cause make your checks payable to St John's and clearly makr the designated envelope for Lutheran World Relief.  As always these donations should be over and above your normal tithes and offerings. 


PRAYERS: (If I have missed anyone please let me know.)
For the many LITTLE LAMBS AND THEIR TEACHERS who were hit by some sort of intestinal bug this past weekend, that they recover quickly. 
For KARIN KLAUSTERMEIER'S DAD, BOB LAMPEN, who will be going through a procedur/surgery to take a tumor out of his brain and then going through other treatments to fight the cancer in other parts of his body. .  
For CAROLINE BUELTMANN who is recovering at her daughter's home from some heart troubles and is doing much better.
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is undergoing more treatments for cancer.
For LIBBY PAILER as she continues to recover well at home from heart surgery.
For DOLORES DEBLAZE as she deals with chemo treatments for stage four lung cancer.   
For JEANETTE KOEHLER who is recovering well at the Cedars.
For JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, who is improving well and is gaining strength as he deals with his cancer.