Monday, March 18, 2013

How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God. Psalms 84:1-2

Have you ever wanted something very badly? Fred Butler of Beverly, Massachusetts, did. More than anything, Butler wanted to graduate from high school. He wanted a high school diploma.

Because life got in the way, Butler was never able to attain that dream.

Understand, it wasn't entirely Butler's fault. He had to drop out of the ninth grade to work full time in a print shop. His earnings put food on the table for his mother and five younger brothers and sisters. Then there was World War II. After the war, he found true love and got married. Together he and his bride raised five children.

It was only after his wife of 65 years died that Butler's thoughts returned to the high school diploma he had never received. There was only one problem: he was now 106 years old.

Knowing Butler's longing -- his state, his community, and his relatives came together and gave him an honorary high school degree. With diploma in hand, and mortar board hat and tassel on his head, he joyfully said, "I thank everybody who is responsible for this ... I certainly appreciate it."

So, have you ever wanted something very badly? Have you ever longed for something with all your heart? You know, like Butler longed for a diploma, and the Psalmist longed to be in the court of the living God.

Yes, that's right. More than anything else, the Psalmist wanted to be in fellowship with the Lord who had made him, redeemed him, called him, and was keeping him.

So, I wonder, is being in harmony with God high on your list of longings?

Most people, if they are being honest, would say, "I don't think so." That's because for many of those people God has become a non-entity, a powerless fantasy from humanity's past. No, their longings are for more practical things: things like wealth, position and power. That's sad. It's sad because such things are both flawed and fleeting.

Far better for us to long for, to faint for, to seek out "the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (see Matthew 6:33).

This leads me to offer this reminder: if you are moved to seek out the Lord, you can do it all at home, as you study His Word and come to Him in prayer. You can do it all this Sunday in church, where you sing His praise and hear His message from the pulpit.

THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, the world keeps coming up with things I simply "must have." Give me the kind of heart which first, foremost and always longs to be in the presence and service of my crucified and risen Savior. In His Name. Amen.

THURSDAY'S QUIZ: How was Joseph's share of the inheritance split up between the descendants of his sons?  It was split up between his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh  (Good job Terry McKenzie and Dianne Hance)
MONDAY'S QUIZ:  Who was Deborah?
Mon- Confirmation 5-6:15
Tues- Quilters 9-2; Bible study 11:30-12:15; Board of outreach meeting 3:30; Council meeting 7pm
Wed- Ladies Aid meeting 1pm; Supper (Fried chicken and all the fixings) 5:30; worship 6:30; APRIL NEWSLETTER ARTICLES DUE

Sat- work day begins at 8am; worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30- Sunday school 9:45; worship 11am

Come and hear about some of the crazy, strange, and wonderful things that happened during the forty days between Christ's resurrection and ascension!
The ladies aid is expanding their bake and craft sale to include those who would like to sell their own products whether they be homemade crafts or sell from home products like uppercase living, scentsy, Tupperware, etc.  Tables are available for $20 a table. 
Along with that there will again be parking lot spaces available for our 5th annual Flea market.  parking spaces are $10 a space.  More info below:
Basement and Little Lambs Classrooms:  The Ladies Aid is adding INSIDE spaces for vendors, crafters, and bakers to their Spring Craft and Bake Sale.   You can reserve your own spot to sell your own wares for $20 per table.  These spots are open to St. John's members first before being open to the public.  If you are interested, call Coleen Bottorff 456-5482 or the church office 456-2888 within the next two weeks. 

Parking Lot:  The Annual Flea Market will continue as it has the past four years.   Parking spaces will remain $10 per space.  Proceeds from the outdoor parking space rentals and Little Lambs sale under the pavilion will benefit the preschool.  They  are raising funds for their new Summer Camp Programs and to enhance preschool.  Please call the Little Lambs teachers or the church office to rent a parking space 456-2888
Please sign the sheet on the counter in the narthex by next Wednesday, March 20.  If they are in memory of someone, or for a special occasion, please make note of that on the sheet.  They are $12.50 each.  You may take yours home after the 10am service!
FOR DIANNE FELDKAMP AND HER FAMILY as they mourn the loss of her father. 
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH, who will be having surgery soon to remove his bladder due to cancer.
FOR STEVE AND TONI MAUCH'S NEPHEW AND HIS FAMILY.  First his one year-old daughter came down with a staph infection from teething and is being treated with antibiotics and doing better, upon her return home from the hospital his wife had to be taken to the ER and has been diagnosed with the same form of staff.  She is severely ill with it attacking her spine, lungs and they fear her heart and she is in extreme pain.   Her name is Carrie and the baby's name is Madison, our nephew is Daniel. 
For TED GREENWALD (age 93), friend of the Robines and lifelong member of Salem Lutheran Church/Affton, MO who is having back surgery soon.  Also for TED AND HIS WIFE, LORRAINE, who will be celebrating their 72nd wedding anniversary at the end of this month!

For SANDRA PERRICONE AND HER FAMILY as they mourn the loss of her Aunt Carol due to pancreatic cancer.
For RICK SPINIOLAS who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and will be beginning chemotherapy on Monday. 
For NANCY SPINIOLAS, his wife, who is dealing with severe back pain due to many years of using an artificial leg.
For RALPH SPOEDE who is dealing with cancer in both his kidney and in his brain. 
For DOMINIC GENTILE, a friend to many at church and in the community, who is suffering with brain cancer and is recovering from surgery.
For CINDY RUST, friend of Pat Jaeger who will be having surgery.
For JERRY AUBUCHON's SISTER BETTY MEYER, who is dealing with cancer.
For KEVIN MCLAUGHLIN, that he would come back to the Lord and that he would quit smoking.
For RUTH YOCUM who is recovering from a terrible fall and two broken legs. 







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