Monday, May 7, 2012

But now we are released from the Law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code. Romans 7:6

Most of you know that a week or two ago Charles Colson died.

If you read the papers from the late 1960s and the early 1970s, you knew Chuck Colson was an important guy. He smoked, drank, and sat at the table with powerful people like a U.S. president.

You would also know that Charles Colson was not necessarily a good guy. He was, with others, convicted and sentenced for his involvement with the Watergate scandal. That's what you would know if you read the papers from the 1970s.

If you read the papers from 2012, if you waded through the articles and obituaries which reported Colson's passing, you would meet a man who was involved with prison ministry, with defending the Christian faith, and pointing people to the Savior.

It is almost as if Charles Colson was two different people.

Maybe that's because he was two different people. There was Charles Colson the sinner, and Charles Colson the saved saint.

If you take a look at the Gospels, you will quickly see that when an individual meets Jesus, he must change. Now it is possible that a person, having seen the Savior, could become worse than he was originally. The Jewish Sanhedrin and the Pharisees could be numbered in that category.

Far more often Jesus changed people for the better.

When the Holy Spirit put a repentant heart and saving faith into an individual, that person would be altered in a most wonderful way. Tax collectors gave back what they had stolen; murderers were made into apostles, and suicidal jailers had joy restored in their homes.

Just as importantly, we need to remember Jesus has done the same wonderful thing for us.

When we entered this world, we were sinners. Granted, we were novice sinners, and at the beginning of our lives both size and coordination kept us from actively pursuing many sins, which would someday be commonplace.

Still, through His means of grace the Holy Spirit reclaimed us, recycled us, and made it possible for us to glorify the Savior with the things we did and said. He set us free from the Law and enabled us to live in a new way -- a way filled with light and hope, forgiveness and salvation.

That's what the Lord did for Charles Colson, and the thief on the cross, and the Samaritan woman at the well and ... you and me.

Meeting the Savior changes people. Thank God He has changed us.

THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, the Psalmist prayed for a clean heart; the lepers asked for bodily healing, and a Samaritan woman needed a Savior to straighten out her life. For the changes You made in these people, I give thanks. Most of all I rejoice in the saving changes You have made in me. May I live as a transformed servant of the Savior. In Jesus' Name I ask it. Amen.
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ:     What does the word "Hallelujah" or "Alleluia" mean?  It means "Praise ye the Lord (or Jehovah or Yahweh)  Great job Rich Boeger!
TODAY'S QUIZ: What "tune" was Psalm 58 set to?
How does the universe still depend on God?
Answer: God sustains all things by His wisdom and power
Mon- strategic planning committee meeting 6:30pm; OPEN Building committee meeting (anyone can come and ask questions) 7:30
Tues- Quilters 9-2; Bible study 11:30-12:15; Alpha 6:30; trustees meeting 7
Wed- bells 6:30; choir 7:30
Thurs- nothing
Fri- Bible study at Hendershots 7pm
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun-  early Bible study 8am; worship 9am; Sunday school 10:15; worship 11am
THE BULDING COMMITTEE IS HOLDING AN OPEN MEETING TONIGHT AT 7:30 for anyone who wants to come and ask questions, express their concerns, or even give ideas.  EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND!!  C U there!


Two important items are on the agenda.

1. The building committee will present their newest ideas and findings, and the plan for the future.


2. First we will vote whether or not to keep the 11am service (In January it was only decided that it would be temporary until this May meeting whenw e would decide whether or not to make it permanent.)  Then, if and when we decide to keep the 11am service, we will decide how to best change the service times so that we have enough time for fellowship and Sunday school between services.



Everyone is always welcome even if you haven't been to a class yet!  _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In the preschool room there is a box that you can put food in to feed extremely low income children in Warren County.  Many of these kids get fed every day at school for breakfast and lunch, but what about the weekend?  What the food listed below does for many of these children is gets them through the weekend when food is especially scarce. 
If you want more information about this program or you want to donate money to this causeyou can call Erin Waters at 359-9219 or email her at
Here is the list of food you can bring
cereal (single serve sizes)
oatmeal (instant packets)
hot chocolate mix
juice boxes
peanut butter
jelly (squeezable bottles)
spaghettios or beefaroni
mac and cheese
green beans
granola bars
fruit snacks
pudding cup
raisin boxes
applesauce cups
fruit cups
cereal bards
individually wrapped crackers or cookies

Lutheran World Relief is often the first to arrive when disaster strikes in this country and around the world.  If you care to donate to this cause make your checks payable to St John's and clearly makr the designated envelope for Lutheran World Relief.  As always these donations should be over and above your normal tithes and offerings. 


PRAYERS: (If I have missed anyone please let me know.) 
For PAM BROWN who fractured her back on Saturday, she is recovering at Progress West and should be able to go home this week.
For JOHN COULBORN, former member of St. John', who now lives in Texas.  He has a severe infection in his knee that has just been replaced. 
For KARIN KLAUSTERMEIER'S DAD, BOB LAMPEN, who will be going through radiation and chemotherapy treatments for several different cancers throughout his body.
For CAROLINE BUELTMANN who is recovering at her daughter's home from some heart troubles and is doing much better.
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is undergoing more treatments for cancer.
For LIBBY PAILER as she continues to recover well at home from heart surgery.
For DOLORES DEBLAZE as she deals with chemo treatments for stage four lung cancer.   
For JEANETTE KOEHLER who is recovering well at the Cedars.
For JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, who is improving well and is gaining strength as he deals with his cancer.   

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