St. John's Group Email Thursday, February 9, 2012

(The LORD said) "But My people did not listen to My voice; Israel would not submit to Me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts, to follow their own counsels. Oh, that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in my ways!" Psalms 81:11-13

Last year the Gunderson High Grizzlies tied for the league championship. This year the team has lost 17 games and won only three.

Quite a change, wouldn't you say?

Actually, 17-3 is a pretty good presentation, considering Coach Mike Allen is playing the A-squads of other schools, with his junior varsity mixed together with some sophomores and freshman.

And if you think there is a story behind those opening sentences, you would be right.

Earlier in the season Coach Allen suspended his five top players. He said they had violated their signed Code of Conduct, by coming to practice late, talking back and being disrespectful. The rest of the Grizzly's varsity team walked off in support of their comrades.

Coach Allen says if he had to do it over again, he would. That's because for Coach Allen, honor, integrity, respect and keeping your word are the things he wants his boys to learn first, when they play on his squad. If the winning comes, that's wonderful, but a basketball game will soon be forgotten, while those lessons of life will be remembered forever.

The Lord understands and agrees.

Since humankind fell into sin the Lord has been coaching His people to go one way, and they have preferred to go another. Like the Grizzly varsity, we talk back and are, generally speaking, disrespectful of the Lord.

While He is concerned about our eternal home, we are worried about getting all the stuff for an earthly house. When the Lord sends His Son to save us from our sins, we prefer God give us material blessings.

Little wonder the Lord has regularly suspended His people -- put them on the bench until they were willing to repent and listen.

It's all His way of teaching us an important lesson. He wants us to know the stuff of life is relatively inconsequential. It's His way to teach us that we are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all the rest will fall into place.

THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, grant that we may listen to Your voice and set aside our ignorance, in favor of following Your wisdom. Send Your Holy Spirit, so we may walk in Your ways and give thanks for Jesus who has saved us from our sins. This we ask in the Savior's Name. Amen.
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: What tribe of Israel was "set aside" to be priests for the whole nation of Israel?  Levites (Jim Rahn won!)
TODAY'S QUIZ:  Name one of the leaders who became insolent and rose up against Moses, because they thought that Moses and Aaron had set themselves above the rest of the Israelites, saying "You have gone too far!  The whole community is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is with them.  Why then do you set yourselves above the Lord's assembly?"
Close of the commandments
Question: How does God bless those who love Him and keep His commandments?
Answer: He showers those who belive in Hin and their God fearing descendants with constant love and good gifts.
Thurs- Bible study at Hendershot's 7pm
Fri- 7-12 graders and parents begin setting up for the steak dinner/auction at 3pm
Sat-  7-12 grade parents and kids work to get steak dinner/auction ready 10am-6pm; worship 5pm; STEAK DINNER AND AUCTION 6pm
Sun- Bible Study 8; worship 9; Bible Study and Sunday school 10:15; WORSHIP 11am 
PROJECTOR SCHEDULE:  Just a few dates left.  PLEASE SIGN UP!   
(Please note that the jr hi kids will be gone the weekend of March 23-25, so they aren't able to project or acolyte.)
March 25-  9am-                                            11am-
Mar 31-
Apr 1- (Palm Sunday)  9am-                                     
Another person signed up yesterday!!!
What is it?  Bible 101 is a new online product from Concordia Publishing House that increases Biblical literacy in adults. 
It is for all levels of learning and knowledge.  Even pastors learn things from this course. 
Participants simply log into Bible 101 and enter an online learning environment.  Members start out by learning essential Bible basics from "square one" and then build upon that as they progress through the course.
Here are som of the features of Bible 101
online- uses proven online educational strategies and models that facilitate retention among multiple learning styles.
videos- throughout the week, participants can access videos that relate to the lesson
discussion forum- participants are not left on their own as they are connected to a community where they can correspond, question, and encourage each other.
podcasts- daily devotional for each weekday
quizzes- test your knowledge and easily benchmakr where you are in your learning cycle.
printing- easily print the materials for even more easy access. 
Please call or reply to this email to let me know that you want to sign up for this wonderful opportunity.  I will sign you up!  The congregation has already paid the annual fee so IT IS FREE for you!!!
All who want to go need to sign up.  Directions on how to sign up are as follows:
1. Go to
2. Click on "volunteer in Joplin"
3. Go to bottom of page and click on "click here to register individually"
4. Fill out all of the required info. (Your group's name is St John's Warrenton, MO)
5. Click submit at the end of the page.
Let me know if you want to go.  ALL ADULTS ARE WELCOME!!!!
Youth are selling dinner/auction tickets in the narthex after services. Tickets are $15 per person.  Bid only tickets are $5.00.   You may also contact Marilyn to reserve tickets.
In order to guarantee that you get to sit with a special group of family or friends, you may want to consider purchasing a table of 8 for $120.
The Youth Group Steak Dinner and Auction has been set for Saturday, February 11, 2012.   Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.  Please join us for a night of fun and fundraising.  We will be having the old favorites:  silent auction  and 50/50 drawing as well as the new favorites: live auction, dessert dash, wine raffle, and the WILD HEARTS JACKPOT DRAWING where there is a chance to win $500.00.
Tickets for the WILD HEARTS $500 DRAWING are on sale now.  Please ask a youth group member to get  yours.  The tickets are 1 for $10 but for an additional $10 you can get 10 more tickets and have 11 chances at winning! 
Each time you purchase flowers and other gifts from A MOMENT OF GRACE and tell them you are a member at St. John's, the church receives a tithe from them.   A Moment of Grace is located at 511 N Hwy 47 and the phone number is 456-9334.
PRAYERS: (If I have missed anyone please let me know.)
For ANNA HOELSCHER who is in the ICU with internal bleeding.
For TAMMY MILLER and her family as her grandpa passed away last night only a few days after her grandma. 
For DOUG HERZOG as his mom went to heaven yesterday.
 For KENNETH DOVE, Jennfier Figura's dad, and former member of St. John's, who is dealing with an aneurysm in his stomach area and will findo ut soon, whether he will have surgery or not. 
For ED KOHRS and BETTY TAMELER who all have returned home after time spent in the nursing home recovering from illness, injury and surgery
For a dear friend of Tony and Sandra Perricone JACKIE SNEAD who is undergoing a double masectomy today.
For HANK SCHMIDT who is going through radiation treatments for stage 2 lung cancer.
For ROSETTA JONES who is recovering from a broken hip at St Jospeh's hospital rehab.
For MRS SISSON (1st grade teacher at Daniel Boone) AND HER NEW BABY, CHLOE, as they both grow stronger with each passing day.  Baby Chloe has about 2 mor emonths in the hospital.   
For KEN WAGNER who is home and is doing well, although he still has a LONG way to go.
For JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, who continues to be up and down because of chemotherapy treatments.   


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