| To download the print-friendly PDF of this month's issue, click here. And if you appreciate this email, send it to someone you know in the district. | | | | From the President's Desk: Suffering Is Not a Surprise According to 1 Peter 3:15, Christians are called to be prepared to give an answer or defense (Greek word for apology, as in apologetics) for the hope that we have. But in this age of shrill voices and all CAPS and exclamation points (!!!) on Twitter and Facebook, we are reminded that our defense should be offered with gentleness and respect. Read more. | | | Blessings and Challenges of Professional Church Work Assertion: it is possible to love the work we do AND to be overwhelmed by the stress that it brings to us. That's not easy for many church workers to admit. An experienced mid-career pastor left my office with the words: "I think of getting out of this work at least once a week. Yet, I would sign up for this gig again, in a minute." Read more. | | | Ambassadors of Reconciliation(AoR): A Resource for Pastors What's the one most difficult outcome for a pastor to achieve in the congregation? Agreeing on the color of the new sanctuary carpet? Sort of, yes. Even small decisions can be influenced with that agony of broken or strained relationships. Read more. | | | Missouri District Early Childhood Conference Celebrates and Supports Educators The Early Childhood Conference (March 2, 2019) strives to provide spiritual enrichment and continuing education for early childhood educators throughout the Missouri District. We believe that early childhood educators must be affirmed, valued and challenged in their work with young children. Read more. | | | Simple Ways to Build Your Faith as a Family While I want my children to know my earthly love for them, I desperately want them to know Jesus's love, so one day they'll see my love for them as we stand before the King of all Kings, Jesus Himself. So, in our house, we use the phrase "I will love you to heaven." Read more. | | | Missions10:02 Mission Grant Application Process Now Open My "10:02 Prayers" this week have been for the Holy Spirit to stir up surprises in new mission initiatives among our congregations. In fact, I'm challenging all of us to use the month of February to pray daily at 10:02 (mindful Jesus' call to prayer in Luke 10:02) for new beginnings and new starts in missions. Read more. | | | LCEF Church Improvement Loan Brings Long-Dreamed-For Accessibility to Zion Lutheran Church in Maryland Heights It's been almost six years since Joyce Hicks entered the fellowship hall of Zion Lutheran Church in Maryland Heights in St. Louis county. Joyce relies on a wheel chair for mobility, and until recently, the fellowship hall was only accessible through a set of stairs. Read more. | | | Mission Advancement Snapshot Many loving and forward-thinking individuals and congregations give generously so the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be shared throughout the Missouri District. If you're excited about these plans and want to get involved through financial gifts or prayer, please contact Leah at (314) 590-6211 or leah.sieveking@mo.lcms.org. | | | Save the Date: March 9, 2019 Tell the Next Generation: A Conference on Ministry to Families with Young Children | | | | National Youth Gathering MO Event T-Shirts Avaialble! | | | | | Peer Ministry Registration is open! Peer Ministry Training (PMT) is a two-party training for high school students and youth counselors who want to build relationships to serve in their congregation, school, community and family. Click here to learn more. | | | Minnesota Lumberjack Experience, July 11th from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Join groups from across the Missouri District at a one-of-a-kind event Minnesota Lumberjack Experience at Concordia University – St. Paul Wednesday, July 11th from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Located on the Concordia University – St. Paul campus, this event is all about food, fellowship & fun – lumberjack style! | | | | | | | | | | | | |  | | | | |
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