From Tony Perricone
Pastor is biking across MO this year to raise money for Lead a Child!!
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Last year I biked 3 days across half of Kansas. This year I will be biking 300 miles across the northern part of Missouri from Rock Port, MO to Canton, MO (Hwy 36 and 136 route) June 21-26!!
This is to raise money for Lead a Child (formerly CCCS, Children's Christian Concern Society) which provides scholarships for kids to attend Christian schools in third world countries. This not only provides needed education for kids who would not normally receive it, but it also provides their Christian teachers with hundreds of opportunities to share the good news of Jesus' death and resurrection with thousands of kids who haven't heard it. I don't exaggerate when I say that thousands of children have been baptized and come to faith because of Lead a Child! It is the most fruit for your mission dollar!
To donate you can simply go to find the line that says "Lead a Child Bike Club" and enter my name next to the amount you wish to donate. "Jeremy Klaustermeier".
If you would rather donate through a paper check, make the check out to "Lead a Child" and in the memo line write Bike Club: Jeremy Klaustermeier. Bring it in to me or send it in directly to
LeadaChild CCCS 1000 SW 10th Ave. Topeka, Kansas 66604 |
If you donate directly please let me know that you have done so! Thanks!
Pastor Klaustermeier
Thursday, April 9, 2015
By Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
Use these devotions in your newsletter and bulletin! Used by permission; all rights reserved by the Int'l LLL (LHM).
"Changed Grade"
April 9, 2015
He really was a nice boy. Some of his classmates called him a "cool dude."
And if you're wondering just how nice and how cool this senior at Louisiana's Beau Chene High School was, let me tell you about how, when a substitute teacher was having a difficult time logging into the school's computer system, our cool dude volunteered to help.
He asked for and received the password and took that substitute to exactly where she needed to be in the computer.
Of course, that's not the end of the cool dude's story.
Now that he had the school's password, the cool dude decided to help other people. This help he offered by going into the system and illegally raising the grades of his friends. Not wishing to limit his good-deed doing to his intimate group of pals, he offered to do the same for those who could come up with some cash.
There has been some talk that the cool dude also lowered the grades of some people whom he didn't like, but that hasn't been proven.
Eventually, a parent got suspicious and told the school's administration. After the authorities investigated, more than 45 students, including the cool dude, were suspended.
Now if you are like me, you are thinking this is wrong. No student should allow his grade to be changed when they didn't earn it. Every student should get what he has coming.
Yup, that's what I thought until I remembered my final grade has been changed -- by Somebody else.
You see, the time is coming when each of us is going to stand before the just Judge and give an account of our lives. We will give an account, and we will fail, and we will find ourselves condemned.
That's the way it should have been. But, as I say, our final grades have been changed. Not by some cool dude who has played fast and loose with the honor system ... no, our final grade has been changed by God's perfect Son, Jesus Christ.
Two-thousand years ago, Jesus was born for the purpose of changing the final grade of every man, woman and child. To that end He dedicated His perfect life. For this wonderful work, He was condemned and crucified. There, on Calvary's cross, He died -- as did our sins. Three days later, in glorious victory, Jesus conquered death and showed to all the world that its final grade would be freely changed --- if they would only believe on Him as Savior.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I give thanks You have passed the tests we have failed and that because of Your work we are forgiven and have eternal life. Accept our thanks for this great gift so freely given to me and all the world. In Your Name. Amen.
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: Who was Michal? Michal was the daughter of Saul and King David's first wife
Thurs- Praise band 6pm
Sat- Traveling fellowship Group Bus leaves at 7:45; Men's breakfast 8; Worship 5
Sun- Worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school 9:45; Estate Planning Seminar noon
Acolyte- 8:30- Hannah Johnson; 11- Cara Klaustermeier
Ushers- Figura Family
Altar- Set up- Cheri' Hofeldt; Clean up- Wanda Turnure
Communion Assistants- Sat- Randy Fischer; 8:30- Don Turnure; 11- Dave Winter
Greeters- 8:30- Doug and Ruth Walters; 11- Mike and Naomi Johnson
Lay readers- 8:30- Jo Fahrni 11- Steve Robine
Organist: Melissa Pedersen
Projectionists: Sat- Perricone; 8:30- McKenzie; 11- ?????
Here's what we have so far:
Apr 12- Hachtels
Apr 19- ???
Apr. 26- ???
If you didn't get your business card in this month's newsletter get them in to the office for the April newsletter!! This advertising is free to members. Many times members call and ask if there are members who are in a certain business or profession. People would always rather do business with fellow church members when they can.
Register online and have it swiped each time you shop.
We are looking for ideas for carnival games and also donations of carnival game prizes for the vent. Please donate prizes into the cardboard box in the narthex. Also, if any one has an idea for a carnival game, or a game itself they would like to donate please contact Joanna Hoelscher at 636-485-0635 or Karla Christophene at 314-397-1375.
For FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF MELVA MEYER, as she went to heaven Saturday evening.
For BRENDA SCHOUTEN, aunt of Tony Perricone. Her cancer has spread and it appears she is very close to going home to the Lord...
For DANIELLE MEINE who is hospitalized with complications due to her chemo treatment. Even though her cancer is in remission she still has to do treatment for another year and a half.
For KELSEY OVERBECK, as she is anxiously awaiting a call to be a full time DCE.
For DAVE KOHRS who has stopped receiving chemo treatments and has placed himself on hospice care.
For BONNIE FRENZIA who is spending some time in Delmar Gardens for rehab.
For OUR DCE INTERN, KELSEY OVERBECK, that the Lord moves a congregation in need of her abilities to call her into full time DCE ministry.
For DAVE TINNIN'S MOM, JANE, as she continues to recover from several strokes and seizures.
For WILMA WEIGLE as she is having a lot of difficulty with congestion and possible pneumonia. .
For DENISE SCHLESSELMANN as she continues to work hard to bring the people of the Czech Republic to Christ. .
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