DEVOTION: (Another good one from Lutheran Hour Ministries.)
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
You know the poem about Santa: "He's making a list, and checking it twice; gonna find out, who's naughty and nice."
Now I can't verify the reality of Santa's list, but I do know the American Family Association has such a list, and they check it pretty regularly around Christmas time.
Their list is primarily concerned with companies that depend heavily on revenues brought in during the days when the Christian world celebrates the Savior's birth. The list has two categories: the "naughty" and the "nice."
The naughty companies are those who have "seasonal" and "holiday" specials, but who work very hard not to mention "Christ" or "Christmas." Often time these naughty companies forbid their staff from mentioning or wishing their patrons a "Merry Christmas!"
In short, the naughty companies are those that have taken Christ out of Christmas.
The American Family Association maintains this list because they believe Christians will want to support those companies that haven't taken a politically correct stand against the Savior. Apparently, they believe correctly.
This past year both Sam's Club® and L.L.Bean® were moved from the nice list to the naughty list. Both companies, it seems, had decided to avoid using the word "Christmas" in their ads. It didn't take too long before people started calling in and letting the companies know they were going to be doing their Christmas shopping elsewhere.
It also didn't take too long before the companies had a change of heart and returned to mentioning Christmas in their publications.
So why am I sharing this information a few weeks after the holiday, excuse me, after Christmas has come and gone?
I just wanted you to know that the voice and the pocketbooks of Christians can be powerful tools to accomplish positive things. All too often we have a tendency to act as if we were helpless and at the mercy of all the non-Christian events transpiring around us. We don't like things ungodly; we complain about them, but we don't do anything.
The truth is if Christians stay away from a certain type of movie that movie will lose money and Hollywood will not be so inclined to make such fair. If we don't buy violent games for our children, the gaming companies will come up with something we will purchase.
This all means our witness and our pocketbooks can make a stand. As St. Paul said -- whatever we do we can do to bring glory to the Savior whose life was given so we might have life eternal.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, Your entire life was lived as a gift for us. Now may the things we do show our gratitude for Your sacrifice. In Your Name I ask it. Amen.
MONDAY'S QUIZ: Who wrestled with God? Jacob did. (Two in a row for Dianne!)
TUESDAY'S QUIZ: What was the name of the daughter of Jacob who was raped by Shechem? (A very interesting story by the way. Check it out in Genesis 34.
Question: Why do you close the thirds article with the words "This is most certainly true."?
Answer: Because all that I confess in this article is plainly taught in the Bible and therefore I firmly believe it.
Tues- Quilters 9-2; Bible study 11:30-12:15; Council meeting 7pm
Wed- Ladies Aid 1pm; Newsletter deadline
Thurs- Pastor at pastor's meeting all day
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun- THRIVENT SUNDAY; worship 8:30; Sunday school 9:45; worship 11am
7-12 grade youth and parents meeting tonight! 6:30pm
Come hear Werner Gerstmann speak on creation. Mr Gerstmann was born and lived in East Berlin and has an interesting take on creation . He will speak at First State Community Bank (across from McDOnald's and next to China Buffet.
All ladies, regardless of age, are welcome to attend!!
Call Bob Linke or Walt Schirr to let them know you're willing to serve!
Jason Schoppenhorst, the Thrivent rep for this area will be here on Sunday, January 20 to talk about Thrivent after church at both services and to give a presentation of Thrivent Choice (a way to make your investment and insurance dollars work for the church) and other programs that Thrivent provides during Bible class time.
Delores Desemone, president of the Lutheran for Life Chapter of St. Charles County Area, will be here to make a presentation about Lutherans for Life and how we as individuals and as a congregation can be involved in honoring the sanctity of human life at all ages and stages. She will be providing us with baby bottle banks, that we can fill with money to support LIFE in our own community and throughout the world.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 9 at 6:30 pm, with doors opening at 6pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
The youth will be selling tickets after church after church the rest of this month so get yours as soon as you can. Every year is more exciting than the last, so don't miss out on a good time while helping the youth in their ministry!! If you have any questions about ticket, please call Barb Hargrove at 456-2235, or Christy Winn at 314-479-5543!
The LCMS is asking for donations to help with relief efforts. If you care to give, you may use a designated envelope, or you can go to and donate directly online.
For TINA RUTH'S SISTER, who is dealing with cancer.
For CHRISTIAN WENZEL, art teacher at Blackhawk Middle School, who continues to recover from a fall from his deer stand that left him paralyzed from the waist down. .
You know the poem about Santa: "He's making a list, and checking it twice; gonna find out, who's naughty and nice."
Now I can't verify the reality of Santa's list, but I do know the American Family Association has such a list, and they check it pretty regularly around Christmas time.
Their list is primarily concerned with companies that depend heavily on revenues brought in during the days when the Christian world celebrates the Savior's birth. The list has two categories: the "naughty" and the "nice."
The naughty companies are those who have "seasonal" and "holiday" specials, but who work very hard not to mention "Christ" or "Christmas." Often time these naughty companies forbid their staff from mentioning or wishing their patrons a "Merry Christmas!"
In short, the naughty companies are those that have taken Christ out of Christmas.
The American Family Association maintains this list because they believe Christians will want to support those companies that haven't taken a politically correct stand against the Savior. Apparently, they believe correctly.
This past year both Sam's Club® and L.L.Bean® were moved from the nice list to the naughty list. Both companies, it seems, had decided to avoid using the word "Christmas" in their ads. It didn't take too long before people started calling in and letting the companies know they were going to be doing their Christmas shopping elsewhere.
It also didn't take too long before the companies had a change of heart and returned to mentioning Christmas in their publications.
So why am I sharing this information a few weeks after the holiday, excuse me, after Christmas has come and gone?
I just wanted you to know that the voice and the pocketbooks of Christians can be powerful tools to accomplish positive things. All too often we have a tendency to act as if we were helpless and at the mercy of all the non-Christian events transpiring around us. We don't like things ungodly; we complain about them, but we don't do anything.
The truth is if Christians stay away from a certain type of movie that movie will lose money and Hollywood will not be so inclined to make such fair. If we don't buy violent games for our children, the gaming companies will come up with something we will purchase.
This all means our witness and our pocketbooks can make a stand. As St. Paul said -- whatever we do we can do to bring glory to the Savior whose life was given so we might have life eternal.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, Your entire life was lived as a gift for us. Now may the things we do show our gratitude for Your sacrifice. In Your Name I ask it. Amen.
MONDAY'S QUIZ: Who wrestled with God? Jacob did. (Two in a row for Dianne!)
TUESDAY'S QUIZ: What was the name of the daughter of Jacob who was raped by Shechem? (A very interesting story by the way. Check it out in Genesis 34.
Question: Why do you close the thirds article with the words "This is most certainly true."?
Answer: Because all that I confess in this article is plainly taught in the Bible and therefore I firmly believe it.
Tues- Quilters 9-2; Bible study 11:30-12:15; Council meeting 7pm
Wed- Ladies Aid 1pm; Newsletter deadline
Thurs- Pastor at pastor's meeting all day
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun- THRIVENT SUNDAY; worship 8:30; Sunday school 9:45; worship 11am
7-12 grade youth and parents meeting tonight! 6:30pm
Come hear Werner Gerstmann speak on creation. Mr Gerstmann was born and lived in East Berlin and has an interesting take on creation . He will speak at First State Community Bank (across from McDOnald's and next to China Buffet.
All ladies, regardless of age, are welcome to attend!!
Call Bob Linke or Walt Schirr to let them know you're willing to serve!
Jason Schoppenhorst, the Thrivent rep for this area will be here on Sunday, January 20 to talk about Thrivent after church at both services and to give a presentation of Thrivent Choice (a way to make your investment and insurance dollars work for the church) and other programs that Thrivent provides during Bible class time.
Delores Desemone, president of the Lutheran for Life Chapter of St. Charles County Area, will be here to make a presentation about Lutherans for Life and how we as individuals and as a congregation can be involved in honoring the sanctity of human life at all ages and stages. She will be providing us with baby bottle banks, that we can fill with money to support LIFE in our own community and throughout the world.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 9 at 6:30 pm, with doors opening at 6pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
The youth will be selling tickets after church after church the rest of this month so get yours as soon as you can. Every year is more exciting than the last, so don't miss out on a good time while helping the youth in their ministry!! If you have any questions about ticket, please call Barb Hargrove at 456-2235, or Christy Winn at 314-479-5543!
The LCMS is asking for donations to help with relief efforts. If you care to give, you may use a designated envelope, or you can go to and donate directly online.
For TINA RUTH'S SISTER, who is dealing with cancer.
For CHRISTIAN WENZEL, art teacher at Blackhawk Middle School, who continues to recover from a fall from his deer stand that left him paralyzed from the waist down. .