In a song that we sang this past Sunday at the late service we sang these words: "I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together. All of God's people, all around the world, yes we're the church together."
So I ask you again today, what is the church? Is it a store where you can get your goods and services, pay your money, and get out before you buy something else? Is it a club where you pay your dues and use the goods and services at your own pace and your own will? Is it a venue to go to where you can hear a good, inspiring message and listen to some good music and even sing along from time to time? Or is it like a doctor's office that you only go to when you are feeling bad and as soon as you get the medicine you need you don't need to show up there anymore?
I imagine that some of you may be feeling a bit uncomfortable right now as you read this. All of us are guilty of misusing the church. I have been guilty of it too!
We have to remember what the church is. It is a group of people gathered around God's Word and sacrament to receive Christ's forgiveness and to work together to bring that forgiveness to our community and world. IT IS A PEOPLE!
Paul describes it as the "body of believers" with each member of that body doing its part for the other members of the body, encouraging, supporting, forgiving, and loving each other so that we call can grow up together in Christ.
Notice that Paul and his companions didn't go into a city expecting anything from anyone. They didn't go into the synagogue, sit down, and expect to be waited on. They went right to work sharing the good news of Christ with all who would hear it.
Be that way! Be a member of the body of Christ! Be someone who thinks of the church as a people who refresh and encourage each other, who hear the good news from the pastor so that they can go out and get to work proclaiming it to all who need to hear!
Let us pray: Lord God, help us to get our minds and hearts right when it comes to the church so that we can participate in it and be a part of its growth. Amen.
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: Where did the disciples flee to after they left they found out about the plot to mistreat them and stone them?
Wed- Ladies Aid meeting (w/ Mite boxes) noon; NEWSLETTER DEADLINE
Sat- Bible Study 4; Worship 5
Sun- worship 8:30; Bible Study and Sunday school 9:45; worship 11
Acolytes- 8:30- Becca Bettlach 11- Kailyn Blechle
Altar guild- Set up- Cheri' Hofeldt; Clean Up-- Betty Schirr and Cheryl Bettlach
Greeters- 8:30- Dave and Hope Tinnin; 11- Steve and Sandy Robine
Communion Assistants- Sat- Don Turnure; 8:30- John Hachtel; 11- Steve Robine
Lay Readers- Sat- Marcia Sevier; 8:30- Jacob Nagel; 11am- Steve Robine
8:30 Ushers- Alan Hofeldt, Tim Linke, Rich Talbert, Don Turnure
Projectors- Sat- Perricone; 8:30- Panhorst; 11- ????
Sat pianist- Kathy Barrow; Sun- Melissa Pedersen
Kelsey updates our website weekly! Check it out!!
LABOR DAY FLOAT TRIP-- Float trip will be through Ozark Outdoors. Meet at the river at 10am for a 4 mile float. Please contact Teresa Scott to sign up. She can be reached by email at, cell phone or text at 636-359-5041 or at Schraer heating and air conditioning at 636-456-5041. When signing up, [please provide your best phone contact number and email address, if you have one. More info to follow
There will be a sign up sheet to tell us how many from your family and friends are coming and what kind of food you will be bringing (Please bring a salad/side dish or dessert to share). Hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, drinks, and eating utensils will be provided.
We will need a few guys to volunteer to help with grilling on Sunday morning. STEVE MCDOWELL and BRENT DAVIS have volunteered to head that up! Thanks guys!
Everyone will need to help with clean up at the end, but it would be good to have a few volunteers to be in charge of clean up.
SERMON VIDEOS: Watch them yourself and then pass them on to your friends! YOUR QUILTERS!!!
I have a person interested in learning to quilt in the evening. Are there any more ladies that work and would be interested in setting up an evening? Also any experienced quilter that might want to work with us as an instructor helper. Please contact Pam Bueltmann 636 745 2500 or Lets keep this wonderful old craft going for future generations. Thanks, Pam Bueltmann___________________________________________________________________________________________MEN'S RETREAT COMING UP Friday, Sept. 26- Sunday Sept. 28 AT MARK TWAIN LAKE!!Go to for all the info you will need and to sign up!It would be wonderful to get a big group of guys from St. John's to go! I never miss it!
MISSION STATEMENT NEEDS REVISION AND UPDATESOur mission statement needs to be updated to reflect our emphasis on children and youth and to be made more concise and easy to read. I would like to get a group of two or three interested people to help me to formulate something that we can print on all of our materials and share in the community. If you have any interest in that please reply or call 359-1061
_____________________________________________________________________________________DO YOU HAVE THE INACTIVE MEMBERS OF ST. JOHN'S ON YOUR HEART AND MIND? SO DO I!God has put the inactive members of St. John's on my heart and mind in different and new ways over the past month. They need our care, concern, prayers and love. I would like to get a committee of two or three people who also have them on their hearts and want to care for them in more and different ways. Please reply or call 359-1061 if interested!_______________________________________________________________________PRAYER REQUESTS: (If you have a prayer request please reply to this email or call me at 636-359-1061)For DON AND WANDA TURNURE AND FAMILY, as they mourn the loss of Don's mother Louise Hale.For MIM DUNN, as she is recovering from a fractured pelvis at home.
For GARRETT SPOEDE as he goes in for yet another surgery. It is outpatient to clean out an infection in his thumb.
For JONAS BORCHERT as he recovers from surgery to remove a lobe of his lung due to cancer and as he awaits word on a new course of treatment.
For the community of FERGUSON, and all of North County, as they deal with the civil unrest, rioting, and looting that continues.
For HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CHRISTIANS IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA, who are being persecuted to the point of death for their faith.
For NANCY SPINIOLAS as she recovers from a car accident and a fall.
For RICK SPINIOLAS as he continues to deal with pancreatic caner and the effects of the chemo on his body.
For LYNN MESSER, a friend of Jo Fahrni, who is has been missing for a month, that she will be found safe and well very soon.
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