DEVOTION: For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body-- Jews or Greeks, slaves or free-- and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body, that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body, that woud not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member where would the body be? The eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you, nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem weaker are indispesable, and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow greater honor, and our unrespresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more respresentable parts do not require. But God has so composedd the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the sam care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. I Corinthians 12:14-27 As you read through 1 Corinthians 12 and you think of your part as a member of the body of Christ, which part do you think you are? Are you a hand to give help where it is needed, are you a mouth to speak the good news ot those who need it, are you an ear to listen to people? What part of the body are you? Tomorrow night from 6:30-9:30 we will be having a special workshop at church to talk about our purpose as members of the body of Christ. We will come to find out that we all have a purpose. No matter how insignificant or small it may seem, your purpose is as important to God as anyone else's. The members of the church need you to be there so that we can grow together, heal our broken relationships and work through our differences, and flourish as the body of Christ in this place called St. John's Lutheran Church, Warrenton. If you need someone to watch your children at your home please call me asap so I can get a babysitter set up for you. 456-2888. Prayer: Lord God, help all of us who are members of St. John's, and therefore members of the body of Christ, to work and grow together to fulfill yur purpose for us! Amen. _________________________________________________________________________________________________YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: Who was Psalm 31 written for? Asaph, the director of music. ________________________________________________________________________________________________TODAY's QUIZ: WHo was Jeduthun? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CATECHISM:
Question: May those who are weak in faith come to the Lord's table?Answer: Yes, for Christ instituted the Sacrament for the very pupose of strengthening and increasing our faith. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________BIRTHDAYS: Sun- Christina Benke, Molly Hendershot, Jacob Winn
Mon- Josh Okeefe
Tues- Doug Norris
Wed- Mike Smith, Ray Stark
Thurs- Lisa Owenby, Meagan Robb
Fri- Maryann Hoelscher, David Kuehl
Sat- Tim Linke
Sun- Gus Klaustermeier
ANNIVERSARIES: none this week
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CALENDAR: Tues- quilters 9-2; Bible study 11:30-12:15Wed- CARE workshop 6:30-9:30pmThurs- LWML Spring RallyFri- Ladies Aid setting up and cooking for their Spring BazaarSat- Tailgate Sale 7am-1pm; Ladies Aid Spring Bazaar 9am-1pm; worship 5pmSun- Early bible class 8am; worship 9am; Sunday school and Bible class 10:30am_______________________________________________________________________________________________________WORSHIP WORKERSProjector- Sat- McKenzie; Sun- FiguraElder- Sat-McDowell, Sun- WinterUshers- Hofeldt, Linke, Berryman, TurnureAcolyte- WinnLay reader- BerrymanGreeters- ShermanAltar- Setup- Hance; Clean Up-SchlesselmannOrganist- HilgendorfTellers- Team #1______________________________________________________________________________PROJECTOR SCHEDULEThanks to Terry McKenzie there are only a few dates left! Notice that most of them are Saturday evening!! July 3 is the only Sunday that we need someone. Sign up and get me off your back and out of your email inbox!
> >April 21 (Maundy Thursday)- Mckenzie
> >April 22- (Good Friday)- Mckenzie
> >
> >April 24 (Easter)- 6am Mauch 10:30am- Mckenzie
> >
> >April 30- Mckenzie
> >May 1- Figura
> >
> >May 7-
> >May 8- Denise Schlesselmann
> >
> >May 14-
> >May 15-Woolf
> >
> >May 21-
> >May 22- Mckenzie
> >
> >May 28- Figura
> >May 29- Schlesselmann
> >
> >June 4- Mckenzie
> >June 5- Panhorst
> >
> >June 11-
> >June 12- Mckenzie
> >
> >June 18-
> >June 19-Woolf
> >
> >June 25-
> >June 26- Panhorst
> >
> >July 2- Mckenzie
> >July 3-
> >
> >July 9-
> >July 10- Figura
> >
> >July 16-
> >July 17-Woolf
> >
> >July 23-
> >July 24- Panhorst
> >
> >July 30-
> >July 31- Mckenzie
______________________________________________________________________________________NEWS: TAILGATE SALE/FLEA MARKET THIS SATURDAY 7am-1pm Please reserve your spot this week by calling the church office. All proceeds of money collected on spots will go to our Little Lambs preschool Little Lambs will also have their own "store" underneath the pavillion for you to peruse. ALl of the money raised fromt hat sale will also go to Little Lambs. All the money raised will be matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LADIES AID CRAFT AND BAKE SALE AND LUNCHEON ALSO THIS SATURDAY FROM 9am-1pm. Come and check out all the goodies and get a wonderful lunch while you are at it!! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CARE PROCESS TO START TOMORROW NIGHT, APRIL 27 with a congregational meeting from 6:30-9:30pm. The leaders of our church and many others would appreciate as many people being there as possible. Let me know if you need someone to watch your kids so you can be there. Even if you have no conflicts within the church, it would be good for you to be there to lend your encouragement and support to those who need it and to show your concern for your brothers and sisters in Christ. Besides, you may have use for some of the things you learn in other parts of your life. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Here are the rest of the practices for the jr. and sr. high youth choir. We will sing on May 8th - Mother's Day.
Sun. May 1 @ 6:00 p.m.
Sat. May 7 @ ? time to be determined
NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE "A MIGHTY FORTRESS IS OUR GOD" WILL TAKE PLACE AT ST. JOHN'S on MAY 5!!! It begins with a wonderful DELUXE continental breakfast at 6:30am.
The Prayer service begins at 7am. It will take about 30-45 minutes.
Bring your whole family before school and work! What a great way to start your day!
(Many items are still needed for the breakfast. Refer to your CHURCH Ministry email to find out what is needed or call Sandy Robine to find out at 456-4061.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________DATE HAS CHANGED FOR THE YOUTH GROUP TO CLEAN UP HIGHWAY 47. IT IS NOW ON MAY 15 DURING AND AFTER SUNDAY SCHOOL TIME.We are planning for all Youth to do Hwy 47 clean-up on Sunday, May 15 (weather permitting). We will meet in the Youth room after the service to have a devotion and then head out. Afterwards we will go to Binkley park and have a picnic lunch. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________OUR MISSION FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL ARE THE RELIEF EFFORTS UNDERWAY IN JAPAN with LCMS World ReliefThe folks in Japan have been dealing with the effects of a very severe earthquake that caused a lot of destruction. We truly need to continue to help them in any way we can. Go to to see how you can help. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PRAYER REQUESTS: (Please reply to this email to have prayer requests posted.) For LES SHERMAN who is recovering from congestive heart failure.
For ALAN HOFELDT'S MOTHER who is recovering from digestion problems and is unable to eat.
For ROBYN MCNEW'S BROTHER, KEN MEYER, who suffered a severe heart attack and is unresponsive after surgery.
For GERTIE BESSERT, sister of Gene Hilgendorf, who is nearing the end of ehr life after a long, hard battle against cancer.
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is had a non spreading tumor on his bladder that was removed by surgery. He is doing well.
For MARY SUE TOEDEBUSCH who is having serious problems and pain due to reumatoid arthritis.
For PAT MANNESS, former member of St. John's who is going to have to have hip replacement and is in very poor health in many different ways.
For RUTH CANTRELL who is still having problems with her eye and with headaches. THe cause has yet to be identified.
For OUR CHURCH as we begin to deal with our many conflicts and how to best resolve them and reconcile with one another.
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