And he (Ananias) said, "The God of our fathers appointed you to know His will, to see the Righteous One and to hear a voice from His mouth; for you will be a witness for Him to everyone of what you have seen and heard." Acts 22:14-15
Father Luke Strand has a parish, Holy Family, in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin.
A man of some humor, Father Luke has a black Volkswagen Beetle. On the doors of his black Volkswagen Beetle are stickers which say, "God Squad."
It is a humorous take-off on the giant electronic firm Best Buy's "Geek Squad."
When I heard about Father Luke's VW, I had a pretty good chuckle. It wasn't a knee slapper, but it did bring a short-lived smile.
Apparently, Best Buy doesn't agree. While Father Luke thought of his decorated "bug" as a way of spurring discussion and bringing his faith to others, the lawyers at Best Buy considered it a violation of their trademark.
That's why they sent Father Luke a cease-and-desist letter -- a letter he can't discuss in public.
Well, Father Luke may need to be silent, but I don't. You see, I'm not a lawyer, and I don't represent a giant electronics firm.
I do represent a Savior who isn't afraid of trademark infringements. His symbol is a cross, and He has told everybody to gather before it.
If you are a sinner, He says, "Come, and receive forgiveness."
If you are a great sinner, He says, "The invitation is especially for you."
If you are lonely, He says, "Come, and be with the Friend who loves you most."
If you are burdened, He says, "Come, and we will carry your troubles together."
If you are afraid of death, He says, "Come, I will take you through death's shadow into a place of perpetual life and joy."
And maybe, just maybe, because Jesus says those things, His followers and supporters make up the biggest organization this world has ever seen.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, like the rest of us, lawyers have a job to do. We respect them for doing it well. Most of all we respect You who successfully did the job entrusted to You by the Heavenly Father. Because You have finished this job, we are saved. For this, along with respect, we give You thanks and praise. Amen. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: How long did it take Solomon to build his palace? 13 years (Good job Doug, Sandy, and Dianne..... in that order! hehe)_____________________________________________________________________________________________TODAY'S QUIZ: What form/kind of literature is the book of Proverbs. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CATECHISMQuestion: What do we owe our heavenly Father for all His goodness?
Answer: It is our duty to
a. thank and praise, serve and obey Him.
b. be good STEWARDS of His creation.
______________________________________________________________________________________________CHURCH CALENDAR:Wed- visitation for Roger Boeger at Martin funeral home 4-8pm; Bells practice 6:30; BACCALAUREATE SERVICE IN THE HIGH SCHOOL COMMONS 7pm; Little Lambs program 7pm
Thurs- Roger Boeger funeral 10am; luncheon to follow
Fri- nothing
Sat- worship 5pm
Sun- early Bible study 8am; worship 9am; VOTER'S MEETING!!! 10:15; worship 11am
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________NEWS: BACCALAUREATE SERVICE TONIGHT at 7pm IN THE HIGH SCHOOL COMMONS!!! HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS AND FAMILIES ARE INVITED AND ENCOURAGED TO COME AND JOIN US FOR AN HOUR OF WORSHIP, SCRIPTURE, AND A MESSAGE FROM ALL YOUR FAVORITE PASTORS IN TOWN!!!
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Roger Boeger passed from death to life on Saturday evening. He now enjoys eternal life with his Lord and Savior!
Visitation: Wednesday, May 16, 4-8pm, Martin funeral home
Funeral: Thursday, 10am , St John's
Luncheon: 11am- immediately following the funeral
Burial: Mt Lebanon Cemetery on the Rock Rd.
VOTER'S MEETING ON SUNDAY, MAY 20, at 10:15!! Two important items are on the agenda. 1. The building committee will present their newest ideas and findings, and the plan for the future. 2. First we will vote whether or not to keep the 11am service (In January it was only decided that it would be temporary until this May meeting whenw e would decide whether or not to make it permanent.) Then, if and when we decide to keep the 11am service, we will decide how to best change the service times so that we have enough time for fellowship and Sunday school between services. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Everyone is always welcome even if you haven't been to a class yet! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In the preschool room there is a box that you can put food in to feed extremely low income children in Warren County. Many of these kids get fed every day at school for breakfast and lunch, but what about the weekend? What the food listed below does for many of these children is gets them through the weekend when food is especially scarce.
If you want more information about this program or you want to donate money to this causeyou can call Erin Waters at 359-9219 or email her at
Here is the list of food you can bring
cereal (single serve sizes)
oatmeal (instant packets)
hot chocolate mix
juice boxes
peanut butter
jelly (squeezable bottles)
spaghettios or beefaroni
mac and cheese
green beans
granola bars
fruit snacks
pudding cup
raisin boxes
applesauce cups
fruit cups
cereal bards
individually wrapped crackers or cookies
Lutheran World Relief is often the first to arrive when disaster strikes in this country and around the world. If you care to donate to this cause make your checks payable to St John's and clearly makr the designated envelope for Lutheran World Relief. As always these donations should be over and above your normal tithes and offerings.