| | PUBLISHED BY THE MISSOURI DISTRICT OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH—MISSOURI SYNOD October 12, 2018 | | | "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 | | | Senior High Students Get Long-term Growth from Weekend of Faith and Fellowship Few parents would say being a teenager is easy. In addition to school, teens face pressure and uncertainty in their relationships and from American culture. And then there's social media. The Missouri District Senior High Youth Gathering offers a chance for teens to take a step back and strengthen their faith. Registration for the 2018 fall Senior High Youth Gathering is now open. The event is Nov 16 to 18 at Crossp Pointe Retreat Center in Rocky Point, Mo. The weekend includes time for recreation, with escape rooms, a rec center, S'mores and games. There will also be devotions, worship and breakout sessions. Register here. A Brief Pause from Hectic Schedules Jeffrey Kullmann, a volunteer at Salem Lutheran Church in Affton, has been to every Missouri District Youth Gathering since 1996. He says, "The event makes a positive difference in the lives of high school youth. It is a quick weekend that helps them pause from the craziness of life, have some fun, make new friends, solidify current friendships and reflect on what God has done for them and how much He loves them." Hannah DeCuir, a college sophomore and member of Salem Lutheran Church agrees. She says these events are "definitely something that everyone should take advantage of because they're an opportunity to grow in your faith and also meet people the same age from all over the state, who share the same faith. It's so much fun to go on this trip and meet new people and spend time with your youth group family while learning more about your faith and serving the community." District Gatherings Provide Value in Times of Both Joy and Sadness This year's gathering will include (among other topics) attention to issues such as depression and suicide and how we face them as Christians. Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics updated their guidelines because up to one in five teens will experience depression. Hannah believes these events can lift teens up in troubled times, pointing out, "This trip is good for people that are struggling with their faith, too. Sometimes believing and maintaining your faith is hard especially when life is always throwing you curveballs, but you'd be surprised what a weekend trip like this can do with the right mindset." Jeffrey has seen this many times of the years as well, pointing out, "When teens start to struggle with things like school or relationships, they are reminded of the promises of God, that were strongly taught at the District Youth Gatherings." Registration is now open. Sign up today. The Impact of District Youth Gatherings Outlast the Weekend Though the District Youth Gatherings occur over a few days, the wisdom and joy students receive continues to grow long after they return home. This leads to a long-term strengthening of both faith and relationships that students can carry with them for years to come. DCE Andrew Nelson, Director of Family Life at Chapel of the Cross Lutheran Church, observes, "This event is a meaningful connection point for the youth and adults who attend. Upon returning home, there is a shared experience for those who attend. The relationships built and memories shared during a weekend like this help establish a foundation for our ministry throughout the year." Jeffrey has also seen the lasting effects of this weekend. He notes, "We have been blessed, because when we go, most if not all of our group comes home with hearts on fire for God. They are energized and ready to serve God in their homes, schools, neighborhoods and communities." To help your students reap the benefits that can only be found at the District Youth Gathering, register today. | | | Do You Ever Wish You Had Training for Being a Pastor's Wife? Pastors' Wives Invited to Retreat Nov. 3 and Nov. 10 by Mrs. Kathy Chinberg, a pastor's wife, chair of the Pastor's Wives Retreat Committee, and member of the District's Ministerial Health Committee This past year, in the months leading up to the royal wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, one could access numerous magazine and internet articles on the training that Meghan Markle was receiving in order to become one of the royal family. Among her many lessons she had to learn to curtsy properly, master the royal wave, get briefed on many of the British traditions, practice appropriate use of dinner cutlery, and rehearse slanting her legs instead of crossing them. Apparently the life of a princess is more complex than Disney movies would have us believe. Several years ago I was approached by a bright young woman who asked me where I went to "pastor's wife training." Had I not been looking her in the eye I would have thought she was joking, but she was not. When I asked for further explanation to her question she said this. "You know, where did you receive training on how to be a pastor's wife: what to wear, how to play the piano, lead the choir, host people in your home and teach Sunday School?" Apparently the life of a pastor's wife is more complex (in the eyes of others) than I had believed! The role of a pastor's wife is certainly unique, and while it can bring countless joys and unbelievable opportunities, it may also be accompanied with unrealistic expectations from those within the church. The life of a pastor's wife may even leave a woman in that role feeling puzzled as to where she might fit in and contribute using her unique personality, gifts and talents. Realizing the distinctive role in which the pastor's wife serves, we would like to offer opportunities for them to gather for fellowship, encouragement, care (and fun!). This fall the Missouri District will be supporting and encouraging pastors' wives to attend one of two retreats: Greater St. Louis Area Nov. 3, 2018 King of Kings Lutheran Church Chesterfield, MO Greater Kansas City Area Nov. 10, 2018 Timothy Lutheran Church Blue Springs, MO Both retreats will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The retreat theme for both of these events is "Puzzled." It is the desired outcome of the retreat that each pastor's wife will be affirmed that they are an important piece of God's perfect plan. Invitations have been sent, but if, for some reason, you, or your pastor's wife did not receive one, please contact the district office, or Kathy Chinberg ( dwchinberg@sbcglobal.net). We hope that the pastors' wives of Missouri will be able to attend one of the two retreats in November! | | | Building the Reason Future Members Will Come to Your Congregation The role of a Plus One coach may surprise people who haven't been through this process. Ken Lampe, who coached Redeemer Lutheran Church through the Plus One process says, "My main focus is to listen and ask questions." Redeemer Lutheran Church ultimately created a kidney disease support group for their Plus One initiative. However, they initially considered other ideas as well. Plus One is a district-wide initiative that encourages every congregation to find a new way to step into their communities. Ken believes one of the biggest strengths of the Plus One process is that it celebrates the many distinctions of different congregations, allowing churches to ascertain their strengths, opportunities and gifts. While Redeemer Lutheran Church has found success with the kidney disease support group, Ken does not expect that to be the answer for other congregations embarking on the Plus One process. A New Experience for Coach and Congregation Ken says he didn't know exactly what to expect with his first experience coaching a congregation through Plus One. The idea for the kidney disease support group came from Ken Oziah, a member who experienced significant upheaval when going on dialysis. The group thought it likely the area already had such a support group, but to their dismay, none existed. That meant there was palpable and urgent unmet needs right in their back yard. Ken believes the coaching is a unique advantage to Plus One participation. A big part of that process is encouragement and resources. Some congregations may have gotten into a bit of a rut, doing the same outreach year after year. Plus One offers a fresh perspective, but ultimately, it's the congregation's choice about how to reach out to their community. Ken says that while he may share success stories if he thinks it will help, his main job is to guide the congregation to success in their own ideas. Additional Resources Plus One coaches are trained in LCEF demographic studies, which can also help congregations evaluate opportunities for outreach within their communities. They can also suggest partnerships or help congregations collaborate with other community leaders to evaluate need and decide where to start. Contact Rev. Bill Geis to get started with Plus One today! 314-590-6205 or bill.geis@mo.lcms.org | | | Announcements & Other News | | | St. Louis Area Volunteers Needed for Laborers for Christ On behalf of Lutheran Development Group, Laborers for Christ is looking for volunteers from local St. Louis churches to work on the 3500 block of Oregon. Workers will receive minimum wage and will work 40-hours a week on-site. The only required skills are a desire to serve and a willingness to work! If you're interested in being a part of Laborers for Christ, visit them online or call 314-885-6444. | | | Sr. High District Youth Gathering Nov. 16 to 18  This year our District Youth Gathering Theme will simply be "I AM." In Exodus 3 Moses encounters God at the burning bush. It is here that God gives Moses his personal name, Yahweh, and the authority of "I AM" to go to the people of Israel. His message: "I AM" has seen your affliction and I will bring you up out of it! Today young Christians experience many different kinds of afflictions – personal, emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical – and God is the one who delivers us from these afflictions. Join us as we gather together to worship, experience the Living Word of God November 16-18, 2018 at Cross Pointe Retreat Center in Rocky Mount, MO. Several of our interest centers will focus on common afflictions that we face as Christians such as depression and suicide. We will also have interest centers focusing on sharing the Word of God with others. Specific Interest Center presenters and other information will be available soon. Click here for more information. | | | Concordia Seminary, St. Louis has scheduled a variety of on-campus visitation events for prospective students for the 2018-19 academic year. All events are aimed at providing a preview of the Seminary's ministerial formation experience as students prepare for pastoral and diaconal ministry. There is something for everyone – including events for prospective students who are in high school or college, as well as for those who are considering ministry as a second career. Upcoming visitation events include: Green & Gold Days (Nov. 2, 2018; Feb. 8 and April 12, 2019): For college students and second-career men and women, Green & Gold Days is an opportunity to spend a day on campus and see what the Seminary has to offer. The day includes meeting with current students and professors, attending classes and chapel, and ending the day with dinner and discussion. The event is free. Register: www.csl.edu/greengold | | | LESA's 6th Annual "Brew in the Lou" Festival Returns to Francis Park Oct. 13  LESA's 6th Annual "Brew in the Lou" Festival Returns to Francis Park Oct. 13, 2018 from 1 to 5 p.m, in support of Lutheran Elementary School Association. "Brew in the Lou" offers more than 40 local and regional craft breweries, along with unlimited tastings from The Stellar Hog, Gobble Stop Smokehouse, Volpi, Dogtown Pizza, Nothing Bundt Cakes and many more. Festivities include live entertainment, arts and craft vendors, a "People's Choice" Home Brew Competition, a "Battle of the Bratwurst" and our annual Brew Chili Contest. Wristbands are $40 in advance and $50 at the door. Order yours by calling (314) 200-0797or clicking here. Wristband purchases include a commemorative glass. A Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, LESA represents 35 elementary and high schools and five related agencies. For more information, visit www.LESAstl.org. | | | New Spanish Resources for Hispanic Ministry If you'd like to share the Gospel with your Spanish-speaking neighbors, or if you're heading out on a short-term mission trip to Central or South America, the Lutheran Heritage Foundation ( www.LHFmissions.org) has translated and published two new resources for you: A Child's Garden of Bible Stories and the Bible with Small Catechism, both in the Spanish language. Donations to help cover the printing and shipping costs are gratefully accepted, but as with all of LHF's translated materials, both of these books are free of charge to the ministries, churches, or individuals who need them. Call the LHF office at (800)554-0723 or email info@LHFmissions.org with your order (number of copies, hardcover or paperback). | | | LWML Carnival Fantasy Cruise June 24-29, 2019 | | | Post the National LWML Convention in Mobile Alabama, the LWML is pleased to offer a cruise on the Carnival Fantasy for FUN from June 24- 29, 2019. Well-deserved rest and relaxation with proceeds which benefit the mission projects of the LWML. Would you like to take part in this fun getaway while benefiting LWML? McGehee Cruise & Vacation Inc. will assist with all reservations for the cruise. Registration is now open: Please click here for more information. | | | | Help Wanted in the District Director of Music St. Lucas Lutheran Church, LCMS, St. Louis, Missouri is seeking a candidate to serve as a Director of Music. Online applications are available at http://www.stlucaslcms.org/. For more information, please contact the church office at 314-351-2628, Tuesday through Friday, 9am to 3pm. Early Childhood Center Director St. Lucas Lutheran Church, LCMS, St. Louis, Missouri is seeking a candidate to serve as an Early Childhood Center Director. Online applications are available at http://www.stlucaslcms.org/. For more information, please contact the church office at 314-351-2628, Tuesday through Friday, 9am to 3pm. | | | Get $20,000 to become a church worker in the LCMS! | | | Is God calling you into church work in the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod? Are you concerned about how you are going to pay for the hight cost of college? At Concordia University Irvine we value the formation of future leaders for our church. Therefore we are pleased to announce that, starting with the 2018-2019 school year, we are offering qualified church work students a guaranteed total of $20,000 in institutional aid per year, plus a housing grant. Ready to begin? To start the application process, go to www.cui.edu/app. To learn more about the church vocations scholarship, who is qualified, and additional application requirements for church work programs, go to www.cui.edu/churchworkscholarship. | | | | | | | | |  | | | | |