"Praise the Name of the Lord"
148 Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord from the heavens;
praise him in the heights!
2 Praise him, all his angels;
praise him, all his hosts!
3 Praise him, sun and moon,
praise him, all you shining stars!
4 Praise him, you highest heavens,
and you waters above the heavens!
5 Let them praise the name of the Lord!
For he commanded and they were created.
6 And he established them forever and ever;
he gave a decree, and it shall not pass away.[a]
7 Praise the Lord from the earth,
you great sea creatures and all deeps,
8 fire and hail, snow and mist,
stormy wind fulfilling his word!
9 Mountains and all hills,
fruit trees and all cedars!
10 Beasts and all livestock,
creeping things and flying birds!
11 Kings of the earth and all peoples,
princes and all rulers of the earth!
12 Young men and maidens together,
old men and children!
13 Let them praise the name of the Lord,
for his name alone is exalted;
his majesty is above earth and heaven.
14 He has raised up a horn for his people,
praise for all his saints,
for the people of Israel who are near to him.
Praise the Lord!
For a long time I've like to look up the origin and original definition of words. I guess it comes from studying Greek at the seminary. Anyway, there's that word "praise" used over and over again and so I wanted to see where it came from. I found that it actually comes from an Anglo-French word "preisen" from which we also get the word "prize".
In Hebrew the word is "Halal" from which we get Hallelujah. It means to be to be clear, to shine, to boast, show, to rave, celebrate, to be clamorously foolish.
In its context in Psalm 148 we can see how al of these definitions would work. We want to boast about God, to revere Him, to prize Him, to show Him, and so on. All of those definitions will work.
Make sure that you PRAISE the Lord today in whatever way you see fit! Just do it and keep doing it all day and all week long!
Prayer: We praise You, O God! We acknowledge you to be the Lord. All the earth will praise Your name forever and ever. Make us to be constantly praising and blessing You for being the Lord of our lives. Amen.
Mon- 8th grade confirmation class 5-6:15; NO FAMILY NIGHT (Next family night will be Monday, May 9)
Tues- Quilting 9-2; Bible Study 11:30-12:15; Board of outreach meeting 6pm; Council 7pm
Wed- Ladies Aid mite box collection and installation of officers noon
Thurs- Confirmation questioning and reception 7pm; No Lutheranism 101
Fri- Assemble newsletter 9am
Sat- Men's breakfast 8am; Worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30; Bible Study 9:45; Confirmation Worship 11
Acolyte- 8:30- Gus Klaustermeier 11- Sarah Cluver
Ushers- 8:30- Allan Dreyer, Lew Feldkamp, Kent Jacobsmeyer, Paul Klover; 11- Marv Hendershot, Dave Winter, Gary Scott, Charlie Figura
Altar- Set up- Ruth Walters; Clean Up- Cheryl Bettlach
Elders- Sat-- Dave Winter; 8:30- Jason Cluver; 11- Jim Rahn ?????
Greeters- 8:30- Bob and Marianne Linke; 11- Dan and Lisa Rausch
Lay Readers- Sat- Marcia Sevier 8:30- Tim Linke ; 10- Jim Rahn???
Organist- Rachel Fisher 8:30 and 11
Sat Piano- Barb Dreyer
Projectionists: Sat- Perricone; 8:30- Terry McKenzie 11- Cara Klaustermeier
_________________________________________________________________________________INSIDE SPACES ARE SOLD OUT!!
Join us as a vendor inside, have a tag sale on the parking lot, or craft items for sale. Outside spaces are available for $10 for a double parking spot.There will be a sale under the pavilion if you would like to donate items. The youth will be raising money for their National Youth Gathering trip under the pavilion and at the concession stand.St. John's Lutheran Church, 950 S Hwy 47 in Warrenton. Please call the church office for more info. 636-456-2888.
Vendor spots are being held for: Tupperware, Origami Owl, Pampered Chef, Scentsy, 18" doll clothes by PJ'S Patterns, Perfectly Posh, Paparazzi, Damsel in Distress, It Works Global, Mary Kay, Norwex, Tastefully Simple, Pink Zebra, Lilla Rose, Usborne Books & More, Cindy Rust handmade Jewelry, Avon, Park Lane, scroll saw art, Young Living Essential oils, Amy Flores Handmade Jewelry and custom / personalized key chains. More to come...THE QUILTERS WILL ALSO BE RAFFLING OFF THE QUILT THAT IS HANGING DOWNSTAIRS!!____________________________________________________________________________________________________LITTLE LAMBS PRESCHOOL IS CURRENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR FOR CURRENT STUDENTS AND ST. JOHN'S MEMBERS!!! OPEN REGISTRATION FOR EVERYONE STARTS APRIL 1.Registration forms are available from Little Lambs or the church office. All registration forms must accompany the $45 nonrefundable registration fee. Children should be 3 or 4 by August 1. For more info talk to Lisa Rausch or Karin Klaustermeier._____________________________________________________________________________________DO YOU KNOW OF ANYONE WHO WOULD BENEFIT FROM RECEIVING THIS DAILY EMAIL?If you know of someone who isn't currently receiving my daily emails but would like to, please reply to this email with their email address and I will add them to the list. THANK YOU!_____________________________________________________________________________OPERATION BACKPACK FOR APRIL IS CANNED SOUP AND RAMEN NOODLES(Remember this is for the poor and needy children of our community and county that often receive two breakfast and lunch at school, and have very little or no food at home.)___________________________________________________________________________________GENERAL PRAYERS:For LYNN FIGURA who is recovering from knee replacement surgery at home and is doing great.For LOIS FRICK who fell and fractured her back last week and is going for an MRI today.For EVELYN TOEDEBUSCH, Lois Boeger's mom, who is dealing with severe back pain and has been moved to a rehab nursing home. .For PASTOR'S SISTER'S FAMILY as they mourn the loss of her father in law at visitation today and funeral tomorrow.For PASTOR'S MOM, who is having hip replacement surgery on April 25.For DON BRAZEE as he has been moved to Breeze Park in Weldon Spring for rehab and to receive his cancer treatment.For PASTOR PIPER, from St. Paul, New Melle, as he recovers from a heart attack he had while running a 5K in Florida.For DENISE SCHLESSELMANN as she is in need of more funding to continue her mission work in the Czech Republic.
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