12 years ago
St. John's Group Email Anyone looking for a job?
The Career Center is having a big job fair RIGHT NOW!! The career center is across from Kroger and right next to College Methodist in Warrenton.
St. John's Group Email Wednesday, May 11, 2011
DEVOTION from Lutheran Hour Ministries.
... The wind shall carry them away, and the tempest shall scatter them. And you shall rejoice in the LORD; in the Holy One of Israel you shall glory. Isaiah 41:16b
A few weeks ago most of us didn't know what EF5 stood for.
Now we know, and we wish we didn't. Now we know an EF5 is the biggest, nastiest, most destructive tornado that can be measured. At least one of the tornadoes that hit the southern states last month was rated an EF5. As the others are evaluated, it is expected they will be awarded a similar unpleasant rating.
Because we have seen the pictures and films we also know that any tornado -- no matter what the rating -- has the ability to flatten homes, turn a community upside down and mess with plans, hopes, families, futures and lives.
What some are not sure of is why?
Why do such storms happen and why do they hurt so many good people? We want to know if God has the power to stop such things, why doesn't He? Surely a caring God could do that, couldn't He? These are the kinds of questions that can sometimes shake a Christian's faith.
This is why some answers need to be given. First, you should know these things happen because this is a sinful world and a sinful world produces terrible things. When good people get in the path of a terrible thing, especially an EF5 tornado, they will get hurt.
And why doesn't the all-powerful God stop these tornadoes? It's certainly not because He doesn't care, He does care. Although every storm like this does produce stories of miraculous deliverances, generally the Lord does not directly and miraculously intervene. Generally the Lord, who has called this world's laws into being, lets those laws function unchanged.
Does that sound like He doesn't care? If so, look at the manger of Bethlehem; look at the scourged Savior; stand before Calvary's cross. Never think, not for a moment, that God doesn't care. So we might escape the eternal penalties of sin, Jesus lived, died and rose.
Because of what Jesus has done, an EF5 doesn't have the final word in the lives of God's people.
Never! And that deliverance is the handiwork of a caring God.
THE PRAYER: Father in heaven, we come to You and ask that You will send an extra measure of the Holy Spirit upon those whose lives have been upset and torn apart by these tornadoes. Be with all those who are trying to recover from a disaster. Be with them and let them see that Jesus is the Victor over sin and sin's worst actions. In the Name of the Lord Jesus I pray it. Amen
TODAY's QUIZ: To what tune is Psalm 22 set?
Question: What basic distinction should we keep in mind in order to understand the Bible?
We must sharply distiguish between the Law and the Gospel in the Bible.
Sun- Siera Jaeger, Lauren Jones, Robyn McNew, Amber Vossen
Mon- Jessica Gilkey
Wed- Krissy Schulze
Fri- Ken Moore
Sat- Sarah Bunge
Sun- Barbara Perricone, Paula Shull
Wed- Vernon and Hilde Heichelbech; Steve and Toni Mauch; Doug and Evy Norris
Wed- bell choir 6:30
Thurs- nothing
Fri- Bible study @ Hendershot's 7pm
Sat- work day 8-11am; visitation for Les Sherman 11am; memorial service- noon; luncheon immediately after service; worship 5pm; Trivia 6pm
Sun- worship 9am; Sunday school and Bible class 10:30am; quarterly voter's meeting 11:30
Projector- Sat- Perricone; Sun- Woolf
Elder- Sat- Robine, Sun- Turnure
Ushers- Wnter, Scott, Woolf
Acolyte- Brockfeld
Lay reader- Sat- Robine; Sun- Junker
Greeters- Schien
Altar- Setup- Luebke; Clean Up- Schlesselmann
Organist- Hilgendorf
Tellers- Team #3
$5 per person! (Proceeds will go to purchase the rest of the tables we need for church.) Bring your favorite beverages and snack and your team! Call the church office to let us know you have a team!!!
OAFC (Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ) will be here June 3-5
This is a group of high school age youth and their adult leaders who goes to a different church once a month and canvasses neighborhoods for that church. They do a survey that asks questions like, "What church do you go to?" "Do you know about Jesus?" and "Are you going to heaven?" They also help to lead worship and go to a nursing home to minister to the people there.
What we need from you is the following:
HOUSING- They will be here all weekend and so they will need housing for Friday and Saturday night and breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning. All other meals will be at church. There will be approximately 15 people so any housing arrangements you can provide would be appreciated.
SUPPORT and PARTICIPATION- If you have time available on Saturday, please come and join them in their activities. You will be greatly blessed!
HELP WITH MEALS- Not sure what the meals will be yet, but if you would like to help with them it would be greatly appreciated. It would consist of lunch and supper on Saturday and lunch on Sunday after Bible study. It may just be Subway for lunch and pizza for supper and then a light carry in on Sunday morning.
This is a day for dads and granddads to spend with their kids, grandkids, and even other people's kids if you want. Fish any lake or pond you would like. Stop fishing at 11am and bring your catch to the Starks property on Firetower Rd. Prizes will be awarded for kids and an adult. Lunch will commence at 1pm.
ADULTS ONLY LUAU ON SATURDAY, JUNE 4 5:30-whenever pm at Walt and Betty Schirr's house.
$12 per person: Hawaiian dress is encouraged!! Invite your friends!!!
Sign up on the sheet on the counter in the narthex. Checks made payable to Betty Schirr.
Go to lcms.org/worldrelief or mail a check to LCMS World Relief and Human Care PO Box 66861 St Louis, MO 63166-6861 (write "Tornado Relief" in the memo line.)
We have supported this organization for many years, ever since Pastor Langhoff along with a concerned group of individuals organized it and got it going back almost 20 years ago.
This year is a little different because two of their usual grants were denied this year totalling $145,000. They are in desperate need of funds and support.
Anything you can provide will be a blessing to them and to the hundreds and even thousands of people they serve.
There will be a luncheon served after the memorial service for Les Sherman on Sat., May 14th. We are expecting a large attendance. If anyone would like to donate a salad or dessert please contact one of the following: Libby, 456-7164; Lil Winter, 585-2525; or Wilma Weigle, 456-9684.
Last week each communicant member of the church received a letter and a questionaire concerning your view of how things are going with your church. You have one more week to get them filled out and sent to Pastor Wyssmann.
Please fill it out thoroughly. If you are having some sort of trouble with the church, please make sure you make that known. If everything is going great and you are pleased with the church and things going on, make sure you make that known as well. We need to be able to rejoice and have joy in all that God is doing a well.
Visitation 11am-12noon; service- noon; luncheon immediately following.
Memorial gifts are to be made to St. John's Lutheran Church for the general fund.
I would like to know who all of the college graduates are so that we can pray for them during worship in the weeks ahead.
So far I know of Torre Linke and David Tate as college graduates this year. David's graduation is this Saturday at Tulsa University and Torre's graduation is at Mizzou on the following Saturday, May 14th.
Allen Berryman and Miranda Linstruth are the high school graduates that I know of.
You can also include friends and family members who are not members of St. John's here:
From Lil and Dave Winter's family
Hendershots granddaughter
Reply to this email if you want to include anyone.
We are planning for all Youth to do Hwy 47 clean-up on Sunday, May 15 (weather permitting). We will meet in the Youth room after the service to have a devotion and then head out. Afterwards we will go to Binkley park and have a picnic lunch.
PRAYER REQUESTS: (Please reply to this email to have prayer requests posted.)
For GARRETT SPOEDE who is having surgery today on some infected bones in his foot.
For PAT MANNESS, who has been moved to Parklawn Rehab in Wentzville.
For MARVIN RAHN, Jim Rahn's father, who is recovering after brain surgery and is having severe headaches and swelling.
For NORBERT HEITGERD whose cancer has returned and who will be undergoing three chemo treatments this week.
For THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS of LES SHERMAN who are mourning his passing.
For the HILGENDORF FAMILY as they mourn the loss of Gene's sister Gertie.
For ROBYN MCNEW'S BROTHER, KEN MEYER, who is recovering miraculously after being unconcscious and on life support for over two weeks. .
A PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING FOR DAVE AND LINDA CALLIES DAUGHTER, who is going to be ordained this coming Saturday.
A PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING FOR DOUG AND RUTH WALTERS FAMILY as they have a new grandson Iain Christopher King.
For VINCE KETTERER'S FATHER who is doing better and has been moved to a rehab center.
For LISA RAUSCH'S DAD who continues to recover after falling and breaking a vertebrae. It was a miracle he wasn't paralyzed.
For ALAN HOFELDT'S MOTHER who is recovering from digestion problems and is unable to eat.
For MARY SUE TOEDEBUSCH who is having serious problems and pain due to reumatoid arthritis.
For RUTH CANTRELL who is still having problems with her eye and with headaches. THe cause has yet to be identified.
For OUR CHURCH as we begin to deal with our many conflicts and how to best resolve them and reconcile with one another.
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... The wind shall carry them away, and the tempest shall scatter them. And you shall rejoice in the LORD; in the Holy One of Israel you shall glory. Isaiah 41:16b
A few weeks ago most of us didn't know what EF5 stood for.
Now we know, and we wish we didn't. Now we know an EF5 is the biggest, nastiest, most destructive tornado that can be measured. At least one of the tornadoes that hit the southern states last month was rated an EF5. As the others are evaluated, it is expected they will be awarded a similar unpleasant rating.
Because we have seen the pictures and films we also know that any tornado -- no matter what the rating -- has the ability to flatten homes, turn a community upside down and mess with plans, hopes, families, futures and lives.
What some are not sure of is why?
Why do such storms happen and why do they hurt so many good people? We want to know if God has the power to stop such things, why doesn't He? Surely a caring God could do that, couldn't He? These are the kinds of questions that can sometimes shake a Christian's faith.
This is why some answers need to be given. First, you should know these things happen because this is a sinful world and a sinful world produces terrible things. When good people get in the path of a terrible thing, especially an EF5 tornado, they will get hurt.
And why doesn't the all-powerful God stop these tornadoes? It's certainly not because He doesn't care, He does care. Although every storm like this does produce stories of miraculous deliverances, generally the Lord does not directly and miraculously intervene. Generally the Lord, who has called this world's laws into being, lets those laws function unchanged.
Does that sound like He doesn't care? If so, look at the manger of Bethlehem; look at the scourged Savior; stand before Calvary's cross. Never think, not for a moment, that God doesn't care. So we might escape the eternal penalties of sin, Jesus lived, died and rose.
Because of what Jesus has done, an EF5 doesn't have the final word in the lives of God's people.
Never! And that deliverance is the handiwork of a caring God.
THE PRAYER: Father in heaven, we come to You and ask that You will send an extra measure of the Holy Spirit upon those whose lives have been upset and torn apart by these tornadoes. Be with all those who are trying to recover from a disaster. Be with them and let them see that Jesus is the Victor over sin and sin's worst actions. In the Name of the Lord Jesus I pray it. Amen
TODAY's QUIZ: To what tune is Psalm 22 set?
Question: What basic distinction should we keep in mind in order to understand the Bible?
We must sharply distiguish between the Law and the Gospel in the Bible.
Sun- Siera Jaeger, Lauren Jones, Robyn McNew, Amber Vossen
Mon- Jessica Gilkey
Wed- Krissy Schulze
Fri- Ken Moore
Sat- Sarah Bunge
Sun- Barbara Perricone, Paula Shull
Wed- Vernon and Hilde Heichelbech; Steve and Toni Mauch; Doug and Evy Norris
Wed- bell choir 6:30
Thurs- nothing
Fri- Bible study @ Hendershot's 7pm
Sat- work day 8-11am; visitation for Les Sherman 11am; memorial service- noon; luncheon immediately after service; worship 5pm; Trivia 6pm
Sun- worship 9am; Sunday school and Bible class 10:30am; quarterly voter's meeting 11:30
Projector- Sat- Perricone; Sun- Woolf
Elder- Sat- Robine, Sun- Turnure
Ushers- Wnter, Scott, Woolf
Acolyte- Brockfeld
Lay reader- Sat- Robine; Sun- Junker
Greeters- Schien
Altar- Setup- Luebke; Clean Up- Schlesselmann
Organist- Hilgendorf
Tellers- Team #3
$5 per person! (Proceeds will go to purchase the rest of the tables we need for church.) Bring your favorite beverages and snack and your team! Call the church office to let us know you have a team!!!
OAFC (Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ) will be here June 3-5
This is a group of high school age youth and their adult leaders who goes to a different church once a month and canvasses neighborhoods for that church. They do a survey that asks questions like, "What church do you go to?" "Do you know about Jesus?" and "Are you going to heaven?" They also help to lead worship and go to a nursing home to minister to the people there.
What we need from you is the following:
HOUSING- They will be here all weekend and so they will need housing for Friday and Saturday night and breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning. All other meals will be at church. There will be approximately 15 people so any housing arrangements you can provide would be appreciated.
SUPPORT and PARTICIPATION- If you have time available on Saturday, please come and join them in their activities. You will be greatly blessed!
HELP WITH MEALS- Not sure what the meals will be yet, but if you would like to help with them it would be greatly appreciated. It would consist of lunch and supper on Saturday and lunch on Sunday after Bible study. It may just be Subway for lunch and pizza for supper and then a light carry in on Sunday morning.
This is a day for dads and granddads to spend with their kids, grandkids, and even other people's kids if you want. Fish any lake or pond you would like. Stop fishing at 11am and bring your catch to the Starks property on Firetower Rd. Prizes will be awarded for kids and an adult. Lunch will commence at 1pm.
ADULTS ONLY LUAU ON SATURDAY, JUNE 4 5:30-whenever pm at Walt and Betty Schirr's house.
$12 per person: Hawaiian dress is encouraged!! Invite your friends!!!
Sign up on the sheet on the counter in the narthex. Checks made payable to Betty Schirr.
Go to lcms.org/worldrelief or mail a check to LCMS World Relief and Human Care PO Box 66861 St Louis, MO 63166-6861 (write "Tornado Relief" in the memo line.)
We have supported this organization for many years, ever since Pastor Langhoff along with a concerned group of individuals organized it and got it going back almost 20 years ago.
This year is a little different because two of their usual grants were denied this year totalling $145,000. They are in desperate need of funds and support.
Anything you can provide will be a blessing to them and to the hundreds and even thousands of people they serve.
There will be a luncheon served after the memorial service for Les Sherman on Sat., May 14th. We are expecting a large attendance. If anyone would like to donate a salad or dessert please contact one of the following: Libby, 456-7164; Lil Winter, 585-2525; or Wilma Weigle, 456-9684.
Last week each communicant member of the church received a letter and a questionaire concerning your view of how things are going with your church. You have one more week to get them filled out and sent to Pastor Wyssmann.
Please fill it out thoroughly. If you are having some sort of trouble with the church, please make sure you make that known. If everything is going great and you are pleased with the church and things going on, make sure you make that known as well. We need to be able to rejoice and have joy in all that God is doing a well.
Visitation 11am-12noon; service- noon; luncheon immediately following.
Memorial gifts are to be made to St. John's Lutheran Church for the general fund.
I would like to know who all of the college graduates are so that we can pray for them during worship in the weeks ahead.
So far I know of Torre Linke and David Tate as college graduates this year. David's graduation is this Saturday at Tulsa University and Torre's graduation is at Mizzou on the following Saturday, May 14th.
Allen Berryman and Miranda Linstruth are the high school graduates that I know of.
You can also include friends and family members who are not members of St. John's here:
From Lil and Dave Winter's family
Stephen Slayden MIZZOU Saturday May 14
Autumn Gobble SLU Thursday May 19
Bethany Winter Auxvasse High School Friday May 20
Nichole Slayden St. Charles High School Sunday May 29
Hendershots granddaughter
Reply to this email if you want to include anyone.
We are planning for all Youth to do Hwy 47 clean-up on Sunday, May 15 (weather permitting). We will meet in the Youth room after the service to have a devotion and then head out. Afterwards we will go to Binkley park and have a picnic lunch.
PRAYER REQUESTS: (Please reply to this email to have prayer requests posted.)
For GARRETT SPOEDE who is having surgery today on some infected bones in his foot.
For PAT MANNESS, who has been moved to Parklawn Rehab in Wentzville.
For MARVIN RAHN, Jim Rahn's father, who is recovering after brain surgery and is having severe headaches and swelling.
For NORBERT HEITGERD whose cancer has returned and who will be undergoing three chemo treatments this week.
For THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS of LES SHERMAN who are mourning his passing.
For the HILGENDORF FAMILY as they mourn the loss of Gene's sister Gertie.
For ROBYN MCNEW'S BROTHER, KEN MEYER, who is recovering miraculously after being unconcscious and on life support for over two weeks. .
A PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING FOR DAVE AND LINDA CALLIES DAUGHTER, who is going to be ordained this coming Saturday.
A PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING FOR DOUG AND RUTH WALTERS FAMILY as they have a new grandson Iain Christopher King.
For VINCE KETTERER'S FATHER who is doing better and has been moved to a rehab center.
For LISA RAUSCH'S DAD who continues to recover after falling and breaking a vertebrae. It was a miracle he wasn't paralyzed.
For ALAN HOFELDT'S MOTHER who is recovering from digestion problems and is unable to eat.
For MARY SUE TOEDEBUSCH who is having serious problems and pain due to reumatoid arthritis.
For RUTH CANTRELL who is still having problems with her eye and with headaches. THe cause has yet to be identified.
For OUR CHURCH as we begin to deal with our many conflicts and how to best resolve them and reconcile with one another.
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