I sent the email before updating the prayer requests and adding a few others:
DONNA HEITGERD had successful surgery and is recovering well at St Joseph's Hospital in St. Charles!
Please pray for KELLI CLODFELTER and HER FAMILY as they lost their 3 month old baby girl Gracie on Tuesday.
Please pray that the Lord takes care of these ebola cases in the United States and that he gets rid of it throughout the world.
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DONNA HEITGERD had successful surgery and is recovering well at St Joseph's Hospital in St. Charles!
Please pray for KELLI CLODFELTER and HER FAMILY as they lost their 3 month old baby girl Gracie on Tuesday.
Please pray that the Lord takes care of these ebola cases in the United States and that he gets rid of it throughout the world.
DEVOTION: Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us. Nehemiah 4:16
"Our God will fight for us!" We can't even begin to imagine the battles being fought between the Lord and Satan for our souls, for our very lives. There is a battle, an other worldly battle, being fought minute by minute between the Lord and His angels against the devil and his demons. The battle is for our very souls.
The trouble is that we often end up fighting with Satan. When we give into temptation, when we fail to use God's gifts of Word and Sacrament as we should, when we deliberately and openly sin knowing that it is against God's will, it is as if we are taking up a sword against the Lord who is fighting for us.
That is why God gives us the gift of repentance, so we can throw our swords down that we have against Him and pick up the sword of His Word and the shield of His sacraments and fight against the devil who is trying to destroy our souls and claim them as his own.
We can see this fight even more literally in place like Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and throughout many countries in Africa as well. There they are literally taking up the sword against the devil and his workers call ISIS. They aren't just fighting against temptations and spiritual struggles from within, they are struggling for their lives and the lives of their families. Moms are leaving their children all alone to join their husbands in fighting against these evil satanic terrorists.
The battle is everywhere folks, but the good news is that in the end, despite these horrors, despite these lost battles, our Lord Jesus has already won the war! He has already fought for us and won the war with His own life on the cross! Satan's demise is already accounted for!
So keep taking up the sword of the Spirit against the devil! The Lord will fight for us and HE WILL WIN!
Let us pray: Lord God, these temptations, these battles are too difficult for us to fight alone. Fight for us God! Amen.
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: What gate did Eliashib the high priest and his fellow priests rebuild? Nehemiah 3:1 Eliashib the high priest and his fellow priests went to work and rebuilt the Sheep Gate. It was built in the northeast corner of the city. A total of 10 gates were built. It was fitting that the high priest build the first gate. (Thanks Dianne!) Thanks also to Doug Herzog for answering the question!
For DERIK ROLOFF, grandson of the Tamelers, who has breast cancer (yes men can get breast cancer). He is having surgery on Friday to remove it and then after the results he will have to spend some time in Children's Hospital.
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"Our God will fight for us!" We can't even begin to imagine the battles being fought between the Lord and Satan for our souls, for our very lives. There is a battle, an other worldly battle, being fought minute by minute between the Lord and His angels against the devil and his demons. The battle is for our very souls.
The trouble is that we often end up fighting with Satan. When we give into temptation, when we fail to use God's gifts of Word and Sacrament as we should, when we deliberately and openly sin knowing that it is against God's will, it is as if we are taking up a sword against the Lord who is fighting for us.
That is why God gives us the gift of repentance, so we can throw our swords down that we have against Him and pick up the sword of His Word and the shield of His sacraments and fight against the devil who is trying to destroy our souls and claim them as his own.
We can see this fight even more literally in place like Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and throughout many countries in Africa as well. There they are literally taking up the sword against the devil and his workers call ISIS. They aren't just fighting against temptations and spiritual struggles from within, they are struggling for their lives and the lives of their families. Moms are leaving their children all alone to join their husbands in fighting against these evil satanic terrorists.
The battle is everywhere folks, but the good news is that in the end, despite these horrors, despite these lost battles, our Lord Jesus has already won the war! He has already fought for us and won the war with His own life on the cross! Satan's demise is already accounted for!
So keep taking up the sword of the Spirit against the devil! The Lord will fight for us and HE WILL WIN!
Let us pray: Lord God, these temptations, these battles are too difficult for us to fight alone. Fight for us God! Amen.
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: What gate did Eliashib the high priest and his fellow priests rebuild? Nehemiah 3:1 Eliashib the high priest and his fellow priests went to work and rebuilt the Sheep Gate. It was built in the northeast corner of the city. A total of 10 gates were built. It was fitting that the high priest build the first gate. (Thanks Dianne!) Thanks also to Doug Herzog for answering the question!
TODAY'S QUIZ: When the enemies of the Israelites heard that the Israelites were aware of their plot and that God had frustrated it, what did the Israelites do from that day on?
Thurs- Karate 5:30-7:30
Sat- Men's Breakfast 8-9:30; Bible study 4pm; Worship 5
Sun- worship 8:30; Bible Study and Sunday school 9:45; worship 11; Elder's meeting noon
Acolytes- 8:30- Dawn Sherman 11- Sophie TInnin
Altar guild- Set up- Linda Callies; Clean Up-- Wanda Turnure
Greeters- 8:30- Paul and Cindy Klover; 11- Steve and Sandy Robine
Communion Assistants- Sat- Steve Robine; 8:30- Don't Turnure; 11- Dave Winter
Lay Readers- Sat- Steve Robine, 8:30- Steve McDowell, 11- ????
8:30 Ushers,-DON HANCE, Rich Boeger, Don Weigle, Don Tate
Projectors- Sat-- Pam Bueltmann; 8:30- Terry McKenzie, 11- Haliey Blechle
Pianists/organists Sat- Kathy Barrow; Sun- Melissa Pedersen 11am- videos
Sat- Men's Breakfast 8-9:30; Bible study 4pm; Worship 5
Sun- worship 8:30; Bible Study and Sunday school 9:45; worship 11; Elder's meeting noon
Acolytes- 8:30- Dawn Sherman 11- Sophie TInnin
Altar guild- Set up- Linda Callies; Clean Up-- Wanda Turnure
Greeters- 8:30- Paul and Cindy Klover; 11- Steve and Sandy Robine
Communion Assistants- Sat- Steve Robine; 8:30- Don't Turnure; 11- Dave Winter
Lay Readers- Sat- Steve Robine, 8:30- Steve McDowell, 11- ????
8:30 Ushers,-DON HANCE, Rich Boeger, Don Weigle, Don Tate
Projectors- Sat-- Pam Bueltmann; 8:30- Terry McKenzie, 11- Haliey Blechle
Pianists/organists Sat- Kathy Barrow; Sun- Melissa Pedersen 11am- videos
Biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, sausage!! Come n get it! Bring your friend, your sons, and your grandsons. We will be finishing up our video based study of The Real Noah! Please RSVP asap so I know how much food to make!
Biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, sausage!! Come n get it! Bring your friend, your sons, and your grandsons. We will be finishing up our video based study of The Real Noah! Please RSVP asap so I know how much food to make!
DO you have a heart for those who have strayed from the fellowship and have not been attending worship? Do you want to pray for and care for those loved ones? Do you think that Jesus still loves them as much as everyone else at St. John's. This group is definitely for you! We will begin with some training as to how to best care for these members as soon as we can get two or three more people who are interested. Sandy Robine is already a part of it, and we are both excited about it.
We need more readers, especially for our 11am service!! If you are willing to be one of those readers please reply to this email. We need one for this Sunday and next Sunday and also for November 2.
This study will be based on the Scriptures first and foremost and we will talk about the glory we will experience and the face to face contact we will have with Jesus.
Get out of the dark and into the light when it comes to your knowledge about paradise! Come and get all your questions answered!
Bring your own flashlights, chairs, and beverages
Heitgerd's Address is 32991 N. Hwy 47 Warrenton
Bring your kids, bring a pot of chili, and your carved pumpkins to our 3rd annual Trunk-or-treat!! THis is a fun and safe environment to have your kids go trick-or-treating and it's fun for the whole family. We will also be having a chili cook off and a pumpkin carving contest! There will be prizes for thw inners. Event starts at 5pm with chili judging and then we will serve al the chili till 6:30. If you plan on being in the chili contest; please calling the church office, or emailing Kelsey at koverbeck@live.com. Trunk or treat will go until 8pm.
Everyone is welcome regardless of age or experience. Just come and watch the first time and see how it works.
Intermediate and advanced classes start at 6:30!!
Check out all the info on the brand new website!!
It is time to pay your $25 deposit which is due by October 15!! Please do not put deposits in the offering plate, but rather put them in Marilyn's church mailbox or on her desk in the office. The cost of the trip will be between $60 and $65 depending on the number of those gong. The cost includes dinner when we arrive at Osage Beach. There are still a few tickets and bus seats left. If you want to go, sign up with Marilyn asap.
20% off!! Get ya one or one for each person in your family!! We have all sizes!!
You may donate small travel size personal hygiene items, gum, comic books, magazines, or cash. A full list of needed items will be available soon. These packages are sent to troops out on the front line and battle fields around the world.
Kelsey updates our website weekly! Check it out!! www.stjohnwarrenton.org
PRAYER REQUESTS: (If you have a prayer request please reply to this email or call me at 636-359-1061)
For DONNA HEITGERD who will be undergoing another hip surgery on TODAY.
For DERIK ROLOFF, grandson of the Tamelers, who has breast cancer (yes men can get breast cancer). He is having surgery on Friday to remove it and then after the results he will have to spend some time in Children's Hospital.
For ANNA STETZEL, nine year old granddaughter of a friend of the Robines, who will be undergoing a cardiac procedure later this week. She has already undergone two open heart surgeries.
Thanksgiving for RAYMOND LAMKIN! He had a portion of his lung removed and it was only stage one cancer that has not moved to the lymph nodes. Also FRANCES LAMKIN'S heart condition has stabilized and she is doing much better. All thanks to God!
Thanksgiving for RAYMOND LAMKIN! He had a portion of his lung removed and it was only stage one cancer that has not moved to the lymph nodes. Also FRANCES LAMKIN'S heart condition has stabilized and she is doing much better. All thanks to God!
For PEOPLE IN AFRICA , especially the Lutheran church in Africa, as they deal with the Ebola crisis.
For BILL WOOLF as he recovers from a broken ankle. He is working with it.
For our NATION'S MILITARY LEADERS AND SOLDIERS as they figure out what to do about the imminent threats from ISIS.
For HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CHRISTIANS IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA, who are being persecuted to the point of death for their faith.
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