My friend Judy has had 2 endoscopies in the last week. The 2nd one to make sure of the pathology that was returned on the 1st one. She told me tonight that she went to the oncologist today and that he told her she had a MALT Lymphoma (that is why I attached the link I did so you all can learn about it like I did). It is a "rare" form of a non-Hodgkins lymphoma.
Her spirits are pretty good because the doctor today told her that it was caught early and her prognosis was really good for a full recovery. They have a CT scan scheduled for more areas just to make sure what they are dealing with. After that, it sounds like it will be treated by radiation therapy. For those of you who have had (unfortunately) experience with cancer, her's is Stage 1 which is a good thing. That means that it, as I said, was found early.
I think you all have her email address. For those of you who don't, it is
Their mailing address changed this past year to: Bob & Judy Lamar
Apt. 106
901 Westminster Abby Lane
Fenton, MO 63026-4078
It was a shock, as you would expect. It was to me as well. Many of you have known Judy as long as I have, 2nd grade at Bayless School. But she is doing pretty well since she has found out more and feels confident with her team of doctors.
Thanks in advance for all your prayers in the days/weeks/months ahead for our friend Judy. She gave me the OK to let you all know. Please feel free to spread the word. The more praying - the better.
I know she will appreciate your emails and cards you send.
Well, take care, stay safe and healthy and God's peace on your rest tonight and your day tomorrow.