Below is an email I received from Eileen Smith re VERY SERIOUS health concerns for their son, Sean, who is a newly (Aug. 28, 2011) ordained pastor in Evansville, Ind. Please read the email and include Pastor Sean in your prayers.
Sean serves as Associate Pastor at Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer in Evansville, Indiana. His home address there is 33 Williams Lane, Newurgh, IN 47630. !
Eileen has included Sean's email address at the end of her message.
God's peace on your day.
----- Original Message -----
From: Eileen Smith
To: Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 6:41 PM
Subject: Sean
This past week and half has been quite a roller coaster. On Nov 29th at 4:30am we received a call from Sean, crying and saying he couldn't move his legs, walk or stand. He had called 911 and we stayed on the line till they got there. He was in ER for hours, lots of blood tests, MRI, x-rays etc. At first they found his potassium very low, then thyroid panel came back and is super hyper active. With the two that can cause temporary paralysis. They then admitted him for 24 hrs trying to regulate things, then sent home, feeling some better, at least could move legs, walk etc. Then sat. night we got a call again at 11:45pm, he was at a youth concert, went to stand up and fell down. They called 911, back to ER, same Dr. on, he said nothing they can do till he gets the Graves Disease test which they had scheduled for this past Tuesday and wed. He had the test, he is in the 1% of people that have a very critical super hyper active thyroid, he could stroke out, remain paralysied etc. He is to do nothing but sit around and relax till treatment. They wanted to start the radio active iodine stuff wed. after tests, but after talking with the Dr. he just isn't comfortable with that and wants a surgical consult, which he has next tuesday the 13th. With the radio active stuff he can't be around people for about a week or two, has to have someone with him that is familiar with clean up if he vomits or diarrhea etc. Plus may have to take 2 or 3 doses of this stuff and take up to 3 months off work. We're heading there tomorrow-friday-after Ron gets home from work. Right now Sean is staying with a family that is so sweet (they are the ones who flew him up to Evansville so he could find a place to live, meet staff etc. He stayed with them when his house had the water problems. This time though he can't do steps, so Kay and Tim let him have their bedroom since on lower level. Sean has to use a walker to get around. The church and senior pastor have been great. Pastor just said we'll put him on disability and not to worry. But you know Sean, can't sit still. After seeing the movie on CFW Walther, Sean has decided to read thru Luther's Works like Walther did when he was so sick. Of course this knocks out the Navy for sure. There is thyroid problems on both sides of the family. Ron and one sister of eight kids are the only ones without problems. My Mom had her thyroid removed in her 30's. We'll keep you posted eileen and ron |