DEVOTION: Luke 12:13-21 (ESV)
"The Parable of the Rich Fool"
13 Someone in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." 14 But he said to him, "Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you?" 15 And he said to them, "Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." 16 And he told them a parable, saying, "The land of a rich man produced plentifully, 17 and he thought to himself, 'What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?' 18 And he said, 'I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry."' 20 But God said to him, 'Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?' 21 So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God."
"I will say to my soul....." Did you get that part? What makes us think that if our barns are full, our checkbook is balanced, our savings account has enough in it, and we are saving enough for retirement, that everything is ok with our soul?
Do you remember this passage in Scripture, "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." What about that? I'm guilty of it myself. If my checking account has enough in it, my blood pressure is lower, my anxiety level goes down, and I am happier.
Do you remember this message from Jesus, "Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
Of what does your life consist? Do you count your possessions and keep them all under lock and key because of their importance? Do you keep from giving to church because of your possessions? Are possessions and money your god or is God your God?
This passage is a very stark reminder that as much as we like to think we have it all under control, our very breath, our very life is in God's hands. He gives us life. He gives us real peace. He gives us real joy. He gives us what we need for this life and the life to come.
Test yourself today and see what has control of you. Test your thoughts today and see where your allegiances lie. Test yourself today and see whether your comfort and peace comes from full barns or a full soul which has been satisfied by the love and forgiveness of Christ. Then CONFESS, REPENT, AND LIVE IN CHRIST'S PEACE TODAY!
Prayer: Lord, help me to do whatever it takes to get out of the rut of financial burden, even if it means giving everything away, so that I can live in real peace and grace. Amen.
"The Parable of the Rich Fool"
13 Someone in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." 14 But he said to him, "Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you?" 15 And he said to them, "Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." 16 And he told them a parable, saying, "The land of a rich man produced plentifully, 17 and he thought to himself, 'What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?' 18 And he said, 'I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry."' 20 But God said to him, 'Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?' 21 So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God."
"I will say to my soul....." Did you get that part? What makes us think that if our barns are full, our checkbook is balanced, our savings account has enough in it, and we are saving enough for retirement, that everything is ok with our soul?
Do you remember this passage in Scripture, "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." What about that? I'm guilty of it myself. If my checking account has enough in it, my blood pressure is lower, my anxiety level goes down, and I am happier.
Do you remember this message from Jesus, "Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
Of what does your life consist? Do you count your possessions and keep them all under lock and key because of their importance? Do you keep from giving to church because of your possessions? Are possessions and money your god or is God your God?
This passage is a very stark reminder that as much as we like to think we have it all under control, our very breath, our very life is in God's hands. He gives us life. He gives us real peace. He gives us real joy. He gives us what we need for this life and the life to come.
Test yourself today and see what has control of you. Test your thoughts today and see where your allegiances lie. Test yourself today and see whether your comfort and peace comes from full barns or a full soul which has been satisfied by the love and forgiveness of Christ. Then CONFESS, REPENT, AND LIVE IN CHRIST'S PEACE TODAY!
Prayer: Lord, help me to do whatever it takes to get out of the rut of financial burden, even if it means giving everything away, so that I can live in real peace and grace. Amen.
Mon-Thur- VBS "Christmas in July" supper 5:30; fun 6-8
Fri- Assemble newsletter 9am
Sat- Worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30; Sunday school 9:45; Worship 11; Pastor's celebration ride from Treloar to Dutzow (Blumenhoff Winery)1:30-4
Acolyte- 8:30- Gus Klaustermeier 11- Kalene Masters
Ushers- Scott and Alex Heitgerd, Bob and Tom Linke
Altar- Set up- Marliyn and Sue; Clean Up- Lynn Russell and Elaine Schauer
Elders- Sat- Charlie Figura; 8:30- Don Turnure; 11- Dave Winter
Greeters- 8:30- Rob and Julie Schaumberg; 11- Dave and Lil Winter
Lay Readers- Sat- Marcia Sevier 8:30- Lois Boeger; 11- Stephanie Owenby
Piano (Saturday and Sunday)- Kathy Barrow
Projectionists: ????? A new schedule will be put together this week
Sat- Worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30; Sunday school 9:45; Worship 11; Pastor's celebration ride from Treloar to Dutzow (Blumenhoff Winery)1:30-4
Acolyte- 8:30- Gus Klaustermeier 11- Kalene Masters
Ushers- Scott and Alex Heitgerd, Bob and Tom Linke
Altar- Set up- Marliyn and Sue; Clean Up- Lynn Russell and Elaine Schauer
Elders- Sat- Charlie Figura; 8:30- Don Turnure; 11- Dave Winter
Greeters- 8:30- Rob and Julie Schaumberg; 11- Dave and Lil Winter
Lay Readers- Sat- Marcia Sevier 8:30- Lois Boeger; 11- Stephanie Owenby
Piano (Saturday and Sunday)- Kathy Barrow
Projectionists: ????? A new schedule will be put together this week
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: Why did Judah and Israel break apart?
(Great job Pat!)
Simple answer: The kingdom was already falling apart under Solomon. In his quest to be 'all that,' he forced his people into virtual slavery. He gave away land, and did the whole forced labor. Dudes were impressed into the military, others sent off to Tyre to work in camps. After he croaked, his idgit of a son, Rehoboam – despite the advice of the older, wiser dudes on his council to repeal the mistakes his dad had made– decided to make them even worse. This led to the split between Israel and Judah.
Now, for the more in-depth answer. All of this was foretold by Samuel, when the wackadoodle Jews went to him, demanding a king. He warned them that if they set aside God – who was their king – for an earthly king, that they would pay for it. (Check out Judges and Kings).
Also, we need to remember that Israel was made up of 12 tribes – each with their own tribal loyalties.They were jealous of each other, and had a lot of bickering and skirmishes among themselves – because each group wanted to be top dog. You can see the same thing with the Arabs in Iraq – and across the Middle East - today. You have the Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds. (It is, of course, more complicated, but we'll keep it simple for this discussion). Each group has their own agenda and is willing to kill the other two – all in the name of Islam. Unfortunately, after WWI, when the Europeans were divvying up the lands in the Middle East – redrawing ancient borders – they didn't take the tribal differences into account. All they were concerned with, was keeping control of the resources – specifically oil. So, instead of letting the different tribes have a say, we have ended up with the chaos we have today.
Here's an interesting article about the Jewish break;
TODAY'S QUIZ: Where is Shiloh?
NEWS!!!! (Lots of new news so make sure you read it all the way through!!)
I just read on twitter this morning that the Red Cross is desperately in need of blood. PLEASE VOLUNTEER TO HELP AT OUR BLOOD DRIVE ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 4!! Call Marilyn at 456-2888 to volunteer and she will let you know what kind of help is needed!
Supper 5:30-6
Fun- 6-8
Come celebrate ADVENT with us! It'll be COOL inside and out at St. John's!! Tonight's word of the night is LOVE!!
If you want to help but you didn't sign up, just come by, we'll gladly put you to work!
Pastor will be ending his 1,000 mile journey at the Katy Trail at 1:30pm on Sunday August 31!! We will bike from the trailhead in Treloar to Blumenhoff Winery in Dutzow, approximately 11 miles.
Admission to this event is any donation to If you've already donated you're good to go!
Let me know if you'll be participating!
Lots of good German food and drink (brats, sauerkraut, beer)
Would you like a relaxing and peaceful day on the river in God's creation? Do you want to grow in fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ? Come and join us!
Here are the details:
1. Meet at 9:30am at Ozark Outdoors
canoes $20 per person
kayaks- $28 per person
rafts- $29 per person
tubes are $25 per person
If you have your own equipment it is $30 per craft to ride the bus.
Children ages 7-12 are $15 and 7 and under are free
3. What you will need:
sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, food, beverages, a good attitude.
4. Contact Teresa Scott to sign up
cell- 636-359-0274
work- (Schraer HVAC) 456-5041
Remember, this is a float, not a race. It is a leisurely float down the river with lots of stops along the way!
If you choose to spend the weekend, please make camping, motel, or cabin arrangements through Ozark Outdoors or with Onondaga State Park Hiking and cave tours are also available in Onondaga State Park.
Go to for details or give me a call at 636-359-1061.
Our next Gun Club outing will be at Whetstone Creek Conservation Area Gun Range on Saturday, August 13, from 9am-Noon. You can either bring your own guns and ammo to shoot at the range or we will have a whole range set up for a special "fam fire" (armed forces code for familiarization fire) on a separate range for those who don't own a gun but would like to learn to shoot and learn about various types of firearms. Paul Brockfeld and others will have several different firearms and ammo to use for $20 per person. Please sign up on the sheet on the counter in the narthex so we know how many are coming and who is or is not bringing their own guns and ammo.
Directions to the range: DO NOT follow the signs to Whetstone Creek. If you follow the signs, you will not go to the firearms range. From Warrenton take I-70 to the Williamsburg exit. At the top of the ramp turn right and head north into Williamsburg. At the first stop sign go straight (Sign will tell you to turn left to go to Whetstone Creek CA - do not turn left). At the second stop sign go straight. Road will turn to gravel as you leave Williamsburg. Once road turns to gravel it is approximately 2.3 miles to the range on the right. Parking lot is before the range.
Directions to the range: DO NOT follow the signs to Whetstone Creek. If you follow the signs, you will not go to the firearms range. From Warrenton take I-70 to the Williamsburg exit. At the top of the ramp turn right and head north into Williamsburg. At the first stop sign go straight (Sign will tell you to turn left to go to Whetstone Creek CA - do not turn left). At the second stop sign go straight. Road will turn to gravel as you leave Williamsburg. Once road turns to gravel it is approximately 2.3 miles to the range on the right. Parking lot is before the range.
Stephen ministry is a one on one caring ministry in which a person goes through 50 hours off training to be a better listener and care giver. Even if you don't become an active Stephen Minister, this training is beneficial just for your daily life!
Please consider going through the training! It is very beneficial.
And please consider becoming a Stephen Minister. It has been a huge help and benefit to our congregation for the last 13 years, and I would love to see it grow!
Call me at 636-359-1061 to let me know you're interested. Or go to to learn more about it.
Here's how it works:
Here's how it works:
1. Pick up an order form from the counter in the narthex or from Marilyn in the office.
2. Mark how many cards you would like to order from each retailer you use, and fill in the totals. (If you need help, stop by the office or talk to Marilyn or ask me after worship.)
3. Attach a check to your order form made out to St.John's.
4. Marilyn will place the order on a certain date each month.
5. Pick up your cards from your church mailbox.
6. Use your cards just like money at the various stores.
Please use this program! It is an easy way for you to help YOUR church raise money for its ministries!
Remember this is for the poor and needy children of our community and county that often receive two breakfast and lunch at school, and have very little or no food at home.
For SHARON SPOEDE'S FAMILY at the sudden death of her brother in law Jeff Spalding. He died suddenly and unexpectedly in his sleep at age 61.
For DON BRAZEE as he is in failing health and is now confined to a bed on hospice care.
For SHERRY BEASLEY as she has gall bladder removal surgery today.
For RANDY SWEET, JENNIFER FIGURA, AND RON WILLIAMS as they all recover from surgery at home.
For REBECCA LYNN SLAYDEN, newborn great-granddaughter of Dave and Lil Winter, who is having extensive surgery TODAY as she was born with many of her organs outside her body.
For the HARGROVE FAMILY as they mourn the loss of Dave's dad Charles. (His memorial visitation and service will be Saturday, August 20, 1-3pm.
For LAW ENFORCEMENT EVERYWHERE, that we would keep the 4th commandment and honor those who serve and protect us from evildoers.
For BRIAN TAMPOW, a friend of Steve and Toni Mauch, who has an inoperable tumor near his carotid artery and will need to go through extensive chemo and radiation treatment.
For CHERYL, a cousin of Tony and Sandra Perricone, who is going through breast cancer treatment right now.
For DENISE SCHLESSELMANN as she begins her work as a teacher of English as a second language in the Czech Republic and transitions to regular life there.