Daily Email: Monday, April 10, 2017

DEVOTION:   Psalm 118:15-29  English Standard Version (ESV)

15 Glad songs of salvation
    are in the tents of the righteous:
"The right hand of the Lord does valiantly,
16     the right hand of the Lord exalts,
    the right hand of the Lord does valiantly!"

17 I shall not die, but I shall live,
    and recount the deeds of the Lord.
18 The Lord has disciplined me severely,
    but he has not given me over to death.

19 Open to me the gates of righteousness,
    that I may enter through them
    and give thanks to the Lord.
20 This is the gate of the Lord;
    the righteous shall enter through it.
21 I thank you that you have answered me
    and have become my salvation.
22 The stone that the builders rejected
    has become the cornerstone.[a]
23 This is the Lord's doing;
    it is marvelous in our eyes.
24 This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.

25 Save us, we pray, O Lord!
    O Lord, we pray, give us success!

26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
    We bless you from the house of the Lord.
27 The Lord is God,
    and he has made his light to shine upon us.
Bind the festal sacrifice with cords,
    up to the horns of the altar!

28 You are my God, and I will give thanks to you;
    you are my God; I will extol you.
29 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    for his steadfast love endures forever!


I can only imagine the shouts of joy and victory that take place on a daily basis in paradise.  Next time you have time to let your mind wander, think about it.  Millions and millions of forgiven sinners who have overcome death by the cross of Christ.  Who can daily shout "He is risen indeed" because they can see Him face to face. The veil of death has been removed and they see Him in all his splendor. 


As we await that glorious day for ourselves, we are able to do so with patience and peace, because we know that the Lord Jesus is on our side.  He isn't some dead false god.  He is a resurrected and living Lord who has defeated death, the devil, and hell all for us! 


As we go through this Holy Week, and as we meditate on the Lord's passion, we do so somberly, because we know the price Christ paid for our sins.  At the same time, we can't help but want to shout out "Christ is risen!", because we know He is!  


Take time out of your too busy schedules this week to truly think about the joys of heaven and that one day you will shrug off this veil of tears and be with the Lord forever! 


Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving us Your Son to suffer and die for us, and for raising Him from the dead so that we too shall rise.  Amen.





Mon- Confirmation 5:15-6:30

Tues- Outreach meeting 8; Quilting 9-2; Trustees 7

Wed- Choir 7

Thurs- Maundy Thursday Worship 6:30

Fri- Good Friday Worship 6:30

Sat- Men's breakfast and Easter breakfast set up 8am; NO WORSHIP

Sun- Worship 6:30; Easter Breakfast 7:45; Egg Hunt 9; Worship 10

______________________________________________________________________WORSHIP WORKERS FOR THIS WEEK:  
Acolyte- Thurs- Addie Hoelscher; Fri- Loren Howard; 6:30- Gus Klaustermeier 10- Savannah Masters???


Ushers- Thurs- Scott Heitgerd,, Jim Huster, Bob Linke, Tom Linke; Fri- Larry Schulze, Gary Schulze, Gary Scott, Dave Winter;  6:30- Allan Dreyer, Lew Feldkamp, Kent Jacobsmeyer, Paul Klover; 10- Brent Davis, Ben Hoelscher, Gary Hoelscher, George Hoelscher


Altar- Thurs- Set Up- Terry McKenzie, Clean Up-Lois Boeger; Fri- Set Up Terry McKenzie; Sun- Set Up- Ruth Walters, Clean Up- Terry McKenzie


Elders- Thurs- ????, 6:30- Roy Bohning, 10- Al Benton
Greeters-  6:30- Rich and Peggy Talbert; 10-  Tom and Pam Linke

Lay Readers- 6:30- Allan Dreyer; 10- Derek Ebert


Organist- Rachel Fisher

Projectionists: 6:30- Terry McKenzie; 10- Dawn Sherman


What Psalm did David write and sing to the Lord when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul? Psalm 142

TODAY'S QUIZ:  Who was Michal?




The elders met yesterday to talk about replacing our church secretary, Marilyn, after her fifteen years of service.  They decided to keep the position full time and to open it up to everyone, MALE or FEMALE, in our congregation and to the community at large. 


Resumes are now being accepted.  You can email them to pastor or bring them in to pastor at his office.  Interviews will take place once all resumes are received.  The name of the person that the interview committee chooses will be brought to the voter's assembly for approval on Sunday, May 21. 


A full job description and salary/benefits will be posted as soon as available. 




I've lost 6 lbs. so far.


Between Monday, April 3 and Friday, September 1,  I plan on losing as much weight as possible and as is healthy for me to lose.  My goal, the Lord willing, is 100lbs. which averages out to about 2/3 of a pound a day.   


I would like all of you to consider sponsoring me with a pledge of money per pound.  It can be $100, $10, $1, .50, or whatever  per pound.  The amount is up to you.


You will also have your choice of three different causes to donate to. 


Lead a Child--  An organization that raises money for Lutheran churches and schools in third world countries so that kids can go to school, get a quality education, and learn about Jesus.  (Go to www.leadachild.org to learn more)


Warren County Literacy Inc.---  Helping children achieve and grow in literacy in Warren County.  Our main emphasis is the bookcase project in which bookcases and books are donated to between 60-80 children from the Youth In Need and Headstart programs in Warren County.  We also have several "Little Free Libraries"  around the county.    (Check it out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Warren-County-Literacy-Inc-1763714847229903/?ref=bookmarks or http://www.warrencountybookcaseproject.org/


Warren County Pregnancy Option Center---  This will be a place where expectant mothers and fathers can go and get counseling, coaching and referrals to medical services they need so that they can keep their child or give it up for adoption.   Our first annual banquet is Thursday, April 20 at 7pm at Holy Rosary, and I still need two people to fill the table.  More info will be coming soon about a Facebook page and websites. 



Please reply to this email if you'd like to pledge, and I will record it for you! 


I started out at 336lbs on Monday, and I am down to 332 as of yesterday afternoon.  Please pray for me and for this endeavor!  Keep me accountable! 



Due to confirmation questioning being the same evening and the LWML Zone Rally the next day, the Hendershots are going to cancel their monthly Bible study and fellowship.  It will resume on Friday, May 19!



Come and join us for breakfast and devotions, and then stay to help set up for Easter breakfast!!


We'll have biscuits and gravy, sausage, and egg bake!!



As we do every year, we place lilies on and around the altar for Easter.  You can donate one in memory or in honor of someone.  Price is $14.50 each!  You can take it home after the 10am service on Easter Day.  If you pay for it with a check that you put in the offering plate, please mark it "Easter Lilly" in the memo line.  Let's fill up the chancel with lilies this year!!!



After working faithfully for St. John's for the last 14 years, Marilyn Foster, has announced that she will be retiring on May 31.  We are planning a retirement celebration for her on Sunday, May 21 after church.  More information will be coming about this soon. 



 Student must be 3 for younger class  or 4 for older class by August 1.

$45 nonrefundable registration fee required.

Registration packets can be picked up at Little Lambs during school hours and in the church office during non-school hours. 



Soup and Ramen Noodles.  Place them in the receptacle marked "Backpack Blessings" in the narthex.



Any nonperishable food items, diapers, toiletries, etc.!!


Perishable food items can be taken directly to Agape at 713 Powell St. in Warrenton.  Call 456-4645 to find out when they're open or for more info.



Go to www.kroger.com/communityawards and register your card today!!


For St. John's as we begin the search for a secretary to replace Marilyn.


For JENNIFER HOELSCHER, who is hospitalized with digestive problems.


For PAT KING, as she is recovering from knee replacement surgery at Progress West.


For MARILYN FOSTER as she prepares for her retirement.


For both RANDY AND PATTY SWEET'S MOTHERS,  Virginia, Patty's mom, has just been diagnosed with lung cancer.  Rose, Randy's mom, had a bad seizure two months ago, and although she is walking and talking fine, the seizure caused some dementia. 


For DANIELLE MEINE KRAMER, whose leukemia is back after a brief respite from it.  She had it for several years while in high school.  (She grew up riding Karin's school bus to school.)


For Mim Dunn's nephew DAVID HAHN who is dealing with severe throat cancer.


For LOIS BOEGER'S MOM, EVELYN TOEDEBUSCH,  who has been on hospice care for the last few months and slows down a little more every day, but is doing well.





A book by Pastor Mark Hoehner

Pastor Hoehner is a great and long time friend of mine and is the Senior Pastor at Chapel of the Cross in St. Peter's.  Below is a message about a new bbook he has written which is the second book in a series called "Knowing God, Knowing Me"   It is only an ebook, so you have to have Kindle or some sort of other reading program on your computer, tablet, or phone.  Please check it out on the link below. 


In celebration of our Risen Lord, each illustrated e-book in the Knowing God Knowing Me series will be $2.99 ($1 off regular price) during Holy Week. They're fresh, easy to read, accessible to anyone Confirmation age and up, and even include discussion questions and quizzes. Get them now for yourself, your kids, and your congregation!

The goal of this series is to push Christ and His Cross to the front of every text in the Bible, because Jesus Himself did this after His Resurrection from the dead on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:27). The more the Church does and thinks about Jesus in everything it reads, sings, confesses, says, and does, well, the more the pain of this world is healed. Even more, those healed by Jesus will eventually be raised to eternal life.
