We are working on getting approval from elders concerning starting salary and benefits, once we receive that approval we will post that. In the meantime here is the job description.
Please note that a lot of the work requires proficiency in several different computer programs. Programs such as Excel, Word, Powerpoint, and several financial record keeping programs are used on a regular basis.
Please email resumes to me or bring them in to my office.
Church Office Administrator/Church Secretary Job Description
Purpose: To serve the church by providing administrative and secretarial services to the Pastor and various committees and board.
- Receive and screen incoming calls, taking clear messages and returning calls, if asked, of the Pastor. Many times it just requires a "compassionate listener" for members calling that just want to talk. Many use the church office as a place to get information on other members who are ill or moved or for telephone numbers.
- Maintain an accurate and up to date calendar of church activities and meetings.
- Co-ordinate all activities between church basement rentals (collecting fees with Trustee guidelines) meetings, activities, keep cleaning service informed if cleaning time interferes.
- Co-ordinate between Pre-school activities and church activities
- Co-ordinate all activities between church basement rentals (collecting fees with Trustee guidelines) meetings, activities, keep cleaning service informed if cleaning time interferes.
- Prepare weekly bulletins, monthly newsletters, various agendas for church council, elders, voters meetings etc, and make necessary copies.
- Maintain communication with shut-in members. Mail weekly bulletins, "HomeTouch" devotion and activity sheets weekly. Mail monthly newsletters.
- Pick up, sort and open mail, direct to appropriate persons in congregation, draft responses as required. Insure outgoing mail is mailed daily.
- Newsletters and other bulk mail is taken to post office and packaged according to postal regulations.
- Make sure money is kept on deposit at the post office to cover mailings and returned mail.
- Newsletters and other bulk mail is taken to post office and packaged according to postal regulations.
- Maintain up to date and organized files and records as required.
- Such as membership information – mail personal letters to new members
- Mail letters to Memorial donors
- General bookkeeping for the congregation ie: co-ordinate with Financial Secretary each week to insure funds placed in proper accounts, make sure all bills are accurate and paid promptly, payroll for employees (church staff, Little Lambs) pay federal & state taxes & file tax forms, keep up to date with Concordia Plan Services on changes. File the employees Concordia Plan Retirement Fund.
- Financial reports for congregation
- Maintain records of Little Lambs expenses, paid by congregation, for monthly bill
- Make out W-2 & 1099 forms and file by January 31.
- Such as membership information – mail personal letters to new members
- Keep in touch with the Trustees regarding items needing immediate attention.
- Keep Pastor informed of members with health issues so that contact can be made.
- Maintain current birthday and anniversary list for the Elders. Advise elders of new members, attendance issues, and other things necessary regarding the members in each Elder's group.
- Co-ordinate and order Altar flowers, making sure flowers are paid from the members.
- Enter attendance records weekly.
- Secure volunteer help when needed, bulletins, newsletters & other projects. Keep list of those that want to volunteer.
- Prepare monthly schedules for Greeters, Lay Readers, Acolytes, and yearly usher schedule.
- Weekly Power Point for church news before service begins.
- Work with Pastor and other church committees and boards as necessary in developing new ideas or special projects and in carrying out the ministry of the church.
- Keep informed on openings in Preschool to inform parents that call wanting information on Little Lambs – take enrollment forms and fees, especially during summer months.
- Keep office equipment in working order – order all office supplies – Altar Guild supplies – order items for boards Sunday School & Little Lambs when needed.
- Attend Council and Voters meetings.
- ShopwScrip ordering
- Maintain confidentiality of all formal and informal communications you may read, have or may overhear unless specifically permitted to share with others.
- Manage and update church website and all social media on a weekly basis
- Prepare Powerpoint for worship when volunteer is unavailable.
- Church membership is not required, but if he or she is a member, he or she must be faithful in worship attendance and in stewardship of time, talents, and treasures.
- He or she should attend Stephen Ministry training as soon as it is offered.
- Cooperate with pastor and others to do other nonspecific duties as needed
- Have the same attitude as Christ- that is-take on the form of a servant in the performance of your duties at St. John's.
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