DEVOTION: "Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me. I, even I am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior. Isaiah 43:10c-11
The search for God continues, or should I say the search to claim that there is no God continues. Either way, people have always and will continue to try to get rid of God, deny him, exclude him from their lives, claim that he is dead, claim that what he said about himself in the Bible isn't true, and so on and so forth.
For the last few decades at least certain scientists and others have been trying to disprove the existence of God. There was even a famous Time magazine article that claimed that God was dead. It was going on way before this though. Still, as scientists and mathematicians look at the hard facts and the stark probability that our planet and even our universe could've happened by random chance, they are overwhelmed with evidence that it simply cannot be so. Here is a link to a video that explains it much better than I can. The FACT is that there is a God who exists. Not only does he merely exist, but he is our creator and savior! He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the one, true, and only God.
Best of all, he is not a creator who wants to destroy us, nor does he want to misuse us for his own enjoyment. He loves us and wants to take care of us forever. He loves us so much that he sent his one and only son, Jesus, to be our Savior and Redeemer.
He even loves you, poor and miserable sinner that you are, and he wants to have a better relationship with you. The way to have that relationship is to simply surrender to his will. Go to him with your weariness and your burdens and he will give you rest. Go to him with your guilt and he will take it away and give you right spirit and a clean heart. Go to him with your worries and troubles and he will remind you of his grace and forgiveness.
Don't try to get rid of God, even more, don't begin to think that you don't need him or that he is of no help to you. Trust in him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight!
Let us pray: Lord, help me to acknowledge you in all my ways so that you may straighten me out. Amen.
LAST TIME'S QUIZ: How many chapters are there in the book of Isaiah?
Name three countries that God pronounced judgment against in the book of Isaiah. Arabia, Moab, Assyria, Damascus, Edom, Tyre _______________________________________________________________________________________________TODAY'S QUIZ: Who was Cyrus and where is he first mentioned in Scripture?_________________________________________________________________________________________CALENDAR:VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ALL WEEK 5-8pmTues- Quilters 9-2; Bible Study 11:30-12:15; Trustees working on lights in quilting room 5-7, Trustee meeting 7Fri- Bible study at Hendershots 7pm
Sat- Worship 5
Sun- Worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school 9:45
Acolyte- 8:30- Sophie Tinnin; 11- Jacob Winn
Ushers- George, Gary, and Ben Hoelscher, and Brent Davis
Altar- Set up- Marilyn Foster and Sue Ruhl; Clean Up- Pam Linke
Communion Assistants- Sat- Dave Winter; 8:30- Steve McDowell; 11- Steve Robine Greeters- 8:30- Pam and Tom Linke; 11- Marv and Molly Hendershot
Lay readers- Sat- Sandra Perricone 8:30- Steve McDowell 11- Steve Robine
Sat. Pianist- Tim Sherman
Sun Pianist- Doug Walters
Projectionists: ??????_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
NEWS:VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL "CROSS F.I.T." HAS BEGUN!!!Please bring everyone you can! This is a wonderful opportunity for outreach and to grow FIT in the cross of Jesus! Supper starts at 5 and programming begins at 5:30!!______________________________________________________________________________________________TRUSTEES WORK NIGHT TONIGHTThe trustees will be working this evening beginning at 5pm to put new lights in the quilter's room. They are in special need of anyone who has knowledge of electrical wires and fixtures, but will take anyone who can help!_____________________________________________________________________________________________________LADIES LUNCH TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, AT DENNY'S, AT NOON!If you haven't signed up you are still welcome to join them, but please call the church office so that they know how many to expect! 456-2888.______________________________________________________________________________________________MORE PROJECTIONISTS ARE NEEDED FOR OUR SCHEDULE!
All it takes is a finger to push a button and to be able to pay attention during worship.
As much as you all must appreciate having the projection of the worship service up on the wall every week, it won't be able to continue if we can't get people to volunteer just once a month.
The people that are doing it are very faithful and will continue to be, but they are going to get burned out on it if they have to keep doing it every week. Right now we only have five teams or individuals (three teams for Saturday and two for Sunday) who are doing it and one of them is only here less than half the year.
If we could just get two more teams or individuals for Saturday and two for Sunday at the early service to commit to just once a month, It would be so much better for everyone involved!!
Please consider becoming a part of this very important part of our worship service so we can continue to have it for you!!
Below is the schedule, simply reply to this email with the dates you'd be willing to help!
He and his family will be leaving to do mission work in Kenya later this Fall. Come and hear him talk about what kind of mission work he will be doing and ways that you can support and encourage him and his family!
Cost is $50 per person
Format is a 2 TWO person scramble this year.
Registration at 7am
Shotgun start at 8am
Lunch and prizes at 1pm
Holes can be sponsored for $50 each.
All proceeds go to benefit our wonderful Little Lambs preschool.
Flyers are available on the counter in the narthex for those wishing to participate.
Call Alan Hofeldt at 456-3070 or the church office at 456-2888 to sign up you and
Volunteers are needed before the drive to make calls and set up appointments and the day of the drive to help out. DONORS are also needed of course! If you can help in any way call 456-2888 to let Marilyn know.
If you have never been involved in one of our church activities (and even if you have), here is a new challenge for you!! There will be a cake/dessert booth at the carnival on September 12! The carnival will be open from 11am until dusk! Donations of baked good and workers to man the booth will be needed!! Desserts needing refrigeration cannot be accepted. Work shifts will be for two hours beginning at 10am and will go till closing time. To eliminate many, many phone calls, a sign up sheet has been placed on the narthex where you can volunteer!!
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DO YOU HAVE A KROGER CARD? ENROLL IT IN THE COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM!!! Register online and have it swiped each time you shop. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAVE THE DATE!!!! OUR FIRST ANNUAL FALL CARNIVAL WILL BE HELD SEPTEMBER 12, 2015!!! We are looking for ideas for carnival games and also donations of carnival game prizes for the event. Please donate prizes into the cardboard box in the narthex. Also, if any one has an idea for a carnival game, or a game itself they would like to donate please contact Joanna Hoelscher at 636-485-0635 or Karla Christophene at 314-397-1375. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRAYER REQUESTS: For MARIANNE LINKE, who went home from the hospital last evening and is recovering from an undiagnosed weakness, dehydration, and severe shortness of breath. She is doing much better now.
FOR THANKSGIVING FOR LIL WINTER, who is doing better than she has in years after successful surgery and recovery.
For DENISE SCHLESSELMANN as she is in the USA for a short furlough and as she travels to gain more support for her mission work.
For CORA CLUVER'S DAD, who is recovering from a severe motorcycle accident that paralyzed him from the neck down.
For CARA KLAUSTERMEIER, who is recovering from surgery. She is doing very well.
For DAVE AND CAROL KOHRS, who are BOTH on hospice care.
For OUR DCE INTERN, KELSEY OVERBECK, that the Lord's will is done concerning her call to a church to be a full time DCE.
For WILMA WEIGLE as she continues to deal with the after effects of a severe stroke almost two years ago.