Pastor's sermon from 8/24/14
Attendees needed for Faith-Based Emergency Planning Workshop
Is there someone or a group of two or three to go to this workshop as representatives from our church? If you are interested in disaster and emergency ministry and helping in time of need, please reply to this email or rsvp to the folks listed below.
Below is the information:
Just another reminder that the registration request for the workshop is this Friday, August 29th. Please select someone from your congregation to attend this FREE and informative event. Continental Breakfast and a lunch will be served. It is necessary to have pre-registration so the planning committee can arrange to have enough food for everyone.
To sign up, please go to or call Doug Bolnick at 636-949-7408.
Thanks to those of you who have already signed up. If you have any questions, please call Mike Daniels, Emergency Management Director at
Thank you,
Mike Daniels, Emergency Management Director
Ruth Walters, Warren County Health Department Administrator
Linda Hoeft, Clerical Assistant
Warren County Health Department
101 Mockingbird Lane, Suite 100
Warrenton, MO 63383
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FW: Life Chain AD2014 - Warren County
Below is the information and request from Bev Ehlen:
Please consider participating in Life Chain this year. It would work really well if you would ask a member of your congregation to communicate with me so we can send you the promotional material for the event. WE have bulletin inserts, bulletin announcements and a timeline to share with your church. Thanks, Bev Ehlen
Life Chain Warren County
Sunday, October 5, AD2014
2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
West Side of Hwy 47 between Veterans Memorial Pkwy. and Main St.
What is Life Chain?
It is a peaceful, positive, prayerful witness against abortion. Come, let us seek God’s divine intervention for the healing of our country.
Who Should Attend?
Those who are willing to defend human life against abortion.
Bring the family—including a lawn chair for the elderly.
Our community needs to know that the church supports the sanctity of human life.
Individuals will be given signs (and only these signs are used during Life Chain) to display the following messages:
“Abortion Kills Children”, “Jesus Heals and Forgives”, “Abortion Hurts Women”, “Pray to End Abortion”, “Adoption, the Loving Option”, “ Lord, Forgive Us and Our Nation”, “Life—the First Inalienable Right.”
Our churches in Warren County will join forces to participate in this event. Please meet at 1:45 p.m.
There will be two check-in points where one can sign in and pick up a sign—at the corner of Hwy 47 and Vet. Memorial Hwy. or at the corner of Hwy 47 and Hwy MM (Main St.)
Please bring baby items to leave for the Crisis Pregnancy Center.
One thing that I have done in the past is hold a "Baby Shower" Luncheon. It could be potluck for those who would like to stay after church and go to Life Chain from there. We have had the participants bring baby items to the "Baby Shower" Luncheon which we in turn brought to Life Chain for donation to a Crisis Pregnancy Center such as Thrive or Birthright.
National Life Chain Sunday 2014 – October 5
For location and time in hundreds of cities and towns across the
U.S. and Canada, see
Contact: Royce Dunn, Director of Life Chain
Phone: 530-674-5068 - -
National Life Chain Sunday 2014—on October 5, across the U.S. and Canada—will provide a visible and resolute voice for voiceless children who are threatened by the surgical abortionists’ cruel instruments or by the deadly chemicals in abortive birth controls. The location and time of each Life Chain will be posted at (by state in the U.S. and by province in Canada).
In this our 27th year of public witness on behalf of rejected Preborns, Life Chain will again fill sidewalks in hundreds of cities and towns (over 1500 in 2013). Sign messages will include Abortion Kills Children, Adoption The Loving Option, Jesus Forgives and Heals and other poignant signs available to participants, plus original, creative messages approved by local coordinators.
In brief, Life Chain is an earnest ecumenical prayer ministry rightly viewed as an afternoon extension of Sunday morning worship. Pastoral leadership is key, idle talk is shunned, and the foundational intent of each Chain is to provide God an outreach to anoint and work through. Only He can defeat the powerful spiritual forces that crafted the abortion holocaust now ravaging America and Canada, but God has assigned His church a strategic role. And how strategic is that role? Renown missionary Arthur Matthews reminded us in Born for Battle that “for every provocation against God’s cause there is provision for victory,” but “without God man cannot” (achieve victory) and “without man God will not” (provide victory). Thus, the rightful heart for prayer against the scourge of legal child killing is surely one of partnering—of partnering our love and protection for local Preborns “being led away to death” (Proverbs 24:10-12) with God’s eternal sovereignty.
In preparation for October 5, let us trust in the faithfulness of our almighty God and commit humbly to His cause for desperate Little Ones in our church communities. German church leaders who failed to so commit and who witnessed God’s fierce intervention against holocaustic powers 70 years ago wrote: “We did not fear God above all the powers of men and government; we did not trust and obey God unconditionally—that is what brought us under the sway of the tempter; that is what cast us into the abyss! That is what gave the demon of humanity free rein among us…. Before Him there cries out against us all the innocently shed blood, all the blaspheming of his Holy name, and all the inhumanities which occurred in our midst, especially against the Jews.” That occasion was the Berlin-Brandenburg church leadership Day of Repentance in 1945.
Opportunity awaits us. National Life Chain Sunday 2014 can be a national day of repentance in America and Canada if we choose to make it so. Let us so choose and then see God work mightily among us to save numerous rejected Preborns whose lives rely solely on our partnership with God.
Float Trip contact info
There is still room on the River! It is not too late for you to join us!
Pack your lunch and sun screen and join the Floaters Monday, September 1 at 9:30 at Ozark Outdoors for a delightful day on the river.
We will practically have the river to ourselves!
If you are interested, please contact Teresa Scott at 636-359-0274 or
Float Trip Update
At this point we have the following crew for the float trip -
Klaustermeiers (or part of them)
Overbeck +1
Some of us are camping -
Scott's whole weekend at Onondaga State Park
Hofelt's - did you get a spot for Sunday night?
Schlenthers -???? when are you planning to camp
Laney Woolf +1 - Sunday night
Bill Woolf - Sunday night???
Information you need:
Meet at Ozark Outdoors around 9:30 - float starts at 10 and there will be paperwork and organization to accomplish. Bring whatever you need for the day - hat, sunscreen, lunch + beverages of your choice, sense of adventure, and anything else that will make the day more pleasant. We should be done no later than 5 (but I make no promises - depends on how many swim/lunch/etc breaks we take).
There is still room on the river, so if there is anyone else who you know that would like to go, let me know.
2 more prayer requests
2. For FRANCES LAMKIN, Sandra Perricone's aunt, who is dealing with many health issues.
Monday, August 25, 2014
DEVOTION: "You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught publicly and from house to house. I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus. The Story p. 440
This week we get into chapter 30 of The Story. It is about the end of Paul's missionary journeys and his final days on earth. As he writes to his various churches throughout the region he reflects on what he has done. We wouldn't say that he is proud of himself, but that he is proud of the gospel and the fact that he had been given the opportunity to share it abundantly. He is satisfied with his life and all that God had given him to do. He knows that he has fulfilled God's purpose for his life.... a relationship with Him.
At the end of your life, are you going to be satisfied with the fact that you have done what God has given you to do? Are you going to be able to say, I shared the gospel with my family? Are you going to be able to hear God say to you, "Well done good and faithful servant."
We must remember here that Paul's life was not all mission work and baptisms. The first half of his life at least was spent persecuting Christians and even putting some to death like Stephen. He says in Romans that the "good he wants to do he doesn't do, but the evil he doesn't want to do, he does do." He wasn't perfect. He had many faults. So do you!
In spite of your faults and sins, God has given you His work to do. And his work (his yoke) is easy and his burden is light. It is simply to tell the love of Christ and to live it out in your life. The best way you can do that is to forgive and be forgiven. Give Christ's forgiveness to those who need to hear it from you, and receive it from those who want to give it to you. Live humbly, knowing that nothing you do will gain you more heaven. Live as though you mattered least and Christ mattered most, because that's the way it is!
Let us pray: Lord God bless us as we live out Your mission in our hearts and lives. Amen.
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: How many epistles did Paul write? 13 (some say 14 because they say Paul may have written Hebrews. We really don't know who wrote Hebrews.)_________________________________________________________________________________________________
TODAY'S QUIZ: What happened to Paul when he entered the temple in Jerusalem for the last time?
Tues- Quilting 9-2; Bible Study 11:30-12:15; Praise Band Practice 6pm
Wed- Choir practice 7pm
Fri- Assemble Newsletter 9am
Sat- Bible Study 4; Worship 5
Sun- worship 8:30; Bible Study and Sunday school 9:45; worship 11
Acolytes- 8:30- Ian Brunson 11- Alaina Heitgerd
Altar guild- Set up- Linda Callies; Clean Up-- Lois Boeger
Greeters- 8:30- Don and Wanda Turnure; 11- Joan Sexton
Communion Assistants- Sat- Jim Rahn; 8:30- Randy Sweet; 11- Charlie Figura
Lay Readers- Sat- Jim Rahn; 8:30- Steve McDowell; 11am- Lynn Figura
8:30 Ushers- Sott Heitgerd, Tom Linke, Alex Heitgerd, Bob Linke
Projectors- Sat- Pam Bueltmann; 8:30- Terry McKenzie; 11- Oliver Landwehr
Sat pianist- Molly Hendershot; Sun- Melissa Pedersen
If you have always wanted to join choir this is your chance! They'd love to have you to be a part of it!
If you play an instrument, especially the piano or keyboard, they'd love to have you. They are planning on making their debut on Sunday, Sept. 7 at the 11am worship!
Kelsey updates our website weekly! Check it out!!
LABOR DAY FLOAT TRIP-- Float trip will be through Ozark Outdoors. Meet at the river at 10am for a 4 mile float. Please contact Teresa Scott to sign up. She can be reached by email at, cell phone or text at 636-359-5041 or at Schraer heating and air conditioning at 636-456-5041. When signing up, [please provide your best phone contact number and email address, if you have one. More info to follow
There will be a sign up sheet to tell us how many from your family and friends are coming and what kind of food you will be bringing (Please bring a salad/side dish or dessert to share). Hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, drinks, and eating utensils will be provided.
We will need a few guys to volunteer to help with grilling on Sunday morning. STEVE MCDOWELL and BRENT DAVIS have volunteered to head that up! Thanks guys!
Everyone will need to help with clean up at the end, but it would be good to have a few volunteers to be in charge of clean up.
I have a person interested in learning to quilt in the evening. Are there any more ladies that work and would be interested in setting up an evening? Also any experienced quilter that might want to work with us as an instructor helper. Please contact Pam Bueltmann 636 745 2500 or Lets keep this wonderful old craft going for future generations. Thanks, Pam Bueltmann
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