The grill will be going, the breeze will be going, and we'll be chilling beginning around 5:30 tonight! Come out and join us
I will have plenty of pork steaks going for everyone who wants one or two!
Bring your own meat to grill, a side to share, and your own favorite beverage (alcoholic beverages are ok). We will have a small devotion and prayer time, a very short presentation on the men's retreat coming up in Sept, and the rest of the time will be for our relaxation and enjoyment of the evening.
The high school has their first game tonight as well, so a few of us might want to walk over to the high school to watch the game.
Jonas is home from the hospital today and I'm sorry I didn't get that updated sooner! My apologies to Officer Wiley, the PLMS DARE officer, and to the Jordans, and anyone else -- who came to visit Jonas in down at Children's Mercy. Although Jonas' chemo schedule is one week on, one week off - every other chemo cycle alternates. For example the first, third and fifth cycles are the same and the second, fourth and sixth cycles are the same. I did not remember this and told everyone he would be in the hospital for five days, like last time. In actuality, he had two days of chemo treatments and will get one more later in the week by outpatient. Then, he will have a full week off. All this assuming that he does not go into the hospital for fever, infection, or some other debilitation. So far he is doing fine. This is the round that seems to kick his butt with mouth sores and vomiting. Right now, he is not really doing either, but feels like mud. He is looking forward to visiting with friends later in the week, but right now says, "No thanks" to company. Karen Atkins tells me that people have donated over 24 cases of formula! Thank you to everyone who is helping with this. We have enough to get us through an entire visit to Houston now. Jonas has been eating quite a bit these last few weeks. He is back up to 94 pounds again. While this is good news, he still needs help putting on weight through the formula, because two steps forward and one step back will just not cut it when we have 30 some weeks of chemo ahead. You all are helping to keep him strong and well-nutritioned. We are pretty-well stocked for now. Jonas has really been missing his dogs. The Burrow Family was so wonderful to let us stop by to visit with them on Monday morning on our way to the hospital. Their dogs are beautiful and so sweet. Our dogs are one black and one gold and theirs are one black and one gold as well!! It was just so cute to see them as a group. They look like they all belong together: color coordinated, so sweet and happy. Just as soon as we are gone to Texas they can come home. That won't keep Jonas from missing them, but it will let the Burrows get back to a normal dog-human ratio in their home. You guys rock. = ) Officer Mark Wiley came by our house today after making his attemp downtown at the hospital (Ooooo.. again, I'm so sorry). He brought Jonas a special plaque the LS Police, and specifically the DARE unit, had made up for Jonas. It was a to commemorate his strength of spirit and courage in his battle against cancer. He also gave him two special coins, one from both the LS police force and one from the DARE unit, that he can keep in his pocket as touch-stones to remind him that he has entire force of brave men on his side, standing beside him, encouraging him to stay strong. Jonas was so honored. He tried to participate in the Junior Police Academy this summer, but we missed the deadline.... and got cancer instead. This was something that meant a lot to him. Thank you Officer Wiley for seeing that, and to the LS Police for reaching out to him this way. He has the coins in his pocket right now. Thanks to all the folks bringing us meals. Donna, Amber, Nikki. Jessica. .... Delish! Paul Morales, Just a great big, Thank You!!! Christine Laird- big thanks to you as well! Susan Murphy--thank you for the duckling therapy. Lol For now, no visitors. But I will keep you posted as to when he would like some company. I know I am forgetting something. Much love to you all. And I will try to do a better job keeping updates. = )
You are in all are in our thoughts and prayers every day! The Williams' in St Peters, MO
Posted 11 hours ago
by Penny Rich
Glad to hear and read a good update:) We keep reading and praying daily for you. Keep up the good work and if anything we can do, send, or pray for .....we will do so!!!
Posted 20 hours ago
Glad your weight is back up! Cool visits from LSPD! Sending love and prayers to you!!!
Posted 21 hours ago
by Kelli Jordan
We were glad to find he wasn't in the hospital! It meant he was home,so that's great.
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Mission Statement
The mission of St. John's Lutheran Church is to preach the Word of God in its purity and to teach this Word to all people. We do so through the means God has given us, the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.
What We Believe
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod accepts the Scriptures as the inspired and inerrant Word of God, and subscribes unconditionally to all the symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as a true and unadulterated statement and exposition of the Word of God.
We accept the Confessions because they are drawn from the Word of God and on that account regard their doctrinal content as a true and binding exposition of Holy Scripture and as authoritative for all pastors, congregations and other rostered church workers of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.