(Jesus said) "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life." John 5:24
A famous quote of questioned origins is this: "Nothing in life is certain other than death and taxes."
Maybe, but we will say more about that later.
The truth is many people seem to play the lottery, as if winning the jackpot were a sure thing. Now I'll admit there is some logic to the fact that somebody must eventually win that mega-million-dollar jackpot, and since somebody is going to win, everybody figures it might as well be them.
You know the logic: the odds in winning are 50-50. Either you win or you don't.
Now without speaking about the poor use of financial gifts the Lord has entrusted to us, let's look at the facts. To do so, I'd like you to consider the story of Bill Isles of Wichita. Not so long ago Isles bought three tickets for the Mega Millions lottery.
Naturally he did so hoping to be one of the winners in the record-breaking jackpot.
Hours after he bought those tickets, Isles, a storm spotter for the National Weather Service was struck by lightning. Now, he is pretty much okay. He wasn't burned and his heart, along with his memory, have done a bit of jumping around, but he'll be all right.
The point of Isles' story is this:
o the odds of him being hit by lightning are 1 in 835,000;
o the odds of him winning the Mega Millions jackpot were 1 in 175 million.
This leads me to conclude, if you don't think you're going to get struck by lightning, you really, really ought not to think you're going to win that lottery.
Or, as a pastor speaking from a completely practical point of view, your money can better be used in support of your Lord, your family and your church.
Indeed, I encourage you to use your cash for those purposes because, along with being sure about death and taxes, you can be sure of their love, too.
And if you're not sure of your family's love, you can be absolutely positive about the love of the Savior -- the Savior who gave His life so you might be forgiven and saved.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, I give thanks for a Savior whose sure love has guaranteed me a place in heaven. Grant that everything I do may show my appreciation of His sacrifice. In His Name. Amen. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: Who was Absalom? Absalom was a son of king David who killed his brother Amnon. He fled to Geshur but later returned to attempt to take his father's throne. He was defeated at Gilead and slain by Joab.
(Rich Boeger is the two day champion!!)
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TODAY'S QUIZ: Why did the Lord send a plague on Israel so that 70,000 men of Israel fell dead, and also God sent angel to destrpy Jerusalem? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CATECHISMQuestion: What invisible beings created by God are especially important to us?
Answer: angels
________________________________________________________________________________________________CHURCH CALENDAR Mon- confirmation 5-6:15; youth Bible study 6:30
Tues- quilters 9-2; Bible study 11:30-12:15; ALPHA starts with supper at 6:30; council meeting 7pm
Wed- Ladies Aid 1pm; bells 6:30; choir 7:30; newsletter deadline
Thurs- pastor's meeting in New Melle
Sat- Traveling fellowship group leaves for Arthur, IL 7am; worship 5pm
Sun- early Bible study 8am; worship 9am; Sunday school/Bible class 10:15am; worship 11am
________________________________________________________________________________________________NEWS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PEOPLE GETTING BAPTIZED AND RECEIVED INTO MEMBERSHIP THIS WEEKEND (All in the 11am service) Brian, Leeann, Kaci, and Kraig McLaughlin Angela, Emily and Ian Brunson ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PROJECTOR SCHEDULE NEEDS TO BE FILLED!!! A wonderful and easy way to help out! Thank you to the Emily and Lindsay Mauch, Adrienne and Natalie McDowell, and Marv Hendershot for doing it this weekend!! 21-
22- 9am Mckenzie 11am 28- Mckenzie29- 9am Schaumberg 11am- May 5- MckenzieMay 6- 9am 11am- May 12-May 13- 9am 11am- May 19-May 20- 9am Schaumberg 11am- May 26- PerriconeMay 27- 9am Mckenzie 11am June 2- PerriconeJune 3- 9am Schaumberg 11am_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
LITTLE LAMBS REGISTRATION FOR THE THREE YEAR OLD CLASS IS STILL OPEN!!!Children should be 3 years old by August 1. Call the church office to sign them up TODAY! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________TAILGATE SALE AND FLEA MARKET iS SATURDAY, MAY 5, 7am-1pmThis is held in conjunction witht he Ladies Aid Craft and Bake Sale and Luncheon Two ways you can help. 1. You cna donate GENTLY used items to Little Lambs who will sell them under the pavilion that day. You can buy a parking spot or two or three for $10 a piece and sell your own things Donations are going to the purchase of a "hands on" science lab and curriculum for Little Lambs. Drop of dates are April 30-May 4._____________________________________________________________________________________ALPHA CLASS STARTS TOMORROW!!! at 6:30pm
There are still spots left to sign up for the ALPHA class. It is a class for those who are new to the Bible and Christianity (making it a perfect opportunity for outreach and evangelism. but it is also good for the seasoned Christian to review and to grow in the faith. Many of the questions you have alway had but have been afraid to ask will be answered.
Our presenter will be Mr. Jim Muck who is a member of Faith Lutheran Church (LMCS) in Oakville, MO (south county!)
We will meet on Tuesday evenings beginning Tuesday, April 17th through Tuesday, July 3rd.
There will be dinner served at 6:30 PM. Childcare can be arranged, so don't let that hinder your signing up! Just let us know ASAP, so we have time to line someone up.
Please call Sandy Robine to sign up TODAY! 456-4061. Or email It starts Tuesday night April 17!!! We have 10 signed up already!
There is no set cost for this course! "Free will donations" will be accepted if you wish, or are able.
Looking forward to seeing you there - be ready to have a great time - REALLY! There may be laughing while we increase our knowledge, so be ready for that too! Let Alpha be the beginning of your new journey in Christ!
___________________________________________________________________________________________HELP TO FEED HUNGRY KIDS IN WARREN COUNTY WITH OPERATION BACKPACKIn the preschool room there is a box that you can put food in to feed extremely low income children in Warren County. Many of these kids get fed every day at school for breakfast and lunch, but what about the weekend? What the food listed below does for many of these children is gets them through the weekend when food is especially scarce. If you want more information about this program or you want to donate money to this causeyou can call Erin Waters at 359-9219 or email her at Here is the list of food you can bringcereal (single serve sizes)oatmeal (instant packets)hot chocolate mixjuice boxespeanut butterjelly (squeezable bottles)soupspaghettios or beefaronimac and cheesecorngreen beansgranola barsfruit snackspudding cupraisin boxesapplesauce cupsfruit cupscereal bardspretzelsindividually wrapped crackers or cookiesbread___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
TRAVELING FELLOWSHIP GROUP GOING TO THE AMISH COMMUNITY OF ARTHUR, IL ON APRIL 21. Cost is $65 per person. Sign up sheet in on the counter in the narthex or you can call Marilyn in the office to sign up. THERE ARE PLENTY OF SPOTS AVAILABLE!!!!! SIGN UP TODAY!!
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________STEWARDSHIP SPOLIGHT FOR THIS MONTH IS LUTHERAN HOUR MINISTRIES
This month's mission spolight is TURNING POINT. Turning Point is the emergency women's (and their children's) shelter in Warren County. If women feel they are in danger or they have no where else to turn they can call Turning Point and receive the help they need.
It is a worthwhile and well established mission to support. Go to to check out more about it and to donate directly to it. You can also donate by using your special offering envelopes and writing Turning Point on the memo line on your check.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________BIBLE 101: A NEW ONLINE "INTRODUCTORY" BIBLE STUDY IS AVAILABLE FOR ALL MEMBERS OF ST JOHN'S!!! Please call or reply to this email to let me know that you want to sign up for this wonderful opportunity. I will sign you up! The congregation has already paid the annual fee so IT IS FREE for you!!! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
PRAYERS: (If I have missed anyone please let me know.)
For DOLORES DEBLAZE'S SISTER ALINE HOWELL, who is having a rather difficult hip replacement tomorrow morning, the 16th.
FOr KEN DOVE (former member of St. John's and Jennifer Figura's dad) who is recovering from surgery.
For CAROLINE BUELTMANN who is recovering at her daughter's home from some heart troubles.
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is undergoing more treatments for cancer.
For LIBBY PAILER as she continues to recover well at home from heart surgery.
For DOLORES DEBLAZE as she deals with chemo treatments for stage four lung cancer.
For JEANETTE KOEHLER who is recovering well at the Cedars.
For JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, who is improving well and is gaining strength as he deals with his cancer.