-----Original Message-----
From: bimmyp@centurytel.net
Sent: June 13, 2014 9:16 AM
To: "Barbara Kernell" <barbkernell@gmail.com>, "Coleen Bottorff" <cibottorff@gmail.com>, "DAVID" <dgwinter@centurylink.net>, "DOUGLAS PAILER" <dpailer@msn.com>, "Dawn DeBlaze" <deblazeassoc@centurytel.net>, "Esther Peirce" <epeirce@sbcglobal.net>, "Floyd Cantrell" <floydc@usmo.com>, "Janice Lucas" <jlucas1950@gmail.com>, "Jim Biggerstaff" <JDB805@sio.midco.net>, "John Sander" <johnpaul67@bellsouth.net>, "Judith Pailer" <jpailer@att.net>, "Lucille Luebke" <lucilleluebke@yahoo.com>, "Margaret Pailer" <mmpailer@yahoo.com>, "Pamb" <pbueltmann@centurytel.net>, "Patricia King" <ctx43801@centurytel.net>, "Scott Deblaze" <sdeblaze@gmail.com>, "Shannon Tobben" <stobben@associatedmgt.net>, "Sue Ruhl" <muleears606@hotmail.com>, "Sue Strider" <suestrider123@yahoo.com>, "bruce Wibracht" <bcwibracht@yahoo.com>, "carole johnson" <djohnson1464@sbcglobal.net>, "charles stark" <cvstark@centurytel.net>, dmeder9728@charter.net, jeanmoodie@aol.com, "jeremy klaustermeier" <revklaus@hotmail.com>, "wilma weigle" <wlw@socket.net>
Subject: My Libby
Hello Friends! Just a little note to up date my Libby's rehab. She was in high spirits yesterday thursday. She got to go to the beauty shop and get her hair shampooed. They take her every morning. for theropy. It lasts about an hour . Then she uses the walker to walk back to her room. It is quite a distance but she endures it. She dosen't want a pain pill during the day so it will be more effective at night. Each day she feels better. Thanks to the power of the prayers you friends are sending to our Lord. Please keep them up. We do not know when she will be released . Only time will tell. Love from Lib and Larry P