Prayer request
National Day of Prayer Flyer for THURSDAY - MAY 1, 2014
Friday, April 25, 2014
By Pastor Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
Use these devotions in your newsletter and bulletin! Used by permission; all rights reserved by the Int'l LLL (LHM).
"You and Your Church"
April 25, 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
The salvation story of Jesus Christ reaches around the world. So that the readers of our Daily Devotion may see the power of the Savior on a global scale, we have asked the volunteers of our International Ministry Centers to write our Friday devotions. We pray that the Spirit may touch your day through their words.
In Christ, I remain, His servant and yours,
Kenneth R. Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
Many great people who are remembered with great respect and whose history is treasured by millions of people started their lives with humble beginnings.
Every nation with which I am acquainted has an example of rags to riches.
One such great name in the United States is that of Abraham Lincoln. Born in a log cabin, his first employment was as a woodcutter. From there he advanced in learning, skill and political acumen to become a great man who changed lives.
The Bible has several such individuals. High on anyone's list would be David. In his father's house, David was the youngest and, presumably, the smallest. When we first meet him, he is "low man on the totem pole," a shepherd boy hardly worthy of a second glance. Yes, that was the way David began, but the Lord raised David up from being a shepherd to being the king of His people.
Biblical examples like David help us understand that the Lord can make a "silk purse out of a sow's ear." The Lord is the One who is in control, and He is the One who can raise up an individual from the most humble of circumstances to accomplish His purposes.
Consider Mary, the mother of Jesus our Lord. In her spontaneous song, which we call the "Magnificat," she says, "For He that is mighty hath done to me great things" (see Luke 1:46-55). Truly, Mary understood that the Lord had selected her for a divine purpose, and she was going to be grateful for what He was doing.
If you take a look at the text above, you will realize that David didn't always have Mary's humble spirit. If you read other places concerning David's life, you will find that every once in a while, David seemed to forget the Lord had been and should remain in control. In other words, the Lord had lifted up David, but David didn't always lift up the Lord.
David offers a reminder to us who have been so very blessed by the Savior. Once we were in sin and condemned to hell, but now, by the suffering, death and resurrection of the Christ, we are forgiven and have been adopted into the family of faith.
We are no longer slaves to sin; we are beloved children of God.
THE PRAYER: Lord God our Father, You have raised us from condemnation to salvation. Help us to understand You are with us and Your strength will lead us throughout our walk of life. Grant us a thankful heart, so we may be equally faithful in lifting you up before this dark and tragic world. This I ask in the Name of the Savior. Amen.
Biography of Author: Today's international devotion was written by the Reverend P. Chelladurai, a retired pastor from the Nagercoil Synod of the India Evangelical Lutheran Church. He served in various congregations in the Nagercoil Synod and also served as the editor for the official magazine of IELC. He is an active volunteer for Lutheran Hour Ministries in India. Pastor Chelladurai, helps us in the preparation of our daily devotion materials in the Tamil Language and also is part of our panel of writers for the youth vacation Bible school. He lives in the town of Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu with his wife, children and grandchildren. In this country of 1.2 billion people, Lutheran Hour Ministries-India is known as Christian Media Centre and began operations in 1951. Using Bible Correspondence Courses (BCC) in six languages -- Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Hindi Marathi, Gujarati and English -- this ministry center reaches out with the Gospel. It also utilizes the Internet to broadcast around-the-clock radio messages of love and hope. Beyond this, short dramas, devotional songs, stage plays, and dance routines are offered to convey the Gospel to audiences in remote villages and cities. To find out more about what's happening in India, you can check out its blog at
To learn more about our International Ministries, click here or visit
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Click the video below to learn how you can be energized, equipped and SENT to share the unique message of God's grace through Jesus to people in your community. |
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I always enjoy Pat King's responses to this question. Here's a good one.
Who became king after Solomon?
Sat- LWML Spring Rally at Zion, Harvester; Bible study 4pm; worship 5pm
Sun- Worship 8:30; Sunday school and Bible Study 9:45; 8th GRADE CONFIRMATION 11am
Acolytes- 8:30- Patrick Schaumberg 11- Sophie Tinnin
Altar guild- Set up- Terry McKenzie; Clean Up- Sandy Robine
Greeters- 8:30- Brett and Amanda Nordwald 11- Steve and Sandy Robine
Communion Assistants- Sat- John Hachtel; 8:30- Rich Talbert; 11- Jim Rahn
Lay Readers- Sat- John Hachtel; 8:30- Jo Fahrni; 11am- Jacob Nagel
8:30 Ushers- Don Hance, RIch Boeger, Don Weigle, Don Tate
Projectors- Sat- Terry McKenzie, 8:30- Julie Schaumberg, 11- ?????
Any questions, PLEASE CONTACT SANDY ROBINE DIRECT AT 636-456-4147 OR EMAIL SANDY ROBINE AT snsrobine@centurytel.netThank you all so much for helping to make this National Day of Prayer Breakfast such a special day for all of us in the community. Hope to see many of you there that day, May 1 at 6:30 AM. It should be easy, now that we all are in "practice" making it to our Easter morning worship at 6:30!!For maximum freshnessPlease bring your donated to the items ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 2014Please put them in the church kitchen on the island or in the refrigeratorPLEASE clearly mark your items "FOR NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER BREAKFAST"so the prayer breakfast items don't get mixed up with the Ladies Aid items for their eventI will be setting up on Wednesday (early evening) in the overflow area of the church.The donated items are as follows:ORANGE JUICE 1 GALLON Donated by Don & Wanda TurnureMILK 1 GALLON Donated by Dave & Lil Winter1/2 & 1/2 1 QUART Donated by Steve & Sandy RobineMUFFINS 3 DOZEN TOTAL 1 Dozen donated by Terry & Lynn Russell2 Dozen donated by Walt & Betty SchirrDONUTS 3 DOZEN Donated by Doug & Ruth WaltersFRUIT YOGURT 6 individual containers Donated by Dave & Linda Callies(variety - some Low Fat)BANANAS 8 TOTAL 4 Donated by Mim Dunn4 Donated by Molly HendershotBAGELS (variety) 1 DOZEN Donated by Terry McKenzieCREAM CHEESE 1 CONTAINER Donated by Terry McKenzieI CAN'T BELIEVEIT'S NOT BUTTER 2 CONTAINERS 1 Donated by Terry McKenzie1 Donated by Elaine SchauerENGLISH MUFFINS 1 DOZEN (PLAIN) 1 Dozen plain donated by Denise SchlesselmanFRUIT PRESERVES 3 JARS 1 JAR Strawberry & 1 JAR Grape donated by John & Joanne Hachtel1 JAR "NO SUGAR" Apricot donated by Lil & Dave WinterHARD BOILED EGGS 2 DOZEN 1 Dozen donated by Ken & Marilyn Foster1 Dozen leftover from Easter breakfast - Marilyn will boil both dozen.Thanks again so very much to each and every one of you!
Reserve an inside vendor table for $20 or a tailgate space for $10 by filling out a registration form in the church office. Inside tables will not be reserved until forms are filled out and paid for. First come first served!!
My name is Kelsey Overbeck and I will be your DCE intern this year from Concordia University Nebraska. I am from a little town called Pocahontas, Missouri
which is in the southeast part of the state with a population of 114 people. I live on a 70 acre farm where we raise angus cattle, a few chickens, a brittany spaniel named Brownie, and a boston terrier named Cooper. My parents are Pat and Doug Overbeck; my dad is a line technician for Proctor & Gamble and my mom is disabled with Multiple Sclerosis, I also have a 16 year old sister named Lindsey who is a sophomore at
Saxony Lutheran High School.
Jackson, Missouri. I have been involved in my church praise band for 8 years playing acoustic guitar and bass guitar. I was a member of the Missouri District LYF Team during high school where I helped plan and lead retreats in the state of Missouri and I continued to help with the Jr. High retreats in the fall and spring while in college. I love being at retreats and serving on missions trips. I have been to New Orleans six different times helping with hurricane Katrina relief, I have helped with the Joplin tornado relief two different times, and I have worked with UKANDU missions in inner city Chicago
teaching VBS to kids living in poverty.
Nebraska alongside DCE Rod Lane. At school I was involved in two different praise bands each year and was able to travel to different churches throughout the state of Nebraska on Sunday mornings; I have also had the opportunity to play at the NYG in San Antonio, Texas and at the LEA Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Also while at
Concordia I was the Bulldog mascot for a year. My passion is working with youth and helping them on their faith walk with Christ. I strive to be a positive role model to them as well. One of my biggest strengths that I
bring into youth ministry is a listening ear because a lot of times they just want someone to be there to listen and talk to. I am very excited to be a part of your church during my internship experience! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me at St. John’s
Lutheran Church!
In Him, For Him,
Kelsey Overbeck
October 4--A DAY IN ST. LOUIS-- We will tour places that are hidden gems in St. Louis
Let Marilyn know if you are interested in either of these trip so she can make definite plans.
I will be biking across part of Kansas, about 220 miles in all, on June 7-9 to raise money for Lead a Child is a LCMS recognized service organization that provides funding for kids to attend schools, many of them Christian schools, in third world countries. It has provided A LOT for ministries and missions to help kids who would otherwise have NO EDUCATION in places like Guatemala, Kenya, Uganda, Mexico, and many other places. Please consider supporting me so that we can continue to support children throughout the world! As of January 1, I am also on the board of directors for this organization.
PRAYER REQUESTS: (If you have a prayer request please reply to this email or call me at 636-359-1061)
THOSE WITH CANCER, especially RICK SPINIOLAS, and the many others among our family and friends who are struggling with cancer.
An article by Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs on the book "Heaven is For Real"