St. John's Group Email another prayer request
Thank you,
Molly Hendershot
St. John's Group Email Prayer request
Thank you,
Lisa Sutor-Rausch
St. John's Group Email Thursday, April 28, 2011
From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who, through Christ, reconciled us to Himself and gave us this ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the wordl to Himself, not counting their tresspasses against them and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
When you look in the mirror, or take a good hard look at yourself and your life, how do you regard yourself? Is it according to the flesh with all its failures, shortcomings, and brokenness? if so, you may find yourself depressed, angry, bitter, and discouraged. You may think of yourself as worthless and horrible. You may even wonder why God is keeping you alive.
Or do you regard yourself according to being "in Christ"? If so you see yourself as a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come. You regard your life as now hidden with God in Christ. You see yourself as you no longer living but Christ living in you.
In the passage above Paul instructs us to think of ourselves and each other in this way. He wants us to regard each other as we are, as brothers and sisters in Christ. He wants us to see each other as Jesus' forgiven and saved children.
If we regard each other according to the flesh and judge each other in such a way, then we will see nothing but sin, because our flesh, including our brain is full of it. If we regard each other according to the SPirit that lives in us, then we will see each other as we truly are.
I encourage you all to see each other, especially those with whom you have conflicts and troubles, the way the Father sees you. If you see Jesus in people then you will have no other choice but to forgive and love, which, after all, is Christ's greatest command.
Prayer: Lord God, help us to see Christ in each other so that we may fulfill the law of love and grow together in Christ. Amen.
YESTERDAY'S QUIZ: Who was Jeduthun? Jeduthun was one of three primary singers and musical directors appointed by David to serve along with his Levite brethren at the tabernacle.
Here's a hard one: What does it mean when it says in Psalm 84 "according to Gittith"?
Question: What is confirmation?
Answer: It is a public rite of the church preceeded by a period of instruction designed to help baptized Christians identify witht he life and mission of the Christian community.
Sun- Christina Benke, Molly Hendershot, Jacob Winn
Mon- Josh Okeefe
Tues- Doug Norris
Wed- Mike Smith, Ray Stark
Thurs- Lisa Owenby, Meagan Robb
Fri- Maryann Hoelscher, David Kuehl
Sat- Tim Linke
Sun- Gus Klaustermeier
none this week
Thurs- LWML Spring Rally
Fri- Ladies Aid setting up and cooking for their Spring Bazaar
Sat- Tailgate Sale 7am-1pm; Ladies Aid Spring Bazaar 9am-1pm; worship 5pm
Sun- Early bible class 8am; worship 9am; Sunday school and Bible class 10:30am
Projector- Sat- McKenzie; Sun- Figura
Elder- Sat-McDowell, Sun- Winter
Ushers- Hofeldt, Linke, Berryman, Turnure
Acolyte- Winn
Lay reader- Berryman
Greeters- Sherman
Altar- Setup- Hance; Clean Up-Schlesselmann
Organist- Hilgendorf
Tellers- Team #1
As most of you know our church is going through a time that we call the CARE process. CARE stands for Congregational Assessment and Renewal. It is a time that we can take a step back and look at things that are going on in our church, assess what is good and bad, work on fixing the bad, reconcile and restore broken relationships, emphasize the good, and grow together as a congregation.
We took the first step last night with the congregational meeting, at which Pastor Gene Wyssmann and Ken Wesemann led us through the process and introduced different ways of thinking about our church and also how the process will work.
This coming week each communicant member of the church will get a questionnaire/survey in the mail (If there are four communicant members in yoru household you will get four surveys) that is two pages in length and will require your thought and input. It will come with a self addresses and stamped envelope that will get mailed directly to Pastor Wyssmann who will collate all of the information he recieves, discuss it with Pastor Wesemann and President Mirly and then come back to St. John's to give us recommendations on how to move forward.
I urge you to complete the survey and send it in. It is vital to the health and growth of the church that you do so.
God bless you as you contemplate the questions and answer them thoroughly.
Please reserve your spot this week by calling the church office. All proceeds of money collected on spots will go to our Little Lambs preschool
Little Lambs will also have their own "store" underneath the pavillion for you to peruse. ALl of the money raised fromt hat sale will also go to Little Lambs.
All the money raised will be matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
Come and check out all the goodies and get a wonderful lunch while you are at it!!
Here are the rest of the practices for the jr. and sr. high youth choir. We will sing on May 8th - Mother's Day.
It begins with a wonderful DELUXE continental breakfast at 6:30am.
The Prayer service begins at 7am. It will take about 30-45 minutes.
Bring your whole family before school and work! What a great way to start your day!
We are planning for all Youth to do Hwy 47 clean-up on Sunday, May 15 (weather permitting). We will meet in the Youth room after the service to have a devotion and then head out. Afterwards we will go to Binkley park and have a picnic lunch.
The folks in Japan have been dealing with the effects of a very severe earthquake that caused a lot of destruction. We truly need to continue to help them in any way we can. Go to to see how you can help.
PRAYER REQUESTS: (Please reply to this email to have prayer requests posted.)
For NORBERT HEITGERD whose cancer has returned and who is going to be starting treatments soon.
For ROBYN MCNEW'S BROTHER, KEN MEYER, who has been taken off of the breathing help he has been on, but is still unresponsive.
For LES SHERMAN who is hospitalized with a mass on his lung and congestive heart failure.
For ALAN HOFELDT'S MOTHER who is recovering from digestion problems and is unable to eat.
For GERTIE BESSERT, sister of Gene Hilgendorf, who is nearing the end of her life after a long, hard battle against cancer.
For PAUL TOEDEBUSCH who is had a non spreading tumor on his bladder that was removed by surgery. He is doing well.
For MARY SUE TOEDEBUSCH who is having serious problems and pain due to reumatoid arthritis.
For PAT MANNESS, former member of St. John's who is going to have to have hip replacement and is in very poor health in many different ways.
For RUTH CANTRELL who is still having problems with her eye and with headaches. THe cause has yet to be identified.
For OUR CHURCH as we begin to deal with our many conflicts and how to best resolve them and reconcile with one another.
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St. John's Group Email Update on Friday storms: from the Missour District Office LCMS
I'm sure that you join me in giving thanks to our gracious heavenly Father for providing protection for all who were directly impacted by the severe weather in the greater St. Louis Metropolitan area this past Friday. The T.V. images are almost beyond comprehension, aren't they?
Saturday morning I phoned each church office and/or pastor that I believed might have been impacted by the severe weather. There were only a couple of instances where I had to leave a voice mail. From personal contacts I can report to you that of those I spoke with, no LCMS church or associated property sustained any significant damage. Further, only one pastor reported having a member that lost their home. Others reported some tree damage, yard debris, fences blown down, etc.
If you, a member, or someone in your community did sustain damage and are in need of immediate financial assistance, please contact Glen Merritt (314.996.1395) at Lutheran World Relief and Human Care. He and his department will guide you to the application process for such assistance.
Other agencies or organizations providing assistance are:
United Way's 211 is serving as the central information point for all activity related to the disaster. If you know of someone affected by the tornadoes, have them call 211 to access help. Operators are available 24/7. Dial 211 (just like 911 in an emergency) from a landline or (314) 421-INFO from a cell phone. Information is free and confidential.
If your congregation wants to help:
- Call United Way's 211 for volunteer opportunities. They are coordinating information on how best/where to volunteer. Dial 211 (just like 911 in an emergency) from a landline or (314) 421-INFO from a cell phone.
- Response organizations ask that you NOT just "show up" in a neighborhood to help as this could have unintended negative consequences. Please volunteer through a disaster response organization.
- Service International organized a clean-up effort today in the Bridgeton area. Volunteers were to report to Grace Church (2695 Creve Coeur Mill Road, Maryland Heights) and wear work boots/hard-soled shoes. While this work will probably go on all week, please contact United Way's 211 each day to see if volunteers continue to be needed at this location or at new locations.
- Please do NOT start a clothing or supply drive in your congregation. While these items may be needed down the line, at this point there does not exist a mass collection facility and the need for specific items is as yet undetermined.
- Be aware that the recovery effort will take months. Continue to be in contact with United Way's 211 for ways in which your congregation can get involved on an on-going basis.
- You can donate money to the following organizations:
- Lutheran Family & Children's Services of Missouri - designate the gift for St. Louis Disaster Response. They will focus on long-term recovery needs
- American Red Cross
- Salvation Army
- If you choose to donate to other organizations, please do your research to determine their reputation and effectiveness
God bless your day,
Rev. Ray Mirly