DEVOTION: "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me." The Story p. 61
This first commandment is the greatest of commandments and all the other flow from this first one. If you don't have God as the first, foremost, and only God in your life none of the other commandments will matter to you. You will follow them if you want to, or not, it will be all up to you.
If the Almighty God is first and foremost in your life, then all of those other commandments will matter. You will see those commands as the utmost authority and when you don't follow them and are reminded of them, you will realize your sinfulness, weakness, and inability to control yourself at all times. The you will run to the Lord, fall at His feet, and ask for forgiveness.
In chapter five of The Story you will see that the Israelites had trouble with this command over and over again, and when they did things went really bad for them. When we have other gods before the one true God things often go badly for us too.
I want to encourage you, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to make the Almighty, Triune God Lord of your life and your only true God today! Realize that you haven't always done so, and repent of your sin so that you may experience the grace and peace of Christ for your life.
Let us pray: Lord God, bless us with the ability to keep You first in our lives this week and always. Amen.
THURSDAY'S QUIZ: Who (or what) was traveling in front of the nation of Israel and leading them until they got to the Red Sea and then went behind them to protect them? The angel of the Lord ___________________________________________________________________________________________________MONDAY'S QUIZ: What chapter and verses in Exodus contain the 10 commandments?_________________________________________________________________________________________CALENDAR:Mon- Confirmation 5-6:15; Steak Dinner meeting 6:30pm
Tues- Quilters 9-2pm; Bible Study 11:30-12:15; Debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye 6pm at Warrenton Christian Church
Wed- Jonesburg Nursing Home Worship 10:30; Choir 7pm
Thurs- Alzheimers Support Group Meeting 1pm
Sat- The Story Chapter 5 Study 4pm; worship 5pm
Sun- worship 8:30 and 11; Sunday school and Adult Bible class on The Story Ch. 5 9:45
Acolytes- 8:30- Siera Jaeger; 11- Hannah Johnson
Altar guild- Set up- Terry McKenzie; Clean up- Wanda Turnure
Greeters- 8:30- Marv and Molly Hendershot; 11- Steve and Sandy Robine
Communion Assistants- Sat- Charlie Figura; 8:30- Don Turnure; 11- Steve Robine
Lay Readers- Sat- Marcia Sevier; Sun- Tim Linke; 11am Ian Brunson
Sat. Pianist- Kathy Barrow
8:30 Ushers- Allan Dreyer, Lew Feldkamp, Paul Klover, Kent Jacobsmeyer
NEWS: PLEASE GO TO THE BROADCAST OF THE DEBATE BETWEEN KEN HAM OF THE CREATION MUSEUM AND BILL NYE "The Science Guy" Tuesday night at 6pm at Warrenton Christian Church!! This is a once in a lifetime event that those who are interested in creation science and believe in what the Bible says about creation shouldn't miss.
THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDY AND WORSHIP: THE STORY: CHAPTER 5 "New Commands and a New Covenant"Come to worship and Bible Study to hear all about how God took care of His people in the wilderness, how they disobeyed them, how they faced judgment, and how God had mercy on them.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ MEN'S BREAKFAST WAS POSTPONED THIS PAST SATURDAY TO THIS COMING SATURDAY!!This is an open invitation to all men to come and join us for a wonderful breakfast, fellowship, and Bible study!Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and learning HOW WE GOT THE BIBLE!! Let me know if you are coming!!____________________________________________________________________________________________________
STEAK DINNER AND AUCTION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 BEGINNING AT 6PM!! Tickets are on sale in the narthex before and after worship or you can call the church office during the week to get yours! Come and enjoy a wonderful time, wonderful food, and get lots of good deals and on stuff that you will really use and need!! _________________________________________________________________________________________ HELP FOR PARENTS TO GUIDE THEIR CHILDREN THROUGH THE STORY A big part of The Story experience is that the whole family grows together in it as each person in the family reads it, you will all literally be on the same page. yet, it may be hard to get discussion going or to help you get started together. Are you looking for a way to connect with your kids as they and you read The Story together? There's help!
If you click the link below you will find parent pages for all age groups that you can use to connect with your kids at least once a week. Whenever your "together" time is, make it productive. It is a .pdf file of parent pages that goes from lesson one all the way through 31. Check it out and tell me what you think. I think they are excellent!! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ NEW BIBLE STUDY DAY AND TIME ADDED TO THE SCHEDULE In order to give everyone a chance to participate fully in The Story we have added a Saturday afternoon Bible study at 4pm. This is especially good for those who normally attend worship on Saturday evening, but is for EVERYONE who wants to attend!!
___________________________________________________________________________________________ PRAYER REQUESTS: (If you have a prayer request please reply to this email or call me at 636-359-1061) DAVE CALLIES, as he recovers from knee replacement at home.
Terry McKenzie's
cousin's sister-in-law who has a bad brain injury.
JONAS BORCHERT, grandson of Don Nolte, as he continues to deal with cancer in his lungs.
DONNA HEITGERD recovering at Scott and Lani Heitgerd's from a broken hip.
WILMA WEIGLE as she continues to recover from pneumonia and other complications due to brain surgery.
PAMELA, a friend of Kathy Fischer, who is suffering with a different types of cancer and is recovering from surgery.
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